Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 992 Jing Ye’s Good Baby Extra (6)

"Yes." Nineteen's eyebrows were crooked, and his smile was really cute, "I said no, but they insisted on giving it. Those little girls were the most troublesome. If my brother and I didn't accept it, they would cry, and the second uncle I’ve said it before, a gentleman can’t make a girl cry, so I kept it.”

"Then why don't you give the snacks to other children, huh?" Jian Qing touched his little head and asked softly.

"Because I want to bring it back for Mommy and Shining to eat." Nineteen said.

Jane reckoned that she had lost to him, so she took his small schoolbag and put the snacks back.


Nineteen moved her little buttocks and leaned into Jian Qing's arms. Jian Qing took one look and intuitively felt that the little guy wanted to ask her for something.

Sure enough, the next second, the little guy revealed his little thoughts.

"Mommy, do you want some ice cream?"

Jian Qing gently poked his pink face and said, "You want to eat it yourself."

"Mommy, let's eat together." Nineteen said with a smile.

"What if daddy doesn't agree?" Jian Qing asked funnyly.

Nineteen hissed and said in a low voice, "Daddy is in the study, we're doing it secretly so he doesn't know."

Jian Qing's eyebrows were full of smiles, "Then go and get it."

The king of her family is at home. If she goes to get ice cream and is caught, I'm afraid there won't be such a delicious ice cream in the house until she gives birth.

"Mommy, wait for me."

Nineteen's purple eyes were shining. He quickly slid out of bed and put on his little shoes while saying, "Seventeen, you come with me."

Seventeen said oh and followed him.

Looking at the backs of the two little treasures, Jian Qing touched her belly and said, "Sparkling, your 19th brother is so naughty, isn't he?"

Everyone believed that she was carrying a baby, and Jian Qing now subconsciously believed that she was pregnant with a baby.

She didn't plan to know the gender of the baby first, so that she wouldn't be surprised until the baby was born.

In the kitchen, Seventeen and Nineteen slipped in quietly with their small bodies.

Seventeen hid at the door and helped Nineteen to relax. He was not tall, and Nineteen brought a stool to get close. His small body stood on the stool and he had to stand on tiptoes to barely open the refrigerator.

"Nineteen, hurry up!" Seventeen shouted in a soft voice.

"Got it." Nineteen hurriedly responded, her bright purple eyes lighting up astonishingly when she saw the ice cream in the refrigerator.

"Strawberry flavor, I like it."

Nineteen picked up the strawberry-flavored ice cream and then put it back.

"Mommy likes chocolate."

Faced with several flavors of ice cream, Nineteen was in trouble.

"Which one is better?"

"Nineteen, are you ready?" Seventeen turned around and saw that he had been standing in front of the refrigerator, urging him urgently.

"Wait a little longer, it's almost over." Nineteen scratched his little head.

"Seventeen, do you prefer the chocolate or strawberry flavor?"

"Whatever." Seventeen said, his bright black eyes fixed on the direction of the stairs, for fear that Quan Jingwu would suddenly kill him.

Nineteen pouted, then picked up the strawberry-flavored ice cream, "How about I take a bite, and then take the chocolate one and eat it with Mommy."

After much thought, Nineteen still couldn't make up his mind.

Quan Jingwu finished processing the documents and came down to prepare dinner for Jian Qing. As he approached, he saw a small figure hiding at the door of the kitchen.

His purple eyes were slightly focused, and a smile appeared on his thin red lips.

He walked closer with gentle steps. Shiqi saw him coming and was about to say something. Quan Jingwu raised his finger to his lips and shushed. Shiqi's delicate little face showed a bit of helplessness.

Nineteen, my brother can't help you, just ask for your own blessings.

Quan Jingwu reached out and picked him up. He looked up and saw the little guy standing in front of the refrigerator. The smile in his eyes deepened.

"Nineteen, why not get one with strawberry flavor?"

A low voice sounded, and Ninety-One didn't react for a moment, so he subconsciously said, "But Mommy likes chocolate flavor."

Seventeen, cover your face, Nineteen, you idiot!

"How about I get a box of both strawberry and chocolate flavors?" Quan Jingwu said.

"Yeah, take two, mommy and I will share them." Nineteen reached out and took a box of strawberry-flavored ice cream, and suddenly felt a chill on his back.

That voice just now sounded so familiar.

He slowly turned around and met those charming purple eyes. Nineteen laughed bitterly, quickly put the ice cream back, and then closed the refrigerator.


Quan Jingwu looked at him leisurely, "Nineteen, what did you want to do with the ice cream just now, huh?"

"Daddy, I'll just smell it." Nineteen said with a desperate struggle.

A smile flashed across Quan Jingwu's eyes, "Is the smell ready?"

"Yeah." Nineteen nodded immediately.

"Then why don't you come down?"

The little guy is really timid. He dares to climb up such a high chair. He really needs a lesson.

"Daddy, I'm afraid."

Looking at the height between himself and the ground, Nineteen's short legs softened and he reached out towards Quan Jingwu for a hug.

Quan Jingwu tapped his head, "You."

Not getting the ice cream, Nineteen was dejected and felt like he had lost the whole world.

"Nineteen, do you want some ice cream?" Quan Jingwu put the two of them on the sofa and messed up the little guy's short, smooth hair with his slender fingertips.

Nineteen's smile widened, "I think."

"Then let's make an agreement." Quan Jingwu coaxed.


"Mommy is pregnant with the baby now and cannot eat cold things, especially ice cream. You help daddy supervise mommy, and daddy will reward you with ice cream, okay?" Quan Jingwu said warmly.

"Okay." In front of the ice cream, Nineteen sold his mommy directly.

Jian Qing, who was waiting for Nineteen in the room, sneezed, and who was talking about her again.

"So good." Quan Jingwu curled his lips in satisfaction.

Nineteen asked expectantly, "Can I have ice cream now?"

"Wait here, Daddy will get it for you."

Nineteen said yes, "Daddy, it's the best. Daddy, I want strawberry flavor."

Seventeen pursed her lips and smiled.

After getting a box of ice cream for the two little treasures to share, Quan Jingwu went upstairs again.

Opening the door, Jian Qing was chatting with Jian Wei on her cell phone.

Seeing Quan Jingwu come in, she put down her phone and turned over to sit up.

"Slow down." Quan Jingwu looked at her quick movements and was so scared that his back tensed up.

"Where are seventeen and nineteen? Have you seen them?" She looked at the door and asked tentatively.

"Weren't you still here just now?" Quan Jingwu pretended not to know anything and said without changing his expression, "I guess he went outside to play with the snowball."

Jian Qing breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that he hadn't been discovered yet.

Quan Jingwu's eyes flashed slightly, "What do you want to eat tonight?"

"Whatever you do is fine." Jian Qing said.

"Let's go."

Quan Jingwu took the shoes and helped her put them on, Jian Qing took his arm affectionately, and they went downstairs together.

There are only so many extras about Jingye’s family of four for the time being. Tomorrow I will update some of the extras about Bai Jue and Zhan Mingyan. Don’t worry, there will be another extra about Jingye’s family of five. When the second child is born, I will write an extra...

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