
The scissors cut off the mysterious silk thread connecting the human body and the spirit body, and after losing the connection between the physical body, the spirit body's eyes became confused, and it flew into the sky sluggishly, the spirit scissors flew, the clicking sound continued to come out, and a spirit body was cut and disintegrated, and the spirituality that escaped turned into a little green light and scattered.

Seeing this scene, the ghoul priest subconsciously did not shout pain, the hundreds of believers he brought were physically dismembered and their spirit bodies destroyed in an instant, and the man who did all this still looked at the spectacle in front of him calmly....

He stared blankly at the scene in front of him, and even forgot the pain, for a moment he felt that the scene of spiritual light spots flying had a sense of death beauty, but the next second, the huge spirit scissors flew over his head!

Su Ziyu looked at him with a smile, and looked at the ghoul priest in his heart, he seemed to want to ask for intercession, but Su Ziyu's arm was pressed, and his spirit body was also pulled out,


The connection between the spirit and the body was quickly severed.


Before dying, the priest made his last cry.

Then, his spirit body, like everyone else, was cut into pieces by spirit scissors.

The spiritual light spots flying in the sky slowly rose higher like fireflies at night, illuminating a corner of the night with silver and snow.

The mutilated limbs also flew up, and their respective spirit bodies mixed with the corpses of those flesh, and a crazy weaving show began.

The anomaly here also affected the residents of the nearby urban area.

Just now the double moon rose together, and then the blood moon was empty, and at this time there were spiritual spots, and passers-by on the street only felt that tonight was really magical, but there were also some big forces and organizations, but they also expected something and held an emergency meeting.

"Mom, look, the sky over there is so bright!"

"Husband, look quickly, there is a long river of silver light over there! What a romance!


Spots? Did an extraordinary battle happen? "

Shhhh Isn't that where the Blood Moon emerged? Why did so many spiritual spots suddenly appear, could it really be that the power to hold the authority of the spirit world had come? "

The special department seems to have passed... I don't know what really happened there..."


The corpse pieces and the spirit fragments combined into a cocoon of flesh, and what surprised Su Ziyu was that the evil spirit secret puppet transformed by Dr. Li was also wrapped in layers of flesh cocoon, falling into some kind of transformation.

"What's going on?"

Su Ziyu muttered, remembering that when he had just cut the spirit body, some of the unused flesh and blood and spiritual light spots seemed to be absorbed by this evil spirit secret puppet, which caused this strengthening.

While waiting for them to hatch, Su Ziyu came to a corner of the courtyard according to the information transmitted by the evil spirit secret puppet before.

Using his all-seeing true eyes to scan around, Su Ziyu found what he wanted.

It was a Buddhist shrine, covered with cracks, and it looked like a good material, but it hadn't completely disintegrated.

The statue inside has been shattered and its original shape cannot be seen, but one thing is certain, this is probably the core site of the sacrifice, and the statue has been broken for some reason.

Su Ziyu guessed that after the ritual failed, it naturally disintegrated after receiving the anti-devouring force.

But it is also possible that the ghoul god made it himself?

But according to some secrets that Su Ziyu knew, there were true gods in this world, but most of the gods fell into a deep sleep for some reason....

Occasionally only respond to the prayers of believers.

Although it was broken, Su Ziyu still chose to extract the material, and as expected, he did not get anything valuable, it seems that the power of the ghoul god has disappeared.

Su Ziyu was not annoyed, this mental hospital provided him with a material library, refined the evil spirit secret puppet, and there were two five-star materials in the backpack, bringing a spider-based helper, which can be described as the beginning of Tianhu.

As for the evil gods?

Taking his time, Su Ziyu believed that one day he would also kill them.

Suddenly, there was a sound of broken flesh cocoons in his mind, Su Ziyu came to the courtyard, and rows of evil spirit puppets came out, and the skeleton heads were dyed with black fire, looking like an army of undead.

And the evil spirit secret puppet that Dr. Li turned into at the beginning came out of a flesh cocoon in the front,


This evil spirit secret puppet is nearly two meters tall, like a small giant, covered in iron-black armor, only the black fire in the eye sockets shows its hideousness, and the armor is also burning with black fire, as if it is a hell demon god guarding hell.

The previously exposed muscles and blood vessels were covered with armor, holding the Hellfire Whip in one hand and the longsword formed into dark flames in the other.

A brand new data also appeared in front of Su Ziyu's eyes.

"[Evil Spirit Knight: One of the evolutionary forms of the Evil Spirit Secret Puppet, the strength is half a step of the morning star, after fusing more flesh and blood and spirit energy, you can unlock more authority in the underworld, wearing the underworld armor, holding the Huangquan Giant Sword, strong combat power, continue to absorb flesh and blood and spiritual energy can be further strengthened! ] "

Evil spirits... Knight? "

The Evil Spirit Puppet has been upgraded... Turned out to be an evil spirit knight!

In addition to the excess flesh and blood and spirit light spots absorbed by him, he had just killed many disciples, and he also absorbed enough necromancy power, and multiple factors prompted him to complete his evolution.

The strength of the evil spirit knight has reached the terrifying half-step Morning Star, and it has strong self-healing ability and immortality, and the real combat power is far beyond the ordinary same level, which can be regarded as stepping into the threshold of the Morning Star in half a step.

With another strong helper, Su Ziyu is also very happy.

The Evil Spirit Knight walked up to Su Ziyu and knelt down, and the flame giant sword was inserted into the ground.

"Great host! His subordinate is an evil spirit knight, swearing to the Underworld Heavenly Dao, and will eventually follow you to death! "

Stand up!"

Su Ziyu drank.

With a snap, the Ghost Knight stood up decisively, moving quickly and concisely, no less than a well-trained soldier.

"In the future, these thirty-six evil spirit puppets will all be commanded by you, and today I will give you the title - 'Fury'!"

"Do what you want!"

The soul fire in the eye socket of the furious knight burned even more vigorously, and the roaring battle intent evaporated from him.

"Complete the disguise!"

The furious knight waved his big hand, and the thirty-six evil spirit secret puppets below immediately stood up, the skeleton head slowly produced bloody flesh and fascia, and the exposed flesh and blood were slowly covered by a layer of flesh skin

, less than ten seconds, plus the furious knight, all completed the disguise of the human shape.

Looking at the thirty-seven evil spirit secret puppets, Su Ziyu felt a mighty feeling in his heart, as if he had returned to ancient times and become the commander of a million-strong army.

This group of evil spirit armies is afraid of millions of heroes, they have immortality and strong combat effectiveness, they can be described as real humanoid meat grinders on the battlefield!

Su Ziyu nodded in satisfaction, waved his black robe, and the black dark curtain descended, taking it away with the army of evil spirits.

Space teleportation, the teleportation distance can only be within one kilometer, called [Dark Wisdom Void Teleportation]!

"Family, are you ready for me to go back?"

"I will not let you bully me wantonly, this time I will reach the peak of the world, master the authority of the law, and dominate the fortunes of all lives!"

"In this way, I will be..."

Funeral God Supreme!

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