Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 974 Exchange between Weng and his son-in-law (3)

Mo Xiao laughed and hugged her from behind, "So, you are destined to be my wife and the mother of my child."

"Haha." Jian Wei leaned into his arms and smiled contentedly.

"The water is almost cold. Let's wash up first and then go eat." Mo Xiao hugged her sideways and Jian Wei chuckled without any hesitation.

"Dear husband, I'm sorry to trouble you."

Mo Xiao rubbed her forehead and said, "It's no trouble, just promise me."

"Okay, this deal doesn't sound like a bad deal." Jian Wei took advantage of the situation.

The two looked at each other and smiled, still understanding each other as before.

the other side

In the bathroom, a water fight was going on.

Jian Qing walked into the bathroom with a big bath towel and trembled when she saw the father and son having fun.

The entire bathroom floor was wet.

The two little babies, with their fair and tender little bodies naked and unwashed foam on their heads, were running around in the bathroom like two headless flies.

And the biggest culprit is Quan Jingwu.

He sat leisurely on the small stool, holding the showerhead in his hand, and the warm water jets continued to shoot at the two little treasures.

"Mommy, help."

Shi Qi saw Jian Qing coming in and quickly ran to hide at her feet.

Jian Qing quickly closed the door, fearing that the air conditioning air would escape and freeze the little one.

She took the bath towel and wrapped it around Shiqi, hugged him up, and rolled her eyes ungracefully at Quan Jingwu.

"Xiao Jing, is it fun to bully your own son?"

Quan Jingwu raised his lips, "It's okay."


Jian Qing was speechless.

"Mommy, Daddy is bad." Nineteen ran over, wiped the water droplets on his face with his fleshy little hands, and accused Quan Jingwu of his evil deeds.

Jian Qing put Seventeen into the bathtub, then picked up Nineteen and put her in.

Then, she turned around and looked at Quan Jingwu, and snatched the showerhead from his hand very "domineeringly".

"Xiao Jing, did you hear that? Your son is already complaining about you."

Quan Jingwu stretched out his strong arms and easily pulled her into his arms. He smiled evilly and said, "I didn't hear you. Why don't you say it again."

"Get lost." Jian Qingyou spat.

"Good boy, it's not good to say dirty words in front of your son." Quan Jingwu lowered his head.

Jian Qingqing smiled and asked, "Then do you know that acting like a gangster in front of your son is not a good influence?"

"No, I am improving their emotional intelligence." Quan Jingwu said seriously.

The level of seriousness made Jian Qing almost believe him.

Reasoning is useless against his bad taste.

Jian Qing raised the showerhead in her hand and aimed at his handsome face.

Quan Jingwu didn't hide, and let the water spray onto his face.

"Mommy, great." Shiqi lay on the edge of the bathtub, smiling from ear to ear.

Quan Jingwu glanced at the two happy little treasures, and finally his eyes fell on the person in his arms. His purple eyes deepened, and he picked her up and put her directly into the bathtub.

"Ah, Quan Jingwu!"

The showerhead fell into the bathtub, and she grabbed his collar. Quan Jingwu fell into the bathtub, and the two little ones were squeezed into a small corner of the bathtub.

Neither of the two little treasures could stand firmly and staggered down in the bathtub.


A family of four squeezed into the bathtub, making big splashes.

"Quan Jingwu, you are so heavy!" Jian Qing pushed him in disgust, Quan Jingwu raised his lips and smiled, approaching even more.

"Get up quickly, Seventeen and Nineteen are going to catch a cold later."

Quan Jingwu glanced aside, and Seventeen and Nineteen stared at them curiously.

"Let them sleep by themselves at night." He took the opportunity to request.

Jian Qing instantly understood his voiceover and rejected it without thinking, "No, they are still young."

"They didn't sleep with us when they were in the capital." Quan Jingwu reminded.

Jian Qing said, "It just doesn't work anyway."

"Then let them sleep with Jian Luo." Quan Jingwu said.

Jian Qing glanced at him and said, "Then you go and convince Black Jack first."

Black Jack would be damned if he could agree.

"You said so." Quan Jingwu agreed readily.

Jian Qing nodded, and Quan Jingwu, who was rare, simply got up from her, hugged Shi Qi and helped him rinse the foam from his head.

Jian Qing glanced at him suspiciously, then picked up Jiujiu and helped him take a bath, but deep down she still wondered what Quan Jingwu was selling in the gourd.

At night, the manor is brightly lit.

Walking in the stairwell, Jian Qing could hear the laughter and laughter in the living room.

Jian Luo sat next to Jian Wei on the sofa. I don't know what he said, which made the smile on Jian Wei's face never disappear.


Nineteen got down from Jian Qing's arms and happily ran into Mr. Jian's arms.

"Oh, my little great-grandson!" Mr. Jian picked up Nineteen and took a few bites on his delicate little face.

"Are you hungry, huh?"

"Hungry, Nineteen, I'm hungry." Nineteen's voice was soft and authentic.

Mr. Jian touched his little head lovingly and looked at Uncle Qin aside, "Notify the kitchen that the meal is ready."


"Seventeen, come here, grandma will hold you." Jian Wei looked at Shiqi with bright eyes, and her gentle voice made Mo Xiao feel a little disgusted.

Quan Jingwu put down Qi Qi, and Qi Qi climbed into Jian Wei's arms familiarly.

Jian Luo inadvertently glanced at Mo Xiao aside and smiled slyly, "Dad, it seems that your status in Mom's heart is going to be lowered again."

You dare to tease him, you are so cowardly.

Mo Xiao stretched out his hand to give him a blow, but Jian Luo dodged it, "You bastard!"

"Mom, Dad wants to beat me." Jian Luo complained that he was addicted and would definitely continue to cheat his father.

Jian Wei glanced at her lightly, and Mo Xiao immediately retracted his hand and scratched his head, "Weiwei, don't listen to his nonsense. His hair was a little messy just now. Let me help him straighten it out."

Jian Wei chuckled, "I didn't say anything, why are you in a hurry."

"..." Mo Xiao vomited blood.

I would like to ask, what should I do if my wife is partial to her son and bullies him?

Waiting online, urgent.

Black Jack looked at the cunning smile in Jian Luo's eyes, and a loving smile appeared on his lips.

The next second, Mo Xiao's eye knife was thrown towards him.

Black Jack touched his nose, his face full of innocence.

Weng and son-in-law communicated with each other with their eyes.

Mo Xiao frowned, "Why don't you take your little ancestor away quickly?"

Black Jack shrugged, "Father-in-law, I'm henpecked."

Mo Xiao, "What do I need from you?"

Black Jack, "That's your son."

Mo Xiao looked away and fled silently.

His wife is here, taking his son away, and he is afraid that he will be driven to sleep in the study.

There are two lasagna noodles left in his heart, and he is also henpecked...

In the dining room, Mr. Jian sat at the head of the table, while everyone else sat down randomly.

v The two babies were sitting in baby seats, and a servant was responsible for feeding them.

Mr. Jian was so happy today that he took out the fine wine he had collected and planned to get drunk before resting.

As soon as he poured a glass, the bottle was taken away by Jian Qing.

"Grandpa, only one cup."

The smile on Mr. Jian's lips froze, and he looked at Jian Qing with resentful eyes, "Xiao Qing'er, one more drink?"

Jian Qing shook her head firmly and handed the wine to Bai Jue, "No."

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