At this moment, Old Twelve suddenly felt a cold chill rushing up his spine, and the air seemed to be frozen with layers of ice slag

, and then a black sword light flashed, and he grabbed An Yuxuan's arm and was cut straight down.


Looking at the neat wound connecting his palm and arm, Old Twelve let out a miserable scream.

He covered his severed hand, looked up into the distance, and saw that fifty meters ahead, a door full of patterns and words symbolizing death appeared

, and then a young man wearing a white shirt and slim jeans walked out, his left hand holding An Yuxuan, who was already unconscious, and a dark giant sword in his right hand, with black ghost fire burning on the sword.

"Are you... Another goal? The corner of Old Twelve's mouth pulled out a cruel smile, "Since they are all here, it is good that I don't have to look for them one by one, but you are an extraordinary person... It seems that the price will have to be renegotiated after going back. "

The man of the black tailor?" Su Ziyu's gaze stayed on the black imp in the corner for a moment, and after scanning the circle, he looked at Old Twelve, "Who hired you?"

In the next second, Su Ziyu asked himself:

"I know you won't say it, but I have a way to make you speak."

"Stinky boy, you were still drinking milk when Laozi killed someone!"

was snatched away by Su Ziyu, the old twelve was embarrassed and angry, and immediately summoned the black imp back, squatted on his shoulder

, moved under his feet, stepped on a small pit like footprints in place, and killed Su Ziyu like lightning

, the latter quickly opened the distance, in the volley state, Su Ziyu had an extra quaint revolver in his hand

, after aiming, pull the trigger!

The silver bullet flew out with a roar, cutting through the air, and the front end of the warhead accumulated majestic spiritual power.

During the flight, the bullet suddenly became blurry.

In the next second, the silver bullet disappeared, and Su Ziyu's figure was actually subjected to some kind of pulling force, and teleported to the position where the bullet was flying just now!

His position with the bullet was swapped!

In other words, a bullet is flying towards him behind him!

Su Ziyu's pupils shrank suddenly, and he bent down and lowered his head without hesitation, and bullets flew over his head with a roar.

While thinking about the other party's ability, a door appeared behind Su Ziyu, and when he was about to pull him away, the inexplicable attraction just now enveloped him again.

When Su Ziyu came back to his senses, he returned to Old Twelve, and a dagger was wiped at his neck!

This guy's abilities... Su Ziyu frowned secretly, suddenly stepped hard under his feet to stabilize his figure, the all-seeing true eye opened instantly, after capturing the other party's movements, he held his wrist, the latter broke free

, the two palmed back and forth, fisted, and after several rounds, Old Twelve was pinched by Su Ziyu's neck.

Just when Su Ziyu was about to exert his strength, suddenly the weight in his hand was light, and when he looked again, what he crushed was a chair, and the figure of the other party appeared in the pile of broken furniture.

"Are you..." Old Twelve covered his chest and tried to catch his breath, a look of horror appeared on his face, "Hui Yue?!" No! That's impossible! "

After the fight just now, Su Ziyu also understood the strength of this killer, Morning Star High-Level!

For Su Ziyu, who is now entering the Hui Yue level, he basically belongs to an existence that can be pinched to death with a single finger.

But the other party's ability is very strange, obviously he has been caught just now, but he was still inexplicably escaped.

Looking at the only pile of wood chips left in his hand, and then thinking of the inexplicable exchange of positions before,

Su Ziyu also guessed the other party's ability to transpose!

You can exchange the physical location of any item in line of sight, and you can exchange yourself or two independent individuals.

The range of his ability Su Ziyu didn't know yet, but he guessed that it was within a hundred meters at most, because he didn't see this killer replacing items farther away.

Thinking of this, Su Ziyu sent An Yuxuan, who had fallen into a coma, to the Void Shadow Beast for protection.

"Your ability is good..."

Su Ziyu licked his lower lips and looked at the black imp on Old Twelve's shoulder, "I heard that every cadre in the black tailor practices a method of intercepting shadows

, visualizing the 'shadow demon', and making his own shadow attendant, that black imp is your shadow attendant, right?"

The ability is 'transpose', right?

Old Twelve's face suddenly looked a little embarrassed, and the outer strength said:

"Even if you know what!" Lao Tzu's strength may not be comparable to yours, but how can you crack this ability?

