The airship slowly lifted into the air, and the blades behind it whizzed and rotated, pushing the behemoth to the sky.

This is Su Ziyu's first time in an airship, he sits by the window, and he can still see the clouds outside.

In a daze, he closed his eyes and began to fall asleep as soon as he got into the car.

This is Su Ziyu's old problem.

I don't know how long it took, he suddenly heard a girl's voice in his ears.

"Hello..." a girl sitting opposite Su Ziyu said in a friendly manner, "See you again, little handsome man."

Su Ziyu opened his eyes suspiciously, and after staring at the girl in front of him for two seconds, he couldn't help frowning:

"I'm sorry, you are?"

The smile on the girl's face froze for a moment, and she coughed: "The

thief just now... Thank you for helping me stop him.

"It's you." Su Ziyu suddenly realized, "Such a coincidence, we are actually neighbors."

"Not by chance." The girl raised the bill in her hand, her eyes curved like a crescent moon when she laughed, "I exchanged it with someone else." "



The girl's eyes showed a smug look, "I exchanged the first-class ticket with him, and the gentleman is still very happy." "

Rich and willful... Su Ziyu complained in his heart, narrowed his eyes to look at the girl, and asked lightly:

"Is something wrong?"

"Oh... With all due respect. The girl pushed the glasses on the bridge of her nose, "Introduce yourself, my name is An Yuxuan, thank you again for helping me catch the thief and helping me find something very important."

Su Ziyu snorted, and then closed his eyes again, "The main thing is that the thief bumped into me, you should thank him for being too unlucky."

"This..." An Yuxuan obviously didn't expect Su Ziyu to be so difficult to get along with, obviously he introduced himself, what's going on with this guy, he doesn't care about himself!

Could it be that I am too ugly? No, there are so many boys in school who pursue me....

An Yuxuan puffed out her cheeks and puffed out:

"Hey, don't you introduce yourself?"

Su Ziyu continued to close her eyes, stretched her legs under An Yuxuan's position, and took a more comfortable sitting position.

Damn it!

An Yuxuan was insulted like this for the first time, if it weren't for the fact that you are an extraordinary person, the old lady would not be accompanied!

An Yuxuan struggled to calm herself down, glanced at Su Ziyu, who was pretending to sleep, and snorted coldly:

"Are all the extraordinary people now so tall, and they all have this attitude when they meet beautiful women?"

Su Ziyu slowly opened his eyes and stared at An Yuxuan like an eagle, and a cold murderous intent erupted in his eyes:

"How do you know?"

"You know what, you're really scary like this." An Yuxuan spat out her tongue mischievously, "I'll tell you if you introduce yourself."

Su Ziyu looked at An Yuxuan's eyes seriously, was silent for two seconds, and said lightly:

"Su Yu."

"Hehe, hello Mr. Su." An Yuxuan sat upright, pulled her hair down, and said with a grin, "Don't stare at me with that look, I know that you are an extraordinary person mainly because of it."

An Yuxuan pointed to the watch on her wrist, it was a very ordinary looking electronic watch, the strap was black, the square white and silver dial was lit up, and there were various colors of data beating.

Meeting Su Ziyu's doubtful gaze, An Yuxuan explained:

"Don't look at it is just a watch, it can detect spiritual fluctuations within a radius of one hundred meters

, in addition to the function of detecting physical fitness, as well as the degree of contamination of mental body and star spirit body

, it can be said that in addition to no direct attack means, the other functions of this watch are perfect."

"Huh..." Su Ziyu showed a sneer, and mocked mercilessly, "If it is really as powerful as you say, how come you don't even notice the thief approaching him?" "

This..." An Yuxuan's face turned blue and white at Su Ziyu's words, and it took a while before arguing, "That's my problem, it's not about this watch!"

Su Ziyu asked in surprise,

"People are not as good as watches?"

An Yuxuan glared at Su Ziyu and snorted coldly:

"This is the latest research project of the academy, you can say I can, but you are not allowed to say this watch!"

"Uh..." Su Ziyu shook his head helplessly and asked casually, "Are you from the research institute?"

An Yuxuan didn't answer, patted her head, suddenly remembered something, looked at Su Ziyu, and said excitedly:

"Mr. Su, can you cooperate with me to complete this semester's interview task?"


Su Ziyu had a question mark on his face.

Girl, I didn't say, your train of thought has become a little fast....

"Oh, that's right." An Yuxuan also felt that she was a little abrupt, and took out a certificate and handed it to Su Ziyu, "I'm not from the research institute, I'm a researcher in the mysterious history of the 'Beilian Extraordinary College', and I will graduate this year, but I will probably stay in school to do research after graduation." "


"Northern Union Extraordinary College" is the highest level of the Northern Alliance, Su Ziyu has heard of it before, but he did not expect that this top institution also has a branch in the Ninth Sea City.

The professors and scholars trained by this academy are all in the service of special subjects, and if the official extraordinary is the spear that pierces evil, then the many scholars in the logistics department are the solid backing of the executive commissioner.

After a long time, Su Ziyu said, "

You are still a student?"

"How? Looking down on students? An Yuxuan raised her eyebrows and said with a proud expression, "I won the top scholarship of the college every year during my master's degree, published dozens of top papers during my master's degree, and now I am named the youngest female doctor at the age of 22, and the projects I run are..." After

listening to An Yuxuan talk about his great achievements, Su Ziyu also came to a little spirit.

If An Yuxuan hadn't lied to him, then this girl was a top student.

"So..." asked Su Ziyu tentatively, "You are a scholar god?" "

Study God?" An Yuxuan clasped her hands around her chest, her face full of arrogance, "Did someone say this about me, how is it?" You know how good I am, right?

"It's pretty powerful." Su Ziyu also showed a smile, "You are a researcher who studies the occult and history?" So you have a lot of research on the ancient history of the extraordinary world?

"Of course."

A moment later, sensing that Su Ziyu's tone was wrong, An Yuxuan glanced at him suspiciously:

"Why do you suddenly ask like this?"

"I think we can work together." Su Ziyu leaned forward, "Just now you said what kind of interview you were going to do, right?"

"Uh... Yes..."

An Yuxuan was almost confused by Su Ziyu's sudden change in attitude.

I had to blame it, so my awesome school career scared Su Ziyu.

Ay... I wanted to keep a low profile... Forget it, finish the interview task first!

An Yuxuan nodded and agreed.

"What do you want to know?" Su Ziyu grinned, "For example, the affair history of extraordinary people? Or are extraordinary people exceptional in some way?

An Yuxuan took out the notebook and pen for a while, helplessly glanced at Su Ziyu, and said positively:

"I am a serious scholar, naturally I am asking some serious questions."

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