The crystal green points of light banished the darkness of the temple, and even the naked eye could finally see the creatures in the shadows.

I saw huge tree trunks attached to the dome of this temple, and vines crisscrossed and tangled together, covering the entire dome like a spider's web.

The center of the huge tree trunk slowly expanded, highlighting an extremely sloppy, wrinkled face, from which the voice just now came from.

It is unimaginable that on the dome of this former Divine Kingdom Palace, there is an unknown dryad monster.

It manipulated the vine man to hang from the ceiling and burrow into the eighty-one armors, and the empty eyes of the armors emitted a deep green light, as if the ghost fire was shining ahead.

Eighty-one armor armor stood beside Su Ziyu and the others, surrounding them.

The dryad above the dome was looking at them indifferently, without any emotion on his face.

"These guys..." Captain Zhang's

body tensed, his arms conjured the shadow of a brute bull, and he looked nervously at the surrounding armor.

"Protect Yuxuan, leave them to me."

Su Ziyu stopped Captain Zhang, who was about to strike, and blocked the three behind him.

After messing around with Su Ziyu for so long, Captain Zhang Ye Qing, as long as he listened to Su Ziyu obediently when he got into a fight.

He and Su Ziyu stood with their backs to

each other, so that the seriously injured fat sailor and An Yuxuan were sandwiched between them and protected by them.

Su Ziyu glanced at the dryad entrenched on the ceiling, smiled, stepped one foot, and the tide-like dark shadow instantly covered the entire palace.

At this time, the armor also moved at the same time.

They let out a beast-like roar, their eyes burst out with an even more fierce light, and they stepped out neatly

, although there were only eighty-one people,

but they exuded the momentum of an army as if ten thousand armies were coming to the enemy.

This is an army of gods who have participated in various battles, experienced the sea of blood from the corpse mountain, and carried endless battle souls!

"Kill ——!"

The armor swung out black blades