Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 987 Jing Ye’s Good Baby Extra (1)

Quan Jingwu held Nineteen in one hand and carried a KFC family bucket in the other.

"Quan Jingwu, although I still feel unhappy with you." Chu Yihen looked at him, with a somewhat relieved smile on his lips, "But I wish you happiness, this time I mean it!"

From childhood to adulthood, he was also tired.

He has never been a true friend, but he can try.

Black eyes met purple eyes, and something seemed to disappear.

"Second uncle said, if you don't feel good, drink mung beans to feel better!" Nineteen Little Smart suddenly interjected, and the words spoken by Little Naiyin broke the delicate atmosphere.

Chu Yihen chuckled softly, and Quan Jingwu curled his lips and smiled. Their smiles were brighter than the scorching sun in this world.

Recently, Jian Qing has had a headache.

The biggest reason is still because of the two little treasures.

One night, after the two little babies came back from kindergarten, they kept pestering her about wanting a younger sister. From morning to night, Jian Qing's ears almost felt like calluses.


Nineteen's voice passed through the ajar door and came in leisurely.

Jian Qing closed the computer, and before she could hide, the two little treasures ran in and surrounded Jian Qing, one on the left and the other on the right.

"Mommy, great-grandpa also said it would be good to have a little sister." Nineteen reported Mr. Quan's words with a smile.

The Quan family is looking forward to the little public event. After hearing that the two little ones have been pestering Jian Qing for a little sister recently, Mr. Quan and others are naturally happy to see it happen.


Jian Qing held her forehead, wondering why grandpa was causing trouble with the two little treasures.

Hearing the footsteps, she looked up and as if seeing a savior, she got up and ran over, "Xiao Jing!"

It is better to leave it to my husband to take care of the two little treasures.

Quan Jingwu looked at her with a smile, "What's wrong?"

"I'll leave my son to you. Thea made an appointment with me. I'll go out for a while." After saying that, Jian Qing stood on tiptoes, kissed his cheek, and then slipped away at the speed of light.

Quan Jingwu smiled hoarsely, and then walked towards the two little treasures.

"Daddy, when are you going to have a little princess with Mommy?" Qi Qi raised her little head, her bright eyes clear and innocent.


Quan Jingwu knelt down and held the two little treasures in his arms, "Do you really want your sister that much?"


"Now that we have a sister, mommy and daddy will be busy taking care of her, so what will you do?" Quan Jingwu deliberately teased them.

Nineteen had a clear mind, "Seventeen and I also take care of my sister, and share all my lollipops with her."

"We take her to play and don't let others bully her." Shi Qi continued.

Quan Jingwu couldn't help laughing and ruffled their short hair, "Then let's make a deal. Dad will take mommy out for a trip. You guys stay at home and I will definitely give you a little princess, okay?"

"If you don't travel, you won't have a sister?" Shi Qi asked doubtfully.

Quan Jingwu nodded calmly and lied without changing his expression, "When dad takes mommy to travel, mommy will be in a good mood. Only when mommy is in a good mood can she give birth to a beautiful sister."

The two little treasures said "Oh" and nodded in understanding.

"Then let's pull the hook." Seventeen stretched out his little finger, "It must be my sister."

Quan Jingwu curled his lips and extended his little finger to seal them.

Jian Qing, who was driving, suddenly sneezed and sniffed.

Who is plotting against her behind her back?

The passionate waves and intoxicating silver light bloom the unique beauty of Bali,

Jian Qing squatted down, and the suitcase placed on the carpet was turned around in a mess. When Quan Jingwu walked in, he saw the scattered clothes and his eyes flashed slightly.

"What are you looking for?" he asked casually.

Jian Qing rummaged through the suitcase, "Swimsuit, I clearly remember putting it in the suitcase, but I can't find it."

Quan Jingwu sat on the edge of the bed and raised the corners of his lips.

Suddenly, Jian Qingqing raised her head and stared at him, "Did you throw it away?"

Although she put the swimsuit in, he still packed the luggage. This guy was not willing to let her bring the swimsuit in the first place, and he might have thrown it away when she wasn't paying attention.

After his evil deeds were exposed, Quan Jingwu was not nervous and admitted frankly, "Well, I threw it away."

It was really a good thing he did.

Jian Qing's small universe exploded, grabbing his collar with both hands.

"Say, why did you throw away my bathing suit?"

"No reason, you are not allowed to wear it." Quan Jingwu crossed his hands and rested his head on the back of his head. His lazy look made Jian Qing even more crazy.

He was so confident in throwing things at her and must be severely punished.

She raised her fist and smashed it at him. Quan Jingwu chuckled, firmly caught her fist in his big hand, and wrapped it in his palm.

"My dear, don't be angry, I brought you a gift." He coaxed.

Jian Qing shook his hand away, folded her arms, and raised her chin slightly.

"Where's the gift?"

Quan Jingwu stood up, then pulled another small suitcase, unzipped the chain, and took out a bag.

"open to take a look."

After taking the bag he handed over, Jian Qing suddenly felt a bad feeling in her heart when she accidentally glanced at the contents of the bag.

She squeezed the bag and shook it twice, and the colorful clothes were scattered on the bed.

In an instant, her face turned as dark as coal.

"Quan Jingwu, you stinky scoundrel!" Jian Qing grabbed her clothes and threw them directly at the smiling man not far away.

His uncle's.

It turned out to be this kind of thing again.

Quan Jingwu turned his head to avoid it and moved quickly.

He stretched out his strong arms and took the person into his arms, "Good boy, I have a license to play hooligans legally."

The magnetic and dull voice is almost irresistible.

Jian Qing glanced at him sideways, gritted her teeth and asked, "Get out of here."

"I still want to go swimming..."

"I'll go with you tomorrow."

"Big liar, Quan Jingwu, you..."

Jian Qing stepped on the soft beach, her hair was still dripping with water, but she could not hide her bright and bright smile. A large towel wrapped her tightly.

Quan Jingwu held Jian Qing's shoes in one hand and a small bucket filled with colorful shells in the other.

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