"Since its essence is composed of pain, the way of attack is also to make the target feel

pain, and those who bear the pain can be separated from part of human nature, and then combined with the visualization map, giving birth to part of the divinity, and being promoted

, for example, I did it."

However, more people could not withstand this torture, and in the end, they could only disappear in the flesh and destroy their spirits.

What a domineering way to promote. Through

the observation of the all-round true eye, Su Ziyu not only understood his promotion principle more clearly, but also figured out an idea in his heart.

He manipulated the Extreme Abyss Demon Dragon to evade Black Bamboo's pursuit again, while taking out a toy toad from the Sea of Chaos.

This is a zero-order forbidden item snatched from Professor Shen's hand, which can build a dream within a radius of two kilometers.

"That is?"

After the sharp-eyed Secretary Li saw what was in Su Ziyu's hand, his face suddenly changed, "Nightmare Golden Toad!" Holy relic of our Lord! Damn, I already knew that I shouldn't have given such a high-specification taboo item to the surname Shen, but I was actually robbed!

But...... What does he want to do... The Nightmare Golden Toad is a zero-order taboo item, but not everyone can..." As

he said this, Secretary Li's face suddenly turned livid, and his eyes widened:

"Impossible!" He could actually use the Nightmare Golden Toad! "

Zero-order taboo items have greater activity and can recognize the Lord, and the Nightmare Golden Toad can restore the Divine Kingdom of the Moon God to a certain extent due to its special ability, so it has long been forcibly recognized by the Church with the help of the power of the Moon God.

In general, once the Lord is confessed, it rarely changes.

But what happened now made Secretary Li stunned.

It actually confessed the Lord for the second time!

It's not scientific!

Oh no, this is not theological!

The scene that happened next completely dumbfounded him.

I saw that with Su Ziyu as the center, an illusory dream space spread, enveloping the tortured son.

The originally dark night can only be seen with the help of the electric lights on the ship, and after the dream space is formed, it seems to pull them into space, surrounded by a little starlight, falling from the sky of stars, beautiful as a fairy tale dream.

It worked! He actually used it successfully!

Secretary Li looked at the scene in front of him stunned.

Su Ziyu looked at the tortured son, and the other party's brutal eyes also showed a little confused.

I saw Su Ziyu continue to rub the surface of the nightmare golden toad, and then build a scene in his mind, and the dark curtain of stars around him seemed to be a canvas that could be painted arbitrarily.

In the next second, the morning star dissipated, and another picture slowly blurred in this space.

In the picture, a five or six-year-old child runs around in the garden of a villa, and behind him there is a kind old man chasing him, and both grandfather and grandson have happy smiles on their faces, and the joyful laughter seems to penetrate the shackles of time and reach everyone's ears.

The picture turned, the same little boy from before, sitting in the arms of an old man at this time, the old man held him in one hand and a thick book in the other, mindfully reading to him.

Then more pictures flashed

like a movie, the boy crouched on the table, mischievously messing with the calligraphy and painting that the old man had just written, the old man fell asleep on the table, and the boy picked up a brush and drew a pair of panda-like big eye circles for the old man;

The old man showed his lean upper body, flowing in the river, bending over and groping in the river for a while, Huo Di caught a large fish weighing more than a dozen pounds, and the little boy stood not far away with his trouser legs up, clapping his hands happily;

When dusk fell, the old man kept turning the grilled fish on a simple homemade barbecue, and the boy supported his chin with his hands, looking at the grilled fish with anticipation, wiping the hala from the corners of his mouth from time to time;

The old man took a stick all over the yard to find the boy, his face was painted with all kinds of graffiti, the boy rolled the window, ran the stairs, a big one and a small chased in the villa that had been somewhat outdated in the previous decoration, and

finally the old man caught up with the boy, and the two pounced on the grass together, the boy pointed to the old man's panda eyes, laughed, the old man was also infected by the boy's laughter, and after a bitter laugh, he also opened his mouth to laugh.


All these things, all kinds of pictures flash and jump back, as if watching a movie screen.

This is Su Ziyu's vague presentation of the fragment that was washed by the divine nature just now and about to be forgotten in this way.

And the Nightmare Golden Toad has precisely such an ability, and the entire space can be arbitrarily constructed with Su Ziyu's thoughts as the core.

Looking at the ever-changing fragments around him, Su Ziyu's heart surged with an indescribable sense of ease, and the sense of depression that carrying divinity was about to break away from human nature was gradually weakening.

Who said that carrying divinity requires detachment from human nature?

Su Ziyu felt that the restless spirituality in his body instantly quieted down, and the part of the divinity that had been some non-stop before was gradually pacified, and the part of human nature memory that was about to disappear became clearer and clearer at this moment.

He didn't want to be like those high gods who became gods and completely detached from human nature.

Su Ziyu must not only perfectly grasp the divine nature, but also maintain his own humanity.

He could clearly feel that the divinity was completely digested.


While exhaling a turbid breath, Su Ziyu didn't realize that tears were oozing from the corners of his eyes.

These memories are not only proof of him as a human being, but also the bits and pieces of life that really happened between him and his grandfather, and I feel anxious to recall them now.

Su Ziyu's gaze swept and noticed that the tortured son trapped in the center was lowering his head, and the black bamboos around him were no longer advancing, stopping like a freeze-frame picture.

In this way of dreaming, the suffering of the tortured son is eliminated.

If this is a collection of pain and suffering, then it is also like a water-hungry traveler in the desert, eager to be loved and loved.

It is a sad toy made by the gods for entertainment, and it is violent by nature.

If the average child grows up with darkness and light, then the tortured child is always in darkness and has never seen the light.

After suffering extreme pain, if you give it a little love warmth, it may be very different.

It's like a person who is about to drown in the water and grabs the straw for his life.

The tortured son lowered his head, the violent anger around his body was dissipating little by little, his scarlet eyes became flat, his eyes were dark and deep, as if he was remembering, and his eyes were full of tears.

Seeing this, Su Ziyu was slightly relieved in his heart

, he bet right, this combination of extreme resentment and pain, the environment of love, must guide it to recall the good times it once had as a human being.

After all, the so-called child of punishment is essentially a collection of pain, and if other emotions other than pain appear in its emotions, the rules of the gods that created it will naturally be broken.


The tortured son raised his head, his body cracked like glass, and dissipated piece by piece.

"Thank you."

At the moment when the tortured son was about to dissipate, a little girl's spirit body flew into the air, turned around and smiled slightly at Su Ziyu.

As soon as the sea breeze blew, the spirit body dissipated, and the flesh turned into black ash and merged into the sea.

The spirit body that had been trapped in it was also liberated at this moment.

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