At this time, Su Ziyu, at the mouth of an alley around the corner, stopped, because as he ran out of the dungeon, the octopus head key in the Chaos Sea became brighter and brighter, and it seemed that something was reacting with it.

Su Ziyu probed his consciousness into the sea of chaos, and was about to take out the octopus head key to take a look, when his eyes suddenly noticed the change in the abyss dragon egg.

The Abyss Dragon Egg that was immersed in most of its body appeared cracks on the surface, and a powerful abyss aura swept outward, setting off ripples on the surface of the Chaos Sea.

"The dragon egg is going to split, is the dragon going to be born?!"

Su Ziyu's face was delighted, this was simply too timely, once the dragon was revived, he would have a little more confidence in the secret existence in the upper mermaid village.

Just feeling the breath of the Abyss Dragon Egg leaking, Su Ziyu guessed that in another hour at most, the dragon inside would be born!

This is a six-star dragon egg! Integrating six-star and five-star materials, once born, it is likely to directly break through the morning star and impact to a more powerful realm.

Suppressing the agitation in his heart, Su Ziyu withdrew from the Sea of Chaos and looked into the distance again.

"It looks like it's ahead."

Su Ziyu waved his hand again, exerted the ability of [Merge into the Shadows], and quickly moved forward in the pitch-black dungeon.

The lightless environment here just meets the requirements of [Blending into the Shadows], and also makes Su Ziyu's sneaking unprecedentedly smooth.

After passing through a long and lightless passage, Su Ziyu suddenly saw a faint light around the corner, and sporadic spots floated out, which was a brief afterglow brought by spiritual light spots!


This was accompanied by footsteps and conversations.

"What secret do you say is hidden in that human being that makes God Father value him so much?"

"Didn't Father God say that his power can be supplemented, but it can only be left over from that divine war..."

"You mean—the power of that being?"

"Quite possibly... After many years, God the Father has finally found the strength to truly complement himself, and when the time comes, we will no longer have to live in this small fishing village every day to pretend to be a ghost, the

endless sea is our journey and goal, and those continents inhabited by human beings will also be given up for us to reproduce! The

more they spoke, the more excited they became, completely unaware that a shadow spread behind them, a huge shadow fell like a dark curtain, opened the scarlet one-eye in the pitch black, the dark red spirituality converged on the one-eyed

, and in an instant, a beam of light with a diameter of fifty centimeters penetrated the air, shattering half of the flat-headed brother's head and tearing half of the white-dressed girl's body.


The flat-headed little brother lowered his head and let out a roar, the spirituality around him was pervasive, scales grew, gills were cracked, and the palms were covered with webbing, and in an instant he became a fish man up to two meters high, with the momentum of tearing everything, came to Su Ziyu

, swept a whip, and then quickly turned around, punched continuously, the high movement speed and high attack power of the fish man, let him instantly regain the initiative.

"It's you! How did you escape! "

Half of the flat-headed brother's head was destroyed, and sporadic meat buds floated in the air, coupled with an angry look, he was as vicious as if he was a demon god of hell.

"The little bugs in the sea react quite quickly." Su Ziyu held the top hat that was about to be blown away by the fist wind with one hand, and while dodging left and right, the other hand opened his palm and stretched out, and the shadows around him seemed to come alive, like a ghost wrapped around the flat-headed little brother, the twisted thread bound his hands and feet, and Su Ziyu was able to escape.

"Dark Wisdom Bound Dungeon!"

"Dark wisdom knows the cage!"

A few steps back, in a second, Su Ziyu pinched two spells in a row, without anyone present, he could unscrupulously cast the content of the [Dark Wisdom Chapter], and he could also summon all the monsters to join the battle!

In the darkness, as if the devil was roaring, the black tide drowned the flat-headed little brother, and part of it split out to pursue the girl in white dress who was about to flee to the depths of the cave.

Pitch-black pillars rose from the ground and crisscrossed, like a dark forest, trapping the flat-headed little brother in it.

"Aaaaah! Mankind! I'll kill you! "

Blood holes of different sizes appeared on the flat-headed little brother, and gurgling blood flowed out, turning him into a bloody man.

His body soared again, and while roaring, he took off the giant sword on his back, stepped on the top of a pitch-black giant pillar, and looked at Su Ziyu fiercely, "Human, you have completely angered me!"

As soon as the words fell, he brandished the giant sword in his hand, wreaking havoc on the enchantment surrounded by the dungeon and the cage of the savvy prison.

Looking at the giant sword that emitted divine light, Su Ziyu suddenly guessed that this giant sword was likely to be the one that Lin Huo lost.

"Break, break!"

The flat-headed little brother constantly swings the giant sword hard, and the furious knife rushes in all directions, which can destroy a giant pillar, and another giant pillar will immediately rise to supplement the original position.

After possessing the [Heart of Demonic Energy], in this kind of tug-of-war and war of attrition, Su Ziyu had a great advantage.

It is completely true that one's spirituality is not enough.

It's like a wall with unlimited blue recovery and a super destructive warrior fighting, the blue amount is infinite, and the throwing skill will kill you.

At this time, the flat-headed little brother was trapped by [Bound Dungeon] and [Deep Cage] because he was raided by Su Ziyu at the beginning, and after falling into a passive situation, he had little hope of escaping.

Su Ziyu put his palms together, and the pitch-black giant pillar composed of the prison cage burned with raging flames and contracted inward, and the flat-headed little brother let out a hoarse scream, which was crushed into a puddle of meat mud in pain and despair.

The girl in the white dress ran forward, glancing back at the battle situation behind her from time to time, and when she saw the flat-headed brother trapped in it, she ran faster.

Suddenly a large shadow rushed up, she ran like crazy, and in the corner she didn't notice, a dark image rushed past him like a snake, and she only felt her feet slip and then fall to the ground.

Rubbing her ankles and feeling the shadows behind her, she struggled to get up again, just as she looked up to see a man in a top hat and a white-gold robe looking at her with a smile on the opposite side.

"Ma'am, do you need help?"

Su Ziyu took off his hat and put it on his chest very gentlemanly, smiled, and asked softly.


The face of the girl in the white dress split from the middle, sticking out a tongue, and screaming strangely.

"I haven't brushed my teeth for a few days, Miss, my tone is too heavy." Su Ziyu shrugged helplessly, put on his top hat again, and condensed a dark spear that directly pierced the ugly face of the girl in the white dress.

With a pop, a large amount of blood gushed out of that ugly mouth, and an unknown white substance staggered and fell.

Unfortunately, these two fish-man monsters turned into a puddle of meat mud after death, and they couldn't even extract the materials.

Su Ziyu guessed that these two were probably transformed by the high-level existence behind them, and the power dissipated after death and returned to the essence.

The Void Shadow Beast got out of the shadows, still holding a giant sword more than one meter long, Su Ziyu rubbed its head, let it keep the giant sword first, after hiding its figure in the shadow, Su Ziyu patted the dust splashed on his body, pressed his hat, and walked deeper step by step.

The octopus head key in the Sea of Chaos shines even more blue!

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