Su Ziyu first asked the ghost-toothed dragon salmon to create five bubble-like shields to seal the air inside, and then let everyone choose a bubble ball to drill into.

Such a water shield bubble can maintain the amount of oxygen for half an hour.

At this time, the ghost-toothed salmon also swam to the location of the previous point of light.

When I got closer, there was a bottomless pit.

"We're going out."

Su Ziyu looked at everyone and explained, "Ugly words are ahead, if you feel unwell when you get below, then come back first, and the ghost-toothed salmon will always be waiting at the door."


Captain Zhang and the others nodded and agreed without hesitation.

In fact, before coming, they didn't know that the destination of this voyage was here

, until

, after learning from Su Ziyu, they were looking forward to seeing the mysterious underwater city with their own eyes.

Therefore, everyone has an excited look on their faces, this is a legendary city, if it were not for the big guy with him, he would never have the opportunity to come over in his life.


, the ghost-toothed salmon opened its huge mouth, and they walked out along their tongues, stepping around the glowing pit.

Su Ziyu opened his all-seeing true eyes and looked down

, only to see steps lurking in the darkness, circling down, with no end in sight.

There are actually undersea steps....

Su Ziyu looked around, suspecting that after the city was flooded, the entrance or exit of the entire city was buried here.

The octopus head key in the chaotic sea lit up with a burst of light, and Su Ziyu was secretly happy in his heart, and it seemed that he had not found the wrong position.

"Follow me."

Su Ziyu took An Yuxuan's small hand, and the two took the lead and walked down.

Captain Zhang and the others glanced at each other and followed with an excited expression.

This deep-sea step is very long, circling down like a snake

, as if in a very empty place, except for the sound of the sea gurgling and bubbling, you can only hear the muffled sound of them mixing with the sea and stepping on the steps.

Su Ziyu opened his all-seeing true eyes to observe the situation around him, and every step was cautious

, and after about ten minutes,

he stepped on it and fell short.

It's arrived!

Su Ziyu was overjoyed in his heart and pulled An Yuxuan forward two steps.

The crowd followed.

"Here it is?"

Su Ziyu took An Yuxuan forward, and everyone followed behind, their eyes sweeping over this clearing from time to time.


, the fat sailor's eyes lit up, and he pointed to a place and shouted:

"What is that?"

"It seems to be... Jewel? Another

sailor quickly ran over, picked up the thing, and forcefully pulled out the barnacle on the surface.

"A lot... So many gems! The

fat sailor looked at the random pile of gems on the ground, his eyes shining.

"Be careful!"

Captain Zhang shouted sternly, seeing that the two did not listen, he had to hold his forehead, a few people just met, when they arrived in this kind of place, seeing the wealth, he was not good to say anything.

"This seems to be..." Captain

Zhang walked to the end of the area, and in front of him, stood a wall carved with various unknown patterns and creations.

He had to turn on the deep-sea flashlight he carried with him and look at the wall with the help of light.


, he swept the light of the flashlight around the area, and his frown suddenly loosened:

"The palace... It's like a palace!

"Outer palace, there is a door here."

Su Ziyu's voice came from the other direction, and the light of Captain Zhang's flashlight shone from behind, and the

full shape of the door was immediately exposed to their eyes.

It was a bronze stone door that was hundreds of meters in size, and it was hard to imagine what kind of existence needed to pass through such a majestic bronze door.

The door, like the surrounding walls, is painted with various patterns and patterns, most of which are contrary to the creation system that human beings have had since ancient times, and even look a little unusual.

After staring at this door for a while, Su Ziyu noticed that in the middle of the door, that is, thirty or forty meters above his head, there was a small keyhole!

There it is....

Once seen in the divination screen, you can open the keyhole with an octopus head key!

Su Ziyu was overjoyed in his heart, and he really didn't find a mistake!

This is the once mysterious city, the underwater city that is almost unknown in history - Lalaye!

Just as he was about to take out the key and try to open the door, Spirituality suddenly felt something, turned around and picked up An Yuxuan, and jumped into the distance.


A huge axe slashed down, the floor cracked, and rubble flew up.

"What a thing!"

Captain Zhang was also taken aback, and the flashlight moved in that direction.

I saw that the owner of the axe was a stone statue, looking like a mermaid, with a body five meters large, and the lime in the eyes shook off, as if it had come to life.


Su Ziyu put down An Yuxuan, who had a red face, pointed into the distance and said, "You go over there and hide." Feeling

the dazzling light of the flashlight, the axe statue's eyes turned around, his gaze fell on Captain Zhang, raised the axe, and slashed it again!


The tidal wave of shadow power quickly spread out with Su Ziyu as the center, forming two sets of huge shadow palms, dragging the giant axe!



The Shadow Palm instantly collapsed under the weight of the giant axe.

The giant axe went all the way down, and saw that it was about to slash at Captain Zhang, and the latter was also frightened by this heavy pressure.

Seeing this, a dark shadow rose from Su Ziyu's shoulder, forming the shape of a curtain dark beast.

I saw the little guy stretching out his finger, and the power of the shadow condensed at the fingertip, slightly towards the front!

【Black Flash】Launch!

In the next second

, Captain Zhang's figure became blurred, and the axe chopped down and slashed on a stone slab!


Huge stones flew one after another, and the stone slab a few meters away was suddenly cut in half.

"Captain Zhang! You protect Yuxuan!

Su Ziyu shouted.

Captain Zhang came back to his senses, and also knew that he was not the opponent of this stone statue, so he quickly greeted the two sailors and hid behind Su Ziyu.


axe..." Su Ziyu frowned, stepping down, the power of the shadows in the [Shadow Realm] was like boiling seawater, turning into sharp spears, stabbing at the axe statue from all directions.

The stone statue was not afraid, but it danced the giant axe so tightly that the power of the shadow was easily dispersed like water.

Su Ziyu's feet floated in the air, a black cloud emerged, he stood on the back of the Extreme Abyss Demon Dragon, and a ball of light that was half the size of his body condensed in front of the demon dragon, and spit out towards the axe statue.

The axe statue turned slightly sideways, looking at the [Demon Dragon Spiritual Breath] that was getting closer and closer to him, and he didn't move.

Standing in place, as if frightened silly.

But Su Ziyu didn't think so, he narrowed his eyes and looked at the other party.


The dazzling flames rose up into the sky, instantly turning the place into a sea of fire.

The smoke dispersed, and after seeing the picture inside, the pupils of Su Ziyu and the others suddenly shrank!

Another stone statue appeared!

The same dress, looking like a mermaid, huge in size, the only difference is that it is not holding an axe in its hand, but a wooden shield.

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