Monopolize My Mysterious Wife

Chapter 997 Jue Zhan and his wife extra (5)

"What's so mysterious?" Zhan Mingyan asked funnyly.

There were only mother and daughter in the room. Lu Hui didn't beat around the bush and asked straight to the point, "Are you and Bai Jue dating?"


A flash of embarrassment flashed in Zhan Mingyan's eyes, what's going on?

"If you don't deny it, you're acquiescing?" Lu Hui's face flashed with gossip.

Zhan Mingyan hesitated for a while, then admitted.

Lu Hui's eyes were bright, and she patted her thigh directly with joy, "Great, I really thought you were going to be a golden fighter."


Zhan Mingyan rubbed her painful thigh, while black lines continued to fall off her head.

The golden remaining fighter?

Why didn't she know when her mother-in-law became so up-to-date and used such buzzwords?

"Your grandpa is still worried about you not having a boyfriend today, Yan'er, when will you bring him back to show your dad and grandpa?" Lu Hui asked.

"Mom, if you smile again, crow's feet will appear." Zhan Mingyan reminded her as she looked at the extremely happy person in front of her.

Lu Hui said, "As long as you get married quickly, I'll be happy to have two more crow's feet."

"It's not the time anyway." Zhan Mingyan yawned and pushed her, "I'm so sleepy. Let's talk tomorrow. Let's talk tomorrow."

"Wait a minute, I haven't finished speaking yet." Lu Hui stopped her steps, "I think Bai Jue is a pretty good kid. If there are any minor conflicts between lovers, it will be fine if they can be discussed."

"I know, I know." Zhan Mingyan prevaricated, "Mom, go get your beauty sleep as soon as possible, I'm going to sleep too."

"Okay, okay, you kid."

After sending Lu Hui away, Zhan Mingyan felt relaxed all over.

She picked up the hair dryer and hummed a tune while blowing her hair.

The blue sky is lined with light blue, the breeze blows, and the white clouds gradually disperse.

In the corridor, footsteps sounded a little hasty.

"Mom, how's the situation?"

As soon as Zhan Mingyan received the call, she hurried over from the flower shop, her breathing a little unsteady.

Lu Hui clasped her hands tightly, "It's not clear yet, the doctor hasn't come out yet."

"What happened? Why did grandpa suddenly faint?" Zhan Mingyan glanced at the operating room with the red light on and asked calmly.

On the side, Mr. Quan was also there, his face was tense, "There was a meeting at the upper level today, and there was a dispute there. Lao Zhan was so excited that he fainted all of a sudden."

At this time, the doctor came out and took off his mask. His face was solemn and he said, "Mr. Zhan is so anxious that he was wasted a lot of time on the road. Now he has to undergo surgery."

Zhan Mingyan also knew this doctor, he was a senior at the same school as her.

"How high are the risks of surgery?" Zhan Mingyan grabbed Zhou Rui's arm and asked.

"Mr. Zhan is older, and he has high blood pressure. His situation is a bit dangerous now, and the risks of surgery are relatively high."

"What's the success rate?" Zhan Mingyan asked coldly.

Zhou Rui replied, "Forty percent."

40%, that is, the success rate of the operation is less than half.

Zhan Mingyan's face turned pale. His medical skills were better than hers, but he only had a 40% success rate. Then her grandfather was in danger.

"Ming Yan, we can't delay now. Make a decision quickly." Zhou Rui said.

"Senior, wait."

Zhan Mingyan took out her mobile phone, her hands trembling as she pressed the buttons.

"Bai Jue, where are you?"

After receiving a call from Zhan Mingyan, Bai Jue pursed his lips and smiled. Before he could speak, he heard her panicked voice, "What happened?"

"Bai Jue, something happened to my grandfather. He is in the hospital now. Come here quickly."

"Which hospital?" Bai Jue's face tightened.

"Okay, I understand. Let the doctor stabilize the old man's condition first. Don't touch anything else for the time being. I'll be there soon."

After hanging up the phone, Zhan Mingyan changed into sterile clothes and entered the operating room with Zhou Rui.

Within five minutes of them entering, Bai Jue arrived.

Fortunately, he was working nearby just now, otherwise it would not be easy to get here so quickly.

After saying hello to Mr. Quan and others, Bai Jue was about to ask about the situation when Zhan Mingyan came out.

"Bai Jue."

Seeing him, Zhan Mingyan's uneasy heart calmed down a little.

"Don't worry, leave everything to me." Bai Jue patted his shoulder, then quickly changed into sterile clothes and entered the operating room.

In the corridor, Zhan Mingyan was leaning against the wall, unable to sit still.

Time passed quietly, and every minute was torture.

After an unknown amount of time, the door to surgery finally opened.

Bai Jue came out in front, and Zhou Rui followed beside him. His eyes were shining when he looked at Bai Jue, like a little fan.

"Bai Jue, how are you?" Zhan Mingyan rushed forward. Bai Jue took off his mask and lightly hooked his thin lips, "Don't worry, it's okay."

Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhan Mingyan's tense back relaxed, and her shoulders were a little sore.

She grabbed Bai Jue's hand and smiled easily.

"Fool, what are you afraid of when I'm here?" Bai Jue tapped her head and looked at her reddish eyes, feeling a little distressed.

In the evening, Mr. Zhan had been sent back to the ward.

There was an emergency with Zhan Ze's troops, so he stayed in the ward for a while and then left first. Lu Hui and Zhan Mingyan were guarding the ward.

Bai Jue came back after buying some food. When he saw Zhan Mingyan still standing by the bed, he put down his things and walked over, "Auntie, you go and eat something first."

Lu Hui put down the cotton swab and looked at Bai Jue with even more satisfied eyes, "You and Yan'er can come and eat together."


Bai Jue bent down and took Zhan Mingyan's hand from behind, "Let's go, let's eat first."

Zhan Mingyan raised her head and met his eyes, smiling.

Lu Hui looked at the two people sitting side by side opposite, with a mother-in-law smile on her face.

"Eat more." Bai Jue helped her pick up the meat and vegetables, but he didn't take a few bites.

Zhan Mingyan looked at the piles of vegetables and meat in her bowl and chuckled, "Bai Jue, you can eat what I can't finish, and don't pick it up for me."

"Yes, Bai Jue, you didn't even take a bite." Lu Hui said.

Bai Jue said, "I'll be fine if I eat later."

After dinner, Bai Jue took the initiative to clean up the leftovers and stuffed them all into the bag.

"Yan'er, please accompany Bai Jue to take out the garbage." Lu Hui pushed Zhan Mingyan and said in a low voice, "Remember to thank me."

Zhan Mingyan didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Bai Jue gave Lu Hui a thumbs up and then pulled Zhan Mingyan out.

One of the greatest blessings in life is to have a considerate mother-in-law.

The wind in late autumn is chilly.

Downstairs in the hospital, there were fewer people coming and going, and the faint sound of wind echoed in my ears.

On the bench, Zhan Mingyan leaned on Bai Jue's shoulder.

"Little Pepper also has quiet moments, huh?" Bai Jue teased.

"Bai Jue, thank you." Zhan Mingyan said softly, rarely arguing with him.

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