Its head is a fresh skull, no flesh and blood, covered by a black iron-colored helmet, a pair of devil-like dragon horns on the top of the head, a huge body like a hill, huge bat-like wings slowly inflamed, floating in the mid-air more than two meters high on the ground, the majestic coercion makes people dare not look directly, as if it is the king of the world.

"Lie down!"

Su Ziyu turned his back and shouted very majestically.

The vertical pupils of the Extreme Abyss Demon Dragon lit up with two divine rays, flapped its wings and slowly landed, crawling on the ground.

Su Ziyu nodded in satisfaction, jumped straight onto the back of the demon dragon, stood in the middle of the pair of hideous dragon feet, pointed ahead and said slowly:

"Let's go, it's time for us to appear."



"Stupid humans, don't hurry up and worship me!"

Half of the body of the whirlpool monster emerged from the church, and tentacles imprisoned the island like vines.

His voice is magnificent and divine, and there can be no doubt.


A villager covered his chest and lay on the ground, a slippery tentacle pierced his chest, drilled out from the other end, the eyeball bone on the tentacle turned around, quickly swept in the other direction, the large mouth at the end opened sharply, and the dense thorn-like teeth directly bit off the neck of the nearest villager.

"Monsters! Run! "

Aaaah! Don't kill me! I don't want to die yet! "

Funeral Lord! Bless me!


scene was already chaotic, and more tentacles came out from different positions, like the god of death wielding a scythe, taking the lives of one villager after another.

"This is the end of not surrendering to me, how can a mortal body resist my divine power!"

The sound of the vortex monster echoed in this area, layered on top of each other, and just listening to the sound made people feel that the brain was pricked by many needles.

"Fuck off! I don't care about you! Lin Huo brandished the Yan Demon Giant Sword and waved back some of the tentacles, but another part of the tentacles surrounded him, "Damn, you can't kill it anymore!" "

Ma Da Meng, the one-eyed dragon did its best to unleash its powers and clean up the tentacles that were close to him.

The fat cow carried the skinny monkey who was still in a coma on his back and hid between the two.

His ability is to heal and is completely unfit for combat.

Ma Da smashed out a punch hard, the flames smashed the ground out of the crack, but the tentacles only suffered a little skin trauma, twisted their heads and attacked again, the one-eyed dragon held two guns, the two revolvers fired alternately, spitting out special bullets with black iron color, hitting the tentacles only tickling, leaving only a little friction marks.

"No, boss, this kind of monster is simply not something we can deal with." The one-eyed dragon covered the wound on his waist, his face ugly, "If we continue, we will all die here!"

"How can a man say he can't." Ma Da Meng let out a low roar, and two straight fists wrapped in the power of majestic flames smashed down heavily, forcing back the tentacles and leaning towards the direction of the one-eyed dragon, "Hold on a little longer, we have to trust Mr. Su, he will take us out!"

"Yes, we still have Mr. Su!" The one-eyed dragon frantically pulled the trigger, and the powerful recoil shook his hands numb, "Your Excellency, save me!"

"The Burial Supreme who holds the key of the forbidden

, the great lord above the morning star, the

ruler of the authority of the fallen abyss!"

Please shelter me! "

Faced with the death of their loved ones in front of their eyes, and in the face of monsters that could easily take their lives, the villagers lowered their heads and sobbed, silently chanting the divine trumpet of the funeral over and over in their hearts.

In this desperate scene, they are like grasping the hope of living, and the faith in their hearts is extremely firm.

"Funeral? Mankind is indeed a group of ignorant insects, and it is time to draw an end to this farce. The

ethereal and deep voice of the vortex monster came out, accompanied by the furious waves, the deafening sound of the waves.


The mountains shook for a while, and the brick houses in the mermaid village collapsed one after another, the ground cracked, and the heavens and the earth seemed to shake.

The sharp-eyed man noticed something and was looking into the distance with a scream.

His screams attracted more attention, and villagers turned to look in one direction outside the church.

This church was originally built on a high mountain, and now looking out from here, I see that on the sea level, the waves are rolling and the waves are rising, and the raging sea at this moment seems to be more violent and angry than usual.

Waves hit the coastline, and the island's forests near the sea were flooded in an instant, the roots of trees were broken, tall towering ancient trees were uprooted, and fragile forest life was easily taken away.

The raging waves are like divine wrath, washing away all life in their path.

Farther away on the sea, a majestic huge wave rose up into the sky, approaching the clouds, swallowing a corner of the thundercloud and then falling heavily, wrapping more seawater, and rising up again with even more angry power, covering the sky and making people awe.

"The sea... Tsunami! It's a tsunami! "

The tsunami is coming! Super Tsunami is coming! "

Dead ... We are dead..."


, including Lin Huohuo, has a dead face, and in the face of powerful monsters, she will fight to the death even if she dies.

In the face of this tsunami that can flood the entire island, the forest fire once again raises a sense of powerlessness.

In the face of the power of nature, what mortals can do is really too small.

"Is this the power of the gods..." looked

at the waves that covered the sky, and the forest fire whispered to himself in despair.

Despair is like a backlog of dark clouds hanging over everyone's hearts.

Just when everyone was confused, the raging tsunami was about to reach the island.

High in the sky, a shadow of a light gate appeared in the void, stretched and lengthened, five or six meters large, the light gate exuded a ghostly aura, black gas was swirling, and the specific shape could not be seen.


With a deafening dragon groan, a hideous dragon head came out of the door, and the vertical pupil dragon eye looked at the world indifferently.

Immediately after the front paws pulled on both sides of the door, pulling hard, the vast mountain-like dragon body was also exposed, covering the fine dragon scales, each piece was arranged irregularly, if you look closely, these dragon scales are irregularly combined, hooking the shape of eyeballs.

Finally seeing the appearance of the huge body clearly, the one-eyed dragon subconsciously swallowed its saliva, hollow and dry:

"Old... Boss, is that a dragon? "


Ma Dameng's face also turned pale, nodded unconsciously, and muttered,

"Dragon! That's a magic dragon!

"It's a dragon!"

"How can there be dragons!"

"Huh... Anyway, it's already dead, it doesn't matter what comes again!

"Wait a minute... There seems to be someone on the back of that dragon! "

Who? There seems to be someone up there! "

Is it the messenger of Lord Funeral who has come to save us?"


recovering from the shock, the forest fire wiped the bottom of his eyes, and his pupils emitted a hot light, as if there were two rounds of burning sun.

With the help of these eyes, she finally saw the figure on the back of the dragon.

I saw that on the back of the broad dragon, there stood a figure dressed in a hot gold robe and a high top hat, he was pressing the top hat with one hand and waving at them with the other.

"Is he?!" Lin Huohuo's face was full of shock, and his mouth was about to fall to the ground, "That guy actually summoned a dragon to come out?!" Su

Ziyu on the back of the dragon, slowly took off the top hat and put it on his chest, bowed slightly, and said with a smile:

"I have heard everyone's faith in the Burial Venerable of My Lord, and He promised to redeem you!"

His voice was not loud, but it could be heard clearly by villagers in the ruins in the distance.

The Vortex Monster was no exception, and his deep blue eyes were erupting with intense hatred, staring at the man on the dragon's back.

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