Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 994 Extra of Jue Zhan and his wife (2)

After closing the door, Bai Jue walked lightly to the bed.

The soft quilt covered most of the woman's face, and her long, silky hair was scattered on the pillow. Only her closed eyes and her fair profile could be seen.

Bai Jue leaned over, reached out and touched her hair, and looked at her sleeping soundly, with a doting smile on his lips.

Fragments of golden light shot in through the window. Zhan Mingyan opened her eyes drowsily and turned over lazily.


Zhan Mingyan was startled when a magnetic voice sounded in her ears, then her pupils dilated and she jumped up from the bed.

She grabbed the quilt and held it in front of her, "You, you, you, why are you here?"

Isn't she with Thea?

Why did I become him when I woke up?

Bai Jue leaned sideways, supported his head with one hand, and said lazily, "Why can't I be here?"

She grabbed a pillow and threw it at him, "What did you do to me?"

Bai Jue waved his strong arm to block the pillow and looked her over, "You think you are covered like a rice dumpling. What can I do to you?"

Hearing this, Zhan Mingyan lowered her head, lifted a corner of the quilt, and took a look at her body. She was relieved when she saw that her clothes were a little messy but intact.

She raised her head and looked at him fiercely, "Didn't you go back to country M? Why are you here, where is Thea?"

"You asked so many questions, which one do you want me to answer first, huh?" Bai Jue crossed his hands behind his head and crossed his legs.

Zhan Mingyan, "Answer me one by one."

"Thea went to have breakfast. I've taken care of everything in the research room. Now I'm back to find my wife." Bai Jue said.

"Looking for a wife?" Zhan Mingyan almost choked on her own saliva.

Bai Jue nodded, his eyes falling on her, "You should know her from far away and right in front of you, and she's very familiar with her."

Zhan Mingyan snorted, "Who is your wife? She's so shameless."

"Hey, you have chosen this position yourself." Bai Jue rolled up and rested directly on her lap.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Zhan Mingyan burst out with amazing strength and pushed him away.

"Stay away from me."

Bai Jue didn't notice and was almost pushed down.

He patted his heart with lingering fear and looked at her with resentful eyes, "I said, why did you murder your husband?"

"What are you talking about? Don't take advantage of me." She didn't have enough hands, so she came directly with her feet, and Zhan Mingyan kicked him.

Look at her Foshan shadowless feet.

Bai Jue ducked sideways and held her feet with his big, calloused hands.

"Tsk, tsk, kicking someone is not the way a lady should behave."

"Let go, let go of your chicken claws." Zhan Mingyan kicked her feet, but found that she couldn't get away, so she pinched Bai Jue's face with her hands.

"Will you let go?"

She pinched it slightly, causing marks to appear on Bai Jue's face.

"Let go first." Bai Jue hugged her feet and tickled her soles in a playful manner.


Zhan Mingyan couldn't bear the itch and screamed, then put both hands together, pinched Bai Jue's face and pulled it to both sides.

"Damn Bai Jue, bastard Jin Jue, please let go of Hongu Liang."

Bai Jue grimaced in pain and took a breath of air.

The demo is amazing.

He stood up suddenly, and then clasped her hands. Zhan Mingyan felt the world spin for a while, and before she could react, a black shadow came over her head.

"I flew all night and came to see you as soon as I got off the plane. I'm tired and hungry. You're not going to take pity on me, okay?"

"I'm sorry for your size, please get out of the way quickly."

He was so strong that she couldn't break free from his hand, so she could only kick him randomly.

Bai Jue quickly turned sideways and watched her feet brushing against his legs, breaking into a few drops of cold sweat.

Then, he approached her with a handsome face and said, "Be more ladylike, okay?"

She gritted her back molars and said, "Get out."

This is so shameless. She must have had a wrong pattern of waking up in the morning. Why did she see him as soon as she opened her eyes?

Thea was so heartless that she lured the wolf but ran away.

"By the way, I came all the way back, shouldn't you give me a good morning kiss?" Bai Jue said "shamelessly".

Zhan Mingyan was so angry that she went crazy, "Bai Jue, get up so fast, my intestines are about to be squeezed out by you."

"Guliang family members are not allowed to use bad words." Bai Jue said with a smile.

"I just said, do you care?" With all her strength, Zhan Mingyan kicked Bai Jue's abdomen.

It's just that her little three-legged cat skill can only be regarded as a show-off for Bai Jue.

"Little pepper, give me a reward. I'll take you to have breakfast?" Bai Jue smiled evilly.

"Hey, don't cry. I'm not bothering you."

Seeing the eyes of the person under him gradually turning red, Bai Jue panicked and touched her cheek with his slender fingertips.

"Xiao Yan'er, what's wrong with you?"

Moisture gathered in Zhan Mingyan's eyes, and suddenly, crystal tears fell down her cheeks like broken pearls.

"Go away." Her voice was slightly nasal.

Seeing her crying, Bai Jue didn't dare to tease her anymore. He reached out and pulled her into his arms, "Did someone bully you while I was away? Tell me, I will settle the score with him."

Zhan Mingyan's eyes lowered lightly, and a hint of cunning flashed through her depths, "Is it someone who bullies me, and you help me beat him up?"

"Of course." Bai Jue replied without thinking.

Zhan Mingyan said, "Then you fight."

"Huh?" Bai Jue looked around. Is there anyone else here besides the two of them?

Zhan Mingyan took the opportunity to push him away, then jumped out of bed, with no tears on her face, "Look at me, it's you who bullied me."

Bai Jue looked up and instantly realized that he had been tricked.

"Xiao Yan'er, are you so unkind?" He slumped his shoulders helplessly.

"Don't change the subject. You just said that no matter who bullies me, you will help me beat him up. Are you going to get slapped in the face so soon?" Zhan Mingyan stood by the bed and looked at him condescendingly. .

Bai Jue thought for a while, then raised his hand and slapped himself.

Although the force was gentle, a crisp sound could still be heard.


"What are you doing?" Zhan Mingyan was shocked.

"I just like to be slapped in the face." Bai Jue smiled slightly, half evil and half ruffian.

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