After that, he smiled and shouted again:

"Fuck, black fox, if you don't make a move, Laozi will die here!"

Su Ziyu frowned, and teammates?

As soon as he stomped his foot, the shadow on the ground seemed to come to life, spreading out inch by inch, and even the shadow area polluted by the black imp was included in the scope of [Bound Dungeon]!

"This..." Old Twelve was stunned for a moment, and immediately looked at Su Ziyu in disbelief, "You also have the power of the shadow demon?!"

Immediately, he thought of the Void Shadow Beast again, only to feel his brain buzzing, "That shadow monster... Are you a shadow attendant?!

Su Ziyu smiled contemptuously, and continued to squeeze out new techniques with both hands, "Have you heard of the Lord of Shadows? "

Lord of Shadows?"

Old Twelve was stunned, and suddenly felt dry mouth and hoarse throat, "You are... You are... Lord of Shadows?! Of

course, the Lord of Shadows knew that there was a lot of commotion in Jiangcheng at that time, and after the high-level of the "Black Tailor" learned about this, he sent experts to infiltrate the special department and copy a video tape of the "Lord of Shadows" at that time.

However, after months of investigation, they found no other information about the "Shadow Lord".

The high-level of the "Black Tailor" even guessed that the so-called "Lord of Shadows" was the human incarnation of their visualization god, the "Shadow Demon"!

But why the human avatars of the shadow demon do not contact these believers, there is no unified judgment at the top.

"Huh..." A series of dark shadows were attached to Su Ziyu's face again, and the dark shadows on his face jumped, forming a shadow demonic smile, "Is it like it now?" Old

Twelve had also seen the video, and at this time, he was naturally frightened by Su Ziyu's face was livid, and his two trembled, trembling like chaff like a sieve, "Demon!! Su

Ziyu's spirit flew in his hand, and then the ground shook, and rows of pitch-black pillars rose up, crisscrossing the old twelve inside.

"There is a prerequisite for your ability to launch, and that is vision!

If there is no target in your field of vision that can be transferred, your

ability will naturally not be able to continue to be used. "

This guy . .

When Old Twelve came back from the shock of his assassination of the "Lord of Shadows", he found that he had been bound by a pitch-black pillar, and

the shadows on the ground seemed to come to life, turning into a handful of twisted threads, crawling up his face like a snake.

"Ah——! No! His

limbs were all bound, and the black imp was forcibly dragged away by the twisted thread, separating him from him, and the twisted thread covered Old Twelve's eyes like gauze.

His vision is gone!

Su Ziyu's inference was correct, after Old Twelve was blindfolded, he really could no longer activate the ability to exchange positions at will!

Su Ziyu's fingers hooked slightly, and countless twisted threads surrounded him, piercing him like a sharp spear!

The feeling of imminent death enveloped him, and the old twelve, who had killed countless people, also felt the fear of death for the first time, and shouted like crazy:


"Black fox! Lao Tzu is going to die! Hurry up and save me!

"If I die, you won't be able to complete the mission alone!"

"Hmph! What a waste! Suddenly, a beautiful figure broke the window of the villa, wearing a fox mask, dressed in a maid costume, and after scanning the circle, the movements on his body suddenly stopped.

"Save me! Save me! Ahhh! When

Old Twelve heard the black fox's voice, it was as if he had caught a life-saving straw.

"Did you call for help like that?" The black fox sneered.

Old Twelve was stunned for a moment, and continued without hesitation:

"I was wrong! Grandma Black Fox, hurry up and save me!

"You'll be free right away."

The black fox said softly.

She walked slowly to Old Twelve, the cuffs danced, spider-like silk threads flew out, and the sharp blade hanging at the end cut the air, cutting Old Twelve's neck without hindrance.

"Nope——! Why! Before

dying, Old Twelve could only see the cold mask of the black fox, felt his head and body gradually separated, and the severe pain was instantly transmitted throughout the body, his consciousness was broken, and he died instantly.

After Old Twelve's head gurgled and rolled on the ground, his face turned in the direction of the black fox, and the twisted thread surrounded it, dismembering it in an instant, and the red and white flowed to the ground.

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