Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 968 Prelude to the Storm (3)

"Okay, for tonight, you first have someone prepare the divorce agreement, and leave the rest to me." Ana Shen secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then advised.

After seeing Shen Hua off, Shen Yan turned around and walked into the room.

"You all get out."


In an instant, the two of them were left in the room.

"Awei, what's going on?" Ana Shen pulled up a chair and sat down beside the bed.

"Shen Hua just forced me to sign the marriage registration document, but I refused. Then he asked someone to do it directly online, and then he found out that An Zhe and I had registered. I don't know about this either," Jian Wei explained.

Ana Shen frowned, "You mean you don't know about registration either?"

Jian Wei nodded, "I was shocked just now."

Ana Shen touched his chin, pondered for a moment, and said quietly, "Maybe Jian Qing did this."

"No matter who did it, this is a good thing for me." Jian Wei pulled her lips and smiled.

Ana Shen looked around, then leaned close to her ear, and then told her his plan.

"Awei, my brother will bring the divorce agreement later. You should follow his wishes and sign the divorce agreement. Just wait until you leave."

"I know." Jian Wei said.

"I have to arrange some things, so I'll leave first. If you have anything, you can tell Dr. Coson," he said.


After coming out of the small garden, Shen Yan went to find Shen Hua. When he arrived in his study, Shen Hua was discussing his condition with Dr. Kesen.

He knocked on the door and walked in.

"Second Young Master."

Dr. Coson looked at Ana Shen's rare rosy face and immediately understood something.

"Dr. Keson, is this my inspection report?" Ana Shen stepped forward, picked up the report on the table, and asked.

"Yes." Dr. Coson nodded, "Second Young Master, as long as you continue to take your medicine on time, there will generally be no major problems."

Ana Shen put down the document and looked at Shen Hua with a smile, "Brother, you heard it yourself. Dr. Cosen said that I will be fine, so don't worry."

Shen Hua ignored him and asked Dr. Keson directly, "When can he perform surgery?"

"Next week at the earliest." Dr. Coson said according to Ana Shen's instructions.

"Okay, then next week." Shen Hua said decisively, leaving no room for Shen Yan to refuse.

Just when Shen Yan was about to speak, Shen Hua took out a document and threw it to him, "This matter is not negotiable. Take the divorce agreement and let her sign it. You can go out first. I still have documents to read."

Ana Shen took the document and sighed softly, "I will ask Ah Wei to sign the document later, and then ask Ah Er to send it to An Zhe. I will ask Jian Qing to persuade him to sign it. Brother, I also hope you won't be wrong. He started."

After saying that, he walked out of the study.

It's late at night and the sea breeze is cool.

In the room, Ana Shen and Jian Qing were confirming their plans to leave tomorrow.

Ana Shen told Jian Qing and others what happened in Xiaoyuan today, and decided to change the time of departure to the morning.

"Jian Qing, remember I will hold my brother down tomorrow morning. You only have half an hour. Remember to leave immediately after receiving Awei. Don't delay for a second." Shen Yan warned.

"I understand." Jian Qing nodded.

"This is my mobile phone. Take it and call your people as soon as you leave here and notify them to pick you up." Ana Shen took out his mobile phone and handed it to Jian Qing, saying uneasily, "Awei's Your body has not fully recovered and cannot withstand the bumps, so you should be careful."

Listening to his tone, Jian Qing felt as if she would never see him again, and her heart was filled with panic.

"Shen Yan, come with us." Mo Xiao said.

Ana Shen glanced at him and curled her lips, "Actually, this is all what we owe you, so don't worry about me. An Zhe, I probably won't be able to drink the wedding wine between you and Awei. Let's go with him in advance." You said congratulations."

At the end, he added, "This apology is for my brother. I'm sorry." If it weren't for his brother, their family would be very happy.

Jian Qing and Quan Jingwu looked at each other with tense faces.

It was a long night, but no one could sleep.

The sky gradually broke, revealing a fish-belly white color, and the clouds crowded into a ball and gathered on the horizon, as if soaked in blood, looking magnificent red.

Ana Shen sat in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, having not slept all night, her face was still rosy.

The fiery red sun reflected his eyes, and the corners of his lips were slightly raised, with a smile that was somewhat peaceful and relieved.

He reached for the medicine bottle beside him, poured out the last pill, and put it into his mouth without hesitation.

Ah Er opened the door and came in. When he saw the medicine bottle in his hand, a flash of pain flashed deep in his eyes.

The footsteps behind him were approaching step by step.

Ana Shen stood up. After sitting all night, his legs were a little numb.

He rubbed his numb legs and said, "Is everything arranged?"

Ah Er replied, "It's arranged."

"Why are you looking so sad?" Ana Shen looked at his tragic expression and joked, "I'm not very good at it. If the two of us fight, you probably won't be able to beat me."

Although those pills would hasten his death, at least he felt relaxed now. He had never been more relaxed. He was completely in a normal state and no longer had to suffer from the pain of falling ill from time to time.

Ah Er lowered his head and remained silent.

"Let's go."

Ana Shen patted his shoulder and walked out first.

Downstairs, Jian Qing and his party were all here.

"An Zhe, take Shi Qi and the others to the boat and wait there. Ah Er will lead the way." Shen Yan glanced at the two little treasures and felt reluctant to part with them.

He stretched out his hand and touched the little faces of the two little treasures, "Seventeen and nineteen, be well."

"Be careful yourself." Mo Xiao looked at Ana Shen and said.

"Well, let's go."

Mo Xiao followed A'er and left with the two little treasures in his arms. Ana Shen turned to look at Jian Qing and Quan Jingwu, "You guys wait here first. When A'er comes back, you can take action."

Jian Qing nodded and Ana Shen walked out quickly.

As Shen Yan expected, Shen Hua went to Xiaoyuan early in the morning.

It was still the same, he occasionally said a few words, but Jian Wei kept ignoring him, and the atmosphere between the two was deadlocked.

Shen Hua poured a glass of water and put it in front of her, "Weiwei, drink some water first."

Jian Wei remained silent and kept looking at the scenery outside the window.

"Weiwei, when we get the divorce agreement back, we will get married right away. Then I will take you on a trip. I remember you said that you want to travel around the world." Shen Hua babbled, with a smile on his lips. With a gentle smile.

"Young Master, something happened."

Ah Huohuo walked in anxiously, looking in a hurry.

"What's the matter?" The smile on Shen Hua's lips disappeared completely.

"Something happened to the Second Young Master."

Shen Hua stood up awkwardly, "What's going on?"

"Early this morning, I heard Ah Er say that the Second Young Master is not feeling well. He suddenly fell ill and has been sent to the examination room." Ah Da Dao said, "However, Dr. Coson said that the situation is not good."

"Why isn't Ayan still fine?" Jian Wei pretended to be nervous and lifted the quilt to get out of bed.

"Weiwei, you wait here, I'll go check on the situation." Shen Hua stopped her and said in a calm voice.

Then, he walked out quickly, with Ada chasing behind him.

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