The storage room was filled with supplies and commodities, and the surface of boxes containing food and fuel was sprayed with layers of blood, and the boxes piled up in the corners of the tin walls were overturned, revealing the blood-stained walls behind and the bodies nailed to the walls.

The corpse had its arms outstretched, its feet side by side and hanging down naturally, in the shape of a "ten", a nail was punched into the wrists, ankles and eyebrows, and the rest of the wall was painted red with blood, as if the corpse was nailed to a blood-stained red cross.

The spilled blood fell to the ground irregularly, connecting several scrawled red lines on the ground, and several red lines colluded with each other, and finally turned into a scarlet one-eyed eye, staring maliciously and joyfully at the corpse nailed to the wall.

The body was a middle-aged man, with multiple wounds on his body, blood almost stained him into a bloody man, the clothes on his body were torn into strips of cloth

, and unknown strange words were written on the chest, his mouth was slightly open, his face was distorted, and he seemed to have seen an indescribable picture before his death.

The whole murder scene, with a certain weird sense of ritual, is more like a murder art show.

No wonder the sailor who discovered the scene was frightened like this, the death of this corpse really made people shudder.

Su Ziyu recorded the blood-colored writing engraved on his chest, and there was a sound of hurried footsteps and cursing outside the door.

"Shit, who the fuck is making trouble on my boat."

Minister Liu rushed in, his face extremely ugly.

After seeing Su Ziyu, he was about to say hello, but he also realized something, and looked in the direction of Su Ziyu's gaze, and the tragic state of the corpse in front of him made the big man's face instantly turn pale.


Minister Liu opened his mouth, rolled his Adam's apple many times, and shouted in a lost voice:

"What's going on!"

Behind him, the tall Captain Zhang and Secretary Li also followed.

After seeing this scene in front of them, the faces of the two changed greatly.

They looked at Su Ziyu together, and their eyes showed a thirst for answers.

Su Ziyu shrugged and said

, "Don't look at me, I don't know anything, the first discoverer is that old man."

Following the direction pointed by Su Ziyu, Minister Liu and several people turned their heads together to look over

, originally the sailor was a little relieved mentally, and suddenly he was stared at by so many big people, and suddenly his heart was raised to his throat again.

While waving his hand in a panic, he quickly explained:

"Minister Liu, this matter has nothing to do with me, I just came to carry some ingredients according to the request of the head chef, who knows that as soon as the door of the storage room is pushed open..." Minister Liu

, who recovered from a moment of shock, waved his hand, and asked several subordinates to take the sailor down for a good question.

Immediately, he looked at the blood-stained wall, and there was an indescribable anger brewing under his eyes, and turned to look at Su Ziyu and said, "

What does Mr. Su think?"

"I'm not a detective and don't see anything special."

Su Ziyu shook his head and said.

"This kind of killing method is not quite like what sea beasts can do."

Captain Zhang on the side approached the corpse and carefully examined it, "It seems to be a killing method carefully planned by humans,

but it cannot be ruled out that some sea beasts with extremely high intelligence have mixed into the ship."

After all, this is the Sea of Mist, and it is normal for some monsters with strange abilities to appear.

"Minister Liu, I think we should first investigate all the crew members and calm their emotions by the way."

Then check again to see if any monsters have sneaked in. Captain

Zhang turned around and looked at Minister Liu, "I wonder what you think?" "

This Captain Zhang is worthy of having served in the Demon Hunting Army, his thinking is clear, and he does things calmly.

"Just do as you say."

Minister Liu, who had been silent, nodded in agreement.

They then brought in several sailors to process the bodies and check for damage, and then left the storage room together.

Su Ziyu followed behind them, responding from time to time, and after going up to the deck, due to their special status, Minister Liu arranged for them to investigate and interrogate first.

After the interrogation, Su Ziyu took An Yuxuan back to the room.

"Do you know this ancient text?" After Su Ziyu confirmed that the door was locked, he wrote on the table the strange words that had been engraved on the murderer's chest before.

An Yuxuan originally had many questions he wanted to ask, such as why he was suddenly pulled into his room by Su Ziyu.

But after seeing Su Ziyu's serious expression, she also put away her ridicule thoughts, carefully examined the ancient text, and said after thinking for a moment:

"If this kind of writing ... I was really impressed.

An Yuxuan's brows furrowed slightly:

"It's the Abyss language!" But I don't know exactly what it means.

Hey, why look at me with such eyes, how can Miss Ben say that she is also the youngest female doctor in Beilian, and even the words that I don't know, basically no one will know!

Moreover, the abyss language contains the demon language of various races, and I can judge by the appearance of this text that it belongs to the abyss language, which is already very powerful, okay!

Su Ziyu didn't speak, staring at the text on the paper for a moment.

"Do you have an idea?" An Yuxuan looked at Su Ziyu, who was silent, and couldn't help but ask.

After a long while, Su Ziyu rubbed a finger, a wisp of ghost fire quickly burned the paper, he sat down on the chair, turned his head to look at An Yuxuan and said:

"Judging from the scene where the corpse died, I think that this method of death is more like a ritual, and it involves various mysterious events in the abyss, many of which are also related to rituals."

Su Ziyu's first thought was that when he fought the priest of the Old God Sect in Jiangcheng before, the other party used the giant stone ring array to communicate the mysterious ritual of

the abyss gate, although the giant hand that stretched out from the abyss was finally beaten back, but the existence in the abyss also left a deep impression on Su Ziyu.

He had always felt that the abyss was synonymous with evil rituals and magic.

Well, although he also has a skill called [Abyss Jump], this is not the same type of ability as using the abyss to communicate evil rituals.

"So you think it's artificial?"

"Yes, my guess is that the disciples of the Primordial Moon, they may still be hiding in the shadows, ready to solve us."

Su Ziyu's gaze suddenly became sharp.

"They... They are also on board?

"It may be the original crew on board, or it may have been on board by some means halfway."

"They're in the dark, we're in the light, this..."

"You don't need to be afraid, go back and rest first, I will let my minions protect you at any time."

Su Ziyu felt that the girl beside him was trembling, and smiled and comforted, "I'll leave it to me next." Recalling

the adventure experience of always turning danger into danger with Su Ziyu, An Yuxuan slowly became less afraid in her heart.

Su Ziyu let the Void Shadow Beast hide in An Yuxuan's shadow, and then sent

the Fear Demon Eye out to patrol outside the room, after all, the Fear Demon Eye that did not open the [Bloodthirsty] ability was very small, and ordinary people could not find it.

After An Yuxuan left, Su Ziyu sat back in the chair again and summoned the mysterious worm.

Then stretched out a finger, suspended on the white paper, a drop of blood appeared out of thin air, and a small red flower was smudged on the paper.

This was not Su Ziyu's blood, but the blood of that corpse.

When he was inspecting the corpse, he secretly kept a drop of the other party's blood to the Chaos Sea.

Using the blood of the corpse, the law of divination can be satisfied.

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