Early in the morning, Su Ziyu personally cooked, made breakfast, and then woke Ruan Xiaoqi and An Yuxuan down for breakfast.

Fortunately, last night's fight did not implicate the kitchen, otherwise this breakfast would have been ruined.

After Su Ziyu's introduction, An Yuxuan also understood Ruan Xiaoqi's identity, and the two women were sitting on the dining chair, waiting for Su Ziyu to serve breakfast.

After a while, Su Ziyu took three cups of hot milk, sandwiches, and eggs.

An Yuxuan was wearing a dressing gown, sitting on the dining chair, her face was pale, and last night's events hit her hard.

She looked at the food in front of her, but she couldn't raise her appetite at all.

On the other hand, Ruan Xiaoqi is much more natural, a mouthful of milk and a sandwich, beautiful to eat.

"Last night's incident..." An Yuxuan looked at Su Ziyu and pursed her lips, "Thank you." "

Thank you." Su Ziyu took a bite of the sandwich and said vaguely, "You are also implicated by me, hurry up and finish breakfast, I have a big discovery to share with you." "

Great discovery?" Hearing about the work, An Yuxuan suddenly came to the spirit, and her lost eyes suddenly became focused, "About that key?"


Su Ziyu drank most of the milk in the cup in one breath.

An Yuxuan nodded, lowered her head and began to enjoy breakfast.

Soon, after the three of them finished breakfast, An Yuxuan glanced at the messy living room, lowered her forehead, and invited Su Ziyu and the two to go up to the study on the second floor.

Last night's fight did not affect the study.

"Lalaye?" After listening to what Su Ziyu said, An Yuxuan's brain quickly retrieved the amount of information about these three words, "This is what Zhang Guoming said?"

"Last night, he was also listed as an assassination target, and after I rescued him, he knew it from his son Zhang Bin."

Su Ziyu said, "As the first owner of the key, and the only one who survived

, it is very likely that the mysterious existence behind the key imposed some kind of hint on him, and

after our visit, that hint was activated. This

is a point that Su Ziyu suddenly figured out last night, precisely because he visited Zhang Guoming during the day yesterday

, and in the process of interviewing Zhang Bin

, he also took out the octopus head key to show the other party, it is likely that at that time the octopus head key affected Zhang Guoming, resulting in a certain hint that had been hidden in his heart was stimulated.

"What else did he say?" An Yuxuan nodded and affirmed Su Ziyu's guess.

"In the eternal mansion Lalaye, the sleeping Marquis of Cthulhu sleeps."

Su Ziyu recalled Zhang Bin's tone at that time and said slowly.

"Lalaye, Cthulhu?"

An Yuxuan seemed to have thought of something, and her eyes flickered, "Lalaye may be a place name, what about Cthulhu?" Is the name of the mysterious being behind it? "

Has there ever been a god with this name in history?"

"Hehe..." An Yuxuan smiled helplessly, "The history of mankind is only officially recorded from the Fourth Age, and for the Tertiary and the longer history before it, it is almost equal to nothing..."


Ziyu thought that if he told An Yuxuan this information, the investigation would have results immediately.

"So say... Will they be targeted by the killer..." An Yuxuan shook her head, "But maybe you can find clues from some ancient books."

An Yuxuan got up and pulled out a tome from the corner of the bookshelf, the thick body of which was almost thirty centimeters high.

"This is?"

Meeting Su Ziyu and Ruan Xiaoqi's doubtful gazes, An Yuxuan put the tome on the table, slamming it and causing a puff of dust, "This book records all the language systems that have appeared in human history, and even some languages about the First Age have a few words

, since this key was fished up thirty years ago, it shows that the mysterious existence behind it is not far away from us, it is likely to be a certain god of the Third Age

, in this way, Perhaps there is a linguistic record of this race in this book. The

investigation has a new direction, An Yuxuan is full of energy, and the assassination she experienced last night seems to have been thrown out of cloud nine by her.

In order to continue to protect An Yuxuan's safety, Su Ziyu left Ruan Xiaoqi in the villa, and he took a tool gun and prepared to use [Abyss Jump] to come to the Sea Central Hospital.

"Xiaoqi, you stay here to protect Professor An."

Su Ziyu walked out.

"Good host."

Ruan Xiaoqi nodded obediently.


An Yuxuan raised her head suspiciously and looked at Su Ziyu strangely, her gaze seemed to say, do you have any special proclivities.

When he got up in the morning, when An Yuxuan asked Su Ziyu Ruan Xiaoqi's identity, Su Ziyu also said that Ruan Xiaoqi was his sister, why did he become the master again at this time?

Ruan Xiaoqi was wearing a maid costume, and the look in Su Ziyu's eyes seemed to hide stars, and An Yuxuan understood that the relationship between these two was not ordinary even if she was not proficient in the affairs of men and women.

"Sure enough, it's still the playboy set."

An Yuxuan teased.

Su Ziyu knew that this nizi must have misunderstood something, but he couldn't explain it clearly, and he didn't want to explain, just glared at Ruan Xiaoqi, and then turned on [Abyss Jump] and left here.

Sea Central Hospital, in ward 303.

Zhang Bin and Zhang Guoming were still sleeping in the ward, and last night Su Ziyu deliberately used some means to let them sleep deeper.

Walking to the middle of the two hospital beds, Su Ziyu took out something similar to a toy gun, turned on the light switch, and then urged spirituality, and a red light swept across Zhang Guoming's face.

Later, he did the same to Zhang Bin.

This toy gun is called [Memory Eraser], a first-order taboo item, the latest research and development product of Beilian Extraordinary Academy, the fifth generation improved version, and the standard for special subjects.

Effect: For ordinary people, the memory of the last day can be deleted at most, of course, the specific use effect is related to the strength of the user.

Like Su Ziyu, with the strength of the Hui Yue level, under full urging, he can delete the memories of ordinary people for a whole day, and he can also select the fragments in it for deletion.

After deleting some of the memories of the two about yesterday, Su Ziyu let the Void Shadow Beast burrow into Zhang Guoming's shadow to temporarily protect the other party.

After all, after last night's failed assassination, I don't know what other means the employer behind the scenes will take.

After doing all this, Su Ziyu used [Abyss Jump] again to return to the villa.

After Su Ziyu left, Zhang Bin's brows wrinkled slightly, slowly opened his eyes, his eyes showed a moment of confusion, and after returning to normal, he sat up, rubbed his head, and gritted his lower teeth.


"Last night..."

Zhang Bin felt like he had been punched in the brain, but he couldn't remember whose hand moved.

And he felt dizzy in his head, as if he had forgotten something, but he couldn't remember how he thought about it.

Just when he was annoyed by this, Zhang Guoming, who was on the next hospital bed, also woke up, and opened his mouth:

"Water... Ah Bin brought me water. Seeing

that his father was also awake, Zhang Bin did not dwell on those unrealistic thoughts anymore, but he fell asleep too tired to take care of his father last night.

Hurriedly got up and took a glass of water for Zhang Guoming, and then went outside the ward to call the doctor.

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