The fish-man monster that was submerged by the pillar of light turned into a puddle of liquid again, and re-condensed its body a hundred meters away from Su Ziyu.

Only this time it looked a lot more embarrassing than before, there were many cracks on the body, black blood gushed out, and he could only collapse on the ground, and he didn't even have the strength to stand again.

Through the observation of the all-seeing true eye, the mental body of this fish-man little monster has been blackened by more than half, and he has almost lost his mind looking at his current appearance.

Then you can only deal with it as a monster.

Just as Su Ziyu was about to lower the Judgment Saint Light again to kill him, Wang Po's panicked and hoarse voice sounded behind him:

"Don't kill him!" Don't kill him! Influenced

by Wang Po, Su Ziyu slowed down his movements, and the Void Shadow Beast parasitic in the shadow quietly leaned over, using the thick night to get into the shadow of the fish-man little monster.

After doing all this quietly, he looked at Wang Po and wondered

, "Wang Po, what's going on?"

"Hao'er... Hao'er, what's wrong with you! Wang Po, who was carrying a kitchen knife, ran to the little fish-man monster, anxiously picked it up, and then checked the injury, "He is my grandson!" How can you be so ruthless to kill him! Woo hoo..."


Everyone looked at each other, a human gave birth to a fish-man monster?

It's a bit outrageous to think about it!

But there are already a lot of outrageous things, and if there is one more such one, it seems that it can be accepted?

After being silent for a while, Su Ziyu put away Adam's cross, looked at Wang Po and the fish-man little monster, and said in a deep voice:

"Wang Po, this is a monster, if you don't clean it up..."

He is my grandson! He's not a monster! Wang Po's voice brought a crying tone, and she even lifted the kitchen knife again, and looked at Su Ziyu and the others viciously, "I don't care who you are, if anyone dares to touch my grandson, I will fight with whom!"

She took another step forward with a kitchen knife, her cloudy eyes widened, and she looked viciously at the unconscious skinny monkey and Ma Dameng:

"I won't let you come to the backyard!" Why don't you listen! Why! It's all like that! You are all like that!

"Are you guys with that guy, my son has been locked up by you, I won't let anyone hurt my little grandson again!"

Looking at the hysterical Wang Po, Su Ziyu and the others were silent.

It turns out that the queen mother did not let them go through the back door, just because she didn't want them to know that there was a little monster locked up next to the hut in the backyard?

But the skinny monkey is wrong....

Su Ziyu looked at Wang Po, and from her words just now, she heard something unspeakable, maybe there is a hidden secret in this?

Thinking of his purpose for coming here, Su Ziyu smiled slightly, looked at Wang Po and said: "Wang Po

, I think you misunderstood, we are not with those people, we are really a branch from the Northern Alliance... Well, an adventurous team.

Saying that, Su Ziyu showed a kind smile and continued

: "I think you can trust us..."

Before he finished speaking, Wang Po immediately roared back:

"Hahaha... I won't believe anyone, no one!

You have already harmed my child so badly, why are you harming my little grandson! Why!

Her laughter was full of desolation, and even her spirit was a little trance, and she seemed to treat Su Ziyu as someone else.

Looking at the embarrassed face with unkempt hair and white hair falling indiscriminately after the bun fell, Su Ziyu's gaze swept and fell on the fish-man little monster, and his eyes suddenly lit up, and he said thoughtfully:

"Wang Po, if I say, I have a way to save your little grandson, can you believe me?"

Considering that Wang Po must know a lot of the secrets of this village, if he can pull Wang Po to his side, it will be more beneficial to the subsequent actions.

Hearing Su Ziyu's words, Wang Po was stunned at first, and then her cloudy eyes lit up with a fine light, but it instantly dimmed down, and she sneered:

"Hehe... I understand you, you are going to use this method to take my little grandson away and put him in that dark water prison!

Wang Po's reaction was also expected by Su Ziyu, he looked at the struggling fishman little monster, and said softly:

"He's in pain, right?"

"Huh?" Wang Po was stunned, and when she heard her little grandson's cry of pain, a painful look appeared on her face.

Seeing that there was a drama, Su Ziyu hurriedly hit the railway while it was hot:

"Judging from his state, he should be polluted by some kind of evil existence, right?"

Even if you lock him up in the hut now, in time, after he is completely polluted, let alone in the hut, maybe your small village will no longer be able to lock him up, right?

Wang Po's eyes flashed with tears, and she pursed her lips in pain, looking sad.

She didn't know these truths, but in order to be able to stay with her grandson for a while, she had to make this decision.

After being silent for a while, feeling that the rendering was almost the same, Su Ziyu stepped forward, stretched out his hand, and said softly:

"Leave it to me."

Wang Po's lips twitched several times, and from time to time there was a painful moan of her little grandson, and finally her tears could no longer help but welling up, and she begged with a crying voice:

"Okay, I believe you once!"

After speaking, she grabbed Su Ziyu's arm and said in a painful and selective tone:

"If you make any small moves, I won't let you have a good time even if I die!"

"Of course, you have the qualifications."

Su Ziyu responded with a smile.

Then walked to the fishman little monster, the other party seemed to be afraid of him, and after seeing him coming, his body shrunk into a ball, and part of his body began to melt into liquid again.

"It's painful." Su Ziyu pulled the muscles on his face, revealed a big smile that children liked the most, squatted down, and stretched out his hand to touch the fish-man little monster: "Don't be afraid, you can be relieved right away." Just

as his fingers were about to touch the fish-man little monster, the little monster suddenly screamed, and his body turned into liquid and fled, but the void shadow beast in his shadow instantly appeared, spreading out a shadow rope, three circles inside and three circles outside, binding it.


The little monster shouted with a grin, his expression painful and hideous.

Wang Po was a little unable to stand it, and suddenly got up, looked at Su Ziyu angrily, and raised the kitchen knife:

"What are you doing!"

"Mother-in-law, if the patient does not cooperate during the operation, I always have to let him lie down with peace of mind, right?"

Su Ziyu replied, and then quickly bumped into the little monster, and the spiritual power in his palm spread out in a circle, spreading to the little monster's whole body.

[Blur Distortion]!

Su Ziyu was about to use the reverse process of [Blur Distortion].

The effect of bokeh distortion is that the pollution target can be distorted, and the process can be reversed, which can also be established.

At this time, Su Ziyu also had the strength to do so.

A circle of dark purple spirituality wrapped the little monster into a small silkworm chrysalis, and the shell of the silkworm chrysalis was like a gummy candy, constantly changing and twisting.

Wang Po was frightened by Su Ziyu's operation, and she was about to rush up with a shout, Su Ziyu just gently waved her hand back, and the shadow rope on the Void Shadow Beast immediately spread out, tying Wang Po Wuhuada.


Wang Po's face showed despair, but in the next second, she saw the dark purple silkworm cocoon broken, and after hearing the sound coming from inside, her face changed again.

It was a look of surprise!

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