The man wrapped in the viscous liquid was the group ward with which Su Ziyu had lived with this man for a while when another patient held in the S-class shelter

had not yet been detected to have a tendency to contaminate.

The man's surname is Huang, the name is unknown, Su Ziyu calls him Lao Huang, when they used to live together, they would chant some strange things there every night, and every time they chatted with those doctors and nurses, everyone didn't want to listen to him talking nonsense there, and only the bored Su Ziyu would respond to his chat.

After every late night, Lao Huang would get up and tell Su Ziyu about what he saw that day....

He used to be an astronomer, but while observing the starry sky, he saw...


Lao Huang's description of Su Ziyu at that time still remembers clearly, he said that he saw a picture composed of billions of brilliant balls, those spheres squeezed together, their arrangement and combination completely violated the laws of human physics, each sphere exuded a radiance like the sun, and they looked like bubbles blowing out of a strange brilliance from all angles.

Lao Huang said that he only saw such a blurry image, and then his eyes turned into pitch black, and he didn't know the rest, he didn't feel crazy, in the years of the mental hospital, he looked at the sky idle, hoping to see the picture composed of billions of glorious bubbles again.

And Su Ziyu also understood the meaning of what the other party said after this former patient was locked up in an S-class shelter.

According to the dark knowledge that Su Ziyu possessed, it was very likely....

Lao Huang witnessed the evil god at that time!

He saw an unknowable-level forbidden existence!

God do not peep!

This is the law of the extraordinary world!

It is also the wise saying that the predecessors bought with their lives and blood!

The attack of the Ghoul Sect destroyed the formation of the S-class shelter, and Lao Huang killed the guards and ran out, came to the tallest building in this mental hospital, and looked up at the starry sky....

In the end, it completely lost control and produced abnormalities.

In the vision of the all-seeing true eye, Lao Huang's mental body was as black as coal, and he could not see a trace of light at all.

Obviously, Lao Huang has completely turned into a monster.

For humans who are completely out of control, Su Ziyu can't remove the pollution of his mental body, and now the only thing that can free Lao Huang is to let him sleep quietly forever.

Looking at that painful face, Su Ziyu took a long breath and smiled slightly:

"Lao Huang, you will be able to relieve yourself immediately."

At this moment, Lao Huang Yangtian let out a roar, and the viscous liquid around his body flew out like a spear and spear, stabbing towards Su Ziyu one by one.

Su Ziyu's expression was still calm, the tentacles behind him flew, forming a protective shield in front of him, the viscous liquid was knocked away, the cyan worms that composed them were drained of blood by the barbs on the tentacles, and the thick blood mist spread out with a bang, flying all over the sky.

And behind Su Ziyu, or on the rooftop, a huge circular figure appeared.

That's an eyeball!

Big Mac-like eyeballs!

What is shocking is that the eyeball has angel-like feathered wings on both sides, which is also huge, if you just look at the feathers, you think that it is an angel coming, but the one-eyed one in the middle contains malice.


The Fear Demon Eye roared, and the huge figure covered the sky, this is a form that evolved after absorbing the blood of many jelly-like monsters, and the huge one is comparable to the full moon hanging in the night sky!

The dark red light covered the Fear Demon Eye and shocked everyone in the courtyard.

The priest of the Ghoul Order also hoped that Su Ziyu would die in the administrative building, but after seeing the huge moon-like eyeball, his heart was so scared that he almost jumped out directly, not to mention that the eyeball seemed to be a collection of hatred, just looking at it, the spirit would be overwhelmed by negative emotions.

"Taboo... Definitely a taboo existence! The

priest trembled, looked at the ground in horror, cold sweat dripped down his forehead, and there was no trace of resistance in his heart.

The armed squad on the periphery was also attracted by the huge eyeballs on the administrative floor.

"Captain! Take a look! What is that! What a big eyeball! The

captain, who was not optimistic about Su Ziyu, endured the pain in his body and turned around, and his eyes looking at Tiantai were stunned at once.

For two seconds he didn't know what to say, his throat was so dry that panic seemed to be able to paint on his face.

After a long while, he muttered hoarsely,

"He... No... It's Him! That kind of power comes from the abyss... Certain... There must be a taboo!

"Quick! Hurry up and find the annunciator! I will report to HQ on the situation here!

One of the team members also came to his senses and said stunnedly:

"Captain, the signaler has long been destroyed... And... Even with a signaler it is useless ... That's probably a forbidden existence! "


Jiangcheng, the center of the city.

The couples on the street, the car drivers, the grandpas and aunts of the square dancers all seemed to be fixed, all staring in the same direction, and a circular reddish light appeared in the sky!

It was too far away for them to see that it was an eyeball, but they could see the Fear Demon Eye emanating from it, like a dark red spirit.

"Mom! Two moons appeared in the sky!

A little boy took his mother's arm and shouted excitedly.

The mother looked over, and a look of horror immediately appeared on her originally unimpressed face, and she quickly covered the boy's eyes and said quickly:

"Xiaoming is obedient, don't look at unclean things..."

Two moons appeared in the sky!

"It won't be some monster coming!"

"Has the monster entered the city? Hiss... It's not a good day yet, I don't want to die yet!

"Hehe, you young people just have too little knowledge, and the manifestation vision in the sky is likely to be broken through by some morning-star powerhouse of our Terran race!"

"Hiss... Old man, you have a point! Manifestation vision, do we Terrans need another hegemon-level powerhouse! "


At this time, the special department is busy in the office, collecting materials, testing data, and ringing the phone all the time.

"Damn it! It's already 103 calls! Do the people think we are blind! Of course, we can see something so big! A

man in his early thirties, smoking a cigarette, cursed.

He is the leader of the detachment of the Special Section's Operations Department, named Wei Kang, codenamed Fire Dragon.

After taking a sharp puff of his cigarette, he walked quickly to the other side of the office.

This is a research room.

An old man is standing by the window, looking at the sky with his back to his back, next to a technician in a white coat typing something on a computer.

The old man is the head of the special department, and everyone calls him Professor Bai.

The master of the occult is even more powerful in his own right, and many famous special specialists are his students.

"Professor Bai... Many people reported that two moons appeared in the sky!

"I know..."

Professor Bai pulled down the curtains, then came to a console, pressed a few buttons on it, and said softly,

"Come and see this."

Wei Kang came to Professor Bai suspiciously, glanced at the screen, and the smoke in his mouth almost fell out.

On the huge LCD screen, a huge eyeball appeared!

What emits red light is not the moon, but a giant eyeball!

This discovery made the man's anxious face a little more frightened....

"This is..."

Professor Bai also had a solemn expression, and said slowly:

"It is likely to... It exudes spiritual energy from the abyss, and it is extremely large, and it is completely impossible to detect it with our technology..."

Speaking of this, Professor Bai paused, a tremor appeared in his pupils that could not be concealed, and said softly:

"According to our speculation... There may well be a taboo!


Wei Kang was stunned for a moment, completely ignoring the cigarette in his mouth, swallowed his saliva, and said tremblingly:

"But... The ghost hand with the squad has passed... He..."

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