In order to protect An Yuxuan's safety, Su Ziyu retired from the hotel in Block Two and lived in An Yuxuan's single-family villa.

Since Ruan Xiaoqi has been out for a while, some things in Jiang City are backlogged, and the greedy death god is not a serious human after all, and it is difficult to come forward on some occasions, so many things still need to be dealt with after Ruan Xiaoqi goes back.

For this reason, Greed also specially rushed over from Jiangcheng to personally transport Ruan Xiaoqi back.

"Then I'll go."

Ruan Xiaoqi was carrying a black hiking bag larger than others, and looked at Su Ziyu reluctantly.

"Xiaoqi obediently." Su Ziyu touched Ruan Xiaoqi's head and said softly, "When I finish this time, I will go back to Jiangcheng." "


Hearing that Su Ziyu was going back to Jiangcheng, Ruan Xiaoqi's eyes widened, and his little face was full of expectation.

"Of course."

"Then I'll wait for you."

Ruan Xiaoqi reluctantly let go of Su Ziyu's hand, "Master, you have to hurry up and finish the affairs here, Xiaoqi is waiting for you at home."

Su Ziyu smiled and nodded.

The greedy housekeeper stepped forward, first took off his top hat and bowed to Su Ziyu, then bowed to An Yuxuan who was standing at the door, and finally bent down and gestured, inviting Ruan Xiaoqi to get into the car.

Ruan Xiaoqi turned back three times in one step, and finally got into the black car with tears in his eyes, greedily finally bowed to Su Ziyu again, and then sat in the car, ignited up, and drove towards the airport.

Su Ziyu turned around and walked into the house, An Yuxuan followed behind and teased:

"It's really an unforgettable drama, will your little lover feel lonely when he leaves?"

Su Ziyu directly ignored her ridicule, took a glass of ice water, and sat down on the sofa, "How are the preparations for the ship charter?" "

The rental company has already been contacted, it's just..." Speaking of business, An Yuxuan immediately put away her playful smile and said positively, "The people from the council hall suddenly contacted me."


Meeting the doubtful gaze cast by Su Ziyu, An Yuxuan sighed and said: "

The topic reported by our interview with Zhang Guoming's father and son before was seen by a certain minister

of the Council Hall, and he wanted to arrange someone to follow up on this topic, and he didn't know where he knew that we were going to rent a steamer

, and directly lent us the official ship of the Council Hall, but we need to bring the person he arranged."

"This... Can't you refuse? "

Can't..." An Yuxuan looked at Su Ziyu and said with a bitter smile, "The minister who contacted us this time is the head of the propaganda department of the council hall, who once served in the border army, and there are also connections in the army, real real power figures."

"If we don't agree, I'm afraid no rental company will dare to cooperate with us."

Su Ziyu didn't reply immediately, and after being silent for a while, he said, "

It won't be arranged by the Primordial Moon, right?" "

But this is the council hall, or the council hall of Sea City No. 9, it's not realistic to want to control it with the power of the sect..." An Yuxuan frowned, "But it's not impossible, prepare for the worst."

"That's right, whether it's a Primitive Moon believer or not, we can't make too much noise." Su Ziyu cocked Erlang's leg, "Then let's do this for the time being, you agree first, if there is an official ship, the chance of passing through the 'impossible channel' is also greater."

An Yuxuan nodded and agreed, got up and went to deal with the matter.

Su Ziyu went into the kitchen to get busy preparing lunch for the meeting.



Three days later.

In a military port in Sea City No. 9, a small military ship set sail.

On deck, dozens of professional sailors are busy, carrying the supplies needed on the ship.

Su Ziyu and An Yuxuan were standing in front of the deck blowing the wind, and three men walked towards them.

The obese man in the middle who looked like the leader, took the initiative to step forward and stretched out his hand:

"Good morning, Dr. An."

An Yuxuan shook his hand and said with a smile: "

Good morning, Minister Liu."

The man known as Minister Liu smiled and nodded, and introduced:

"This is our captain, Mr. Zhang Miao, he once served in the Demon Hunting Army and is also a believer of the God of War Church

, this is my personal secretary, Mr. Li He, you can still talk on the road, how familiar and familiar."



After greeting each other, Su Ziyu's gaze also quickly swept over the two subordinates brought by Minister Liu.

The middle-aged man on the left wearing a military uniform, standing tall, with a resolute expression and naturally deflated lips was Mr. Zhang mentioned by Minister Liu, and he was also the captain of this official ship.

The man standing behind Minister Liu on the right hand side was his personal secretary, Mr. Li He.

What impressed Su Ziyu more was that Li He had a black mole at the corner of his eye, his expression was gloomy, and his gaze made him a little uncomfortable.

He subconsciously wanted to open his all-seeing true eyes to observe, but he noticed that there was a spiritual dispersion in that Captain Zhang, and he gave up after thinking about it for a moment.

After chatting for a while, Captain Zhang left first because he needed to command the whole ship.

After that, Minister Liu also left the deck with his personal secretary, Li He, and entered a sea restaurant in the back.

Unlike the Trojan Horse, the official ship is top-notch in terms of facilities, weapons, power systems and various mechanical equipment, and is also equipped with a maritime restaurant.

In order to prepare for this investigation team, not only the sailors on board were temporarily recruited from the sea army, but they were all elites who had undergone the most rigorous sea training, and

the captain even found the retired cadres of the previous sea demon hunting army, and even the chefs in the restaurant were specially found.

This Minister Liu's ability is indeed not small.

Su Ziyu secretly sighed in his heart.

The official ship, dubbed "Discovery" by Minister Liu, was discharging the thick sea water and moving steadily on the sea.

In one day, the "Discovery" has sailed out of the No. 9 Sea City, and tomorrow morning it will sail out of the No. 2 safe sea, and after leaving the safe sea, the speed of navigation may not be as fast as today.

After dinner in the restaurant, Su Ziyu did not blow the wind on the deck like the others, but went directly back to his room in the cabin.

An Yuxuan's room was arranged next to him, which Su Ziyu specifically requested.

In the room, Su Ziyu sat down at the small table by the window, and as soon as his mind moved, the simple octopus head key appeared in his hand.

Rubbing the patterns and words on it, Su Ziyu

muttered: "Lalaye..."

There was no special reaction he expected, and after playing for a while, there was a knock outside the door.

"Mr. Su, Minister Liu asked me to bring you a late-night snack."

The voice of the waiter sounded outside.

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