In the forest outside the church, the horror in the hearts of the villagers seemed to overflow.

They saw the village chief die inexplicably, saw a man wearing a top hat being shot out, and what was even more frightening was that there was a monster living in the cave in the church, and the whole body was composed of water whirlpools!

"What kind of monster is that! Aaaah! My eyes! My eyes!

"It hurts, I feel like my head is going to explode, it's going to explode!"

"My eyes are bleeding, how can I not see, aaaaaa

The forest fire of the crowd quickly shouted:

"Don't look at him! Don't look at Him!

"Hey! What the hell is that!

Lin Huo Huo sighed and said softly, "He... This is the sea god you believe in..."


The faces of all the villagers present changed drastically, and at this moment, several cries broke out in the crowd.

"Amin, are you getting better? How did you get better? Mom wants to kill you!

"Brother, your fish scales are gone, brother, you actually recovered

woo-woo..." "Wife, you're finally back, let's never separate again, okay!"

"Who saved you, Lord Seagod?"

"Ahhh! Shitty Poseidon ! All this is the credit of Lord Funeral!

"Funeral? What is that?

"Your Excellency, the Funeral, preached the gospel and saved the world, and His Messenger saved us!"

"Yes, yes, our village will be infected with that strange disease, and the curse that it will become is actually the conspiracy of that 'sea god'!"

"That so-called 'sea god' is still destroying the church, and I don't know how many of our brothers and sisters have been killed under the church!"

"All this is a conspiracy between the village chief Bai Jingyun and the sea god! We were all deceived! Fortunately, Lord Funeral saved us!

"Lao Tzu doesn't care what kind of shit sea god, that guy still wants to kill us now, Lao Tzu will only believe in one god in the future, that is, His Excellency Funeral!"

"Me too!"

"It's the same!"


at the angry villagers, Lin Huo showed a relieved smile.

The semi-mutants brought out of the water prison held a brief recognition meeting here.


Countless tentacles stretched out from all directions of the church, the whole church was like an octopus that could not move, the tentacles danced all over the sky, the mouth at the end emitted various strange whispers, and the washer under the tentacles opened one by one, and the deep blue eyes searched every corner of the area.

The tentacles are getting longer and longer, covering entire villages, and are trying to spread to the entire island at a very fast speed.

Tentacles dance, washer-like eyes searching every corner.

The sky was gradually covered with tentacles, obscuring the rising sun's rays, and darkness fell again.

All the villagers shivered, some curled up and trembled, some held their heads, constantly chanting "can't see me", some had forgotten their movements and could only wait for impending death.

In this extremely oppressive environment, the one-eyed dragon suddenly said:

"The great lord above

the supreme morning star of the burial god who holds the key of the forbidden

, the ruler of the authority of the fallen abyss.

Your Excellency, bless the villain to survive..." With

the beginning of his sentence, the villagers seemed to wake up from a dream, widening their eyes and whispering wishes.

"Your Excellency, I want to live, bless the little one to survive."

"Your Excellency, I don't want to die, bless me to survive."

"Your Excellency, if you hear our prayers, please use your strength to help us!"

"Funeral Venerable..."

At first, those semi-mutants who had been rescued by Su Ziyu were praying, but slowly this atmosphere quickly came in the oppressive atmosphere, it was like a drowning person getting a straw, whether you are useful or not, try again before dying.

"You kid is quite clever!" Martha slapped the one-eyed dragon's head and said in a low voice, "Is it just that Your Excellency Funeral Venerable will bless us, after all, we believe so suddenly..."

The one-eyed dragon leaned over and whispered, "We have been following Mr. Su for so long, and since Mr. Su is the believer of the existence, it is okay for us to mix a little relationship."

"Not bad, not bad, Lao Tzu didn't cultivate you in vain!"

Martha slapped the one-eyed dragon's thigh, lowered his head and began to pray.

Lin Huo Huo looked at the people around him who kept bowing their heads and praying, and glanced at the tentacles that covered the sky like vines, and their eyes rolled left and right, searching for the breath of himself and others.

Recalling the fear of being dominated by that deep blue eye, coupled with the prayers of the people around him, Lin Huohuo's hand holding the sword also slowly let go, his hands were folded, and he pressed his chin to mutter, "Your Excellency... I ask for your protection..." As

soon as he finished speaking, Lin Huo suddenly realized that something was wrong.

I am a believer in the God of War Church, and I somehow believe in a mysterious lord Funeral Venerable....

If it is heard by the god of war, the Dusk Giant, then it will be rewarded!

And inexplicably believing in a wild god is also dangerous, who knows if it is a trap left by some evil god!

Damn it! Lin Huohuo's little face instantly turned pale, and he quickly said in his heart:

"Lord God of War... Please forgive me for just now..."

In a forest a kilometer away, Su Ziyu hid in the canopy of a towering ancient tree, his consciousness immersed in the system space, and he was checking the Abyss Dragon Egg that was about to hatch.

In the process of waiting for the dragon egg to hatch, Su Ziyu felt that his spirituality was growing rapidly, and there was a call of someone in his ears, and a touch of light appeared on the Chaos Sea, scattered in pieces, and composed a real picture.

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