His voice was not loud, but in the silent cell, it seemed very clear.


Lin Huo and the little girl raised their heads at the same time and looked at Su Ziyu, "What do you say?"

Retracting his gaze, Su Ziyu stretched out his gaze to face the forest fire and said softly:

"I said I can save you, do you want to try?"

"You?" Lin Huo Huo first showed a puzzled look, but after thinking about it, he asked, "You... Who the hell are you? "

Me?" Su Ziyu raised the brim of his top hat, put his hands in his pockets, and said coolly, "I am an alchemist, codenamed Stigmata Alchemist, oh yes, and also an adventurer." "


Lin Huohuo's face changed suddenly, and he looked at Su Ziyu with a look of disbelief, "Are you really an alchemist? "

It's like a fake bag." Su Ziyu straightened his chest.

"Heh, some alchemists do have the means to remove pollution..." Lin Huo Huo shook his head in disbelief, "But this time the pollution is different, this is a high-level pollution, ordinary alchemists can't do it."

"Did I say I was an alchemist in general?"

Su Ziyu stretched out his finger to the gravel in the corner of the cell, and the spirituality spread out, those gravel floated up in the air, and then merged piece by piece, and finally a palm-sized stone appeared, each side was extremely clean, as if it was done by a top sculptor.

"Material reconstruction!"

Lin Huo looked at Su Ziyu with wide eyes, revealing a shocked look, "You... You actually mastered the material reconstruction of one of the top alchemies?!

Su Ziyu shrugged his shoulders and looked at Lin Huo: "How is it?" Are you willing to believe me now?

While Su Ziyu and Lin Huo were talking, Ma Dameng and the others in the next cell naturally heard it clearly.

The one-eyed dragon pinched his chin and muttered in a low voice: "Why doesn't Mr. Su say that he is a pirate, we obviously are..." "Woo-woo..." The one-eyed

dragon's mouth was suddenly covered by Ma Da, and he heard Ma Dameng's low scolding voice: "

You fucking little voice, how can Mr. Su and us be the same people, do you want to live!"

"Mr. Su, that's picking up a girl, the bubble girl doesn't understand! It's much more flirty than your fucking mother going to bed on the street to give some money! The

one-eyed dragon also reacted, quickly covered his mouth, glanced at the cell next to him, and said thoughtfully: "So it is... The big guy is the big guy, and playing women has a set of things than rough people like me.

Su Ziyu, who was clinging to the side of the wall: "......"......

"Why... Why save me? It can be seen that even in the face of this chance to live, she still retains her sanity, "You won't have any strange demands, right?"

"Let's talk about it, as long as it is within my ability, I will not refuse." Lin Huo glanced at Su Ziyu uneasily, "But if you make some strange requests, I won't agree." "

Ah this... There are also the initiative to ask others to make requests ... Su Ziyu suddenly felt a little strange.

In fact, he really wants to save them, on the one hand, he saves one more helper, and the other party obviously knows more secrets here, and there is an extra probability of escaping, and then there are the same human beings, or the clergy who defend the human order, can help....

However, since he took the initiative to make a request, it would be a fool to have a bargain and not take advantage of it....

Su Ziyu pressed his top hat and said in a deep voice

, "I want a first-order taboo item, with your church's heritage, I should be able to do it, right?"

"Good!" Lin Huo seemed to have made up his mind, and he was about to start undressing, "Anyway, they are all dying, and the dead horse is a living horse doctor!" Seeing

that Lin Huo was about to take off her shirt, Su Ziyu quickly held her hand and shouted,

"What are you doing!"


"Why take off your clothes!"

"Didn't you say you were going to help me remove the pollution!"

"Do you have to take off your clothes to remove pollution!"

"Huh? Isn't it all like this in the TV series..."

Lin Huo pouted, and quickly put his clothes back on, but the sighs of Ma Dameng and others came from the next cell.

"See no, this is Mr. Su's way of picking up girls, you still have to learn!"

"Yes, yes, if I can get out alive, I will definitely have to ask Mr. Su for two tricks."


Ziyu: "......"......

After letting Lin Huo sit down, Su Ziyu put both hands on her shoulders, and then ran [Blur Distortion], using the reverse technique to use the skill backwards to eliminate all the pollution in Lin Huo's body.

Three minutes later, the black substances on the shoulders, neckline, collarbones, etc. subsided like a tide, and the forest fire felt the changes in his body, and his face became more and more surprised.

It wasn't until five minutes later, after all the pollutants were removed, that she only felt a lightness in her body, and the feeling of heavy pressure on her shoulders suddenly disappeared.

Lin Huo wanted to dance on the spot, but because Su Ziyu was present, he still held down his restless hands and feet.

But before she could get comfortable enough, she suddenly felt something rushing up, and Lin Huo quickly ran to the corner of the cell, bent over and lowered her head, and began to vomit.


" "Ahem..." After

more than ten seconds, Lin Huo straightened up and patted her chest, and all kinds of discomfort in her body suddenly disappeared, she subconsciously looked at the ground, and saw that there was a black substance like a sea cucumber, covered with soft black hair, and it would be like a heart, thumping and beating, and there would be a feeling of evil in her heart when she looked at it.

"This is..." Just

when Lin Huo was puzzled, Su Ziyu leaned over, glanced at the mass of matter on the ground, and the analysis of the all-looking true eye instantly appeared in front of him:

[The Pollution God Pattern of the Deep Sea Overlord (five-star): It belongs to the elemental system, has an evil and powerful pollution effect, don't try to get close to it, this will bring misfortune! ] 】

Five-star material? Earn big! This is because the forest fire is more polluted, so did this thing burst?

Su Ziyu suppressed his excitement, squatted down, blocked the sight of the forest fire with his body, stretched out his hand and touched it, and then the black and autumnal substance turned into a white light and entered Su Ziyu's hand.

Of course, she did not see this scene of forest fire, she was still immersed in the joy of pollution lifting, and she was using her spirit to examine the cells everywhere on her body to see if there were any fish that had slipped through the net.

When she turned around, she just saw Su Ziyu standing up from the ground, and the black substance on the ground disappeared for some reason.

Before Lin Huo had any questions, Su Ziyu explained:

"That thing is very evil, I directly destroyed it."

Lin Huo suddenly realized, and he slowly had a good impression of Su Ziyu in his heart.

"Oh yes!" The forest fire pulled the little girl over, "Her name is Ah Ling, she is a little beggar in this village, she is also polluted, can you save her too." The

little girl hid behind the forest fire and looked at him with a look of both expectation and fear.

"Of course." Su Ziyu said softly.

Next, Su Ziyu removed the abnormality pollution from the little girl in the same cell.

Unlike the forest fire, this time the little girl did not spit out that special dark substance.

Is that really the case... It seems that those guys used more serious pollution against extraordinary people like Bushfire....

Su Ziyu nodded secretly.

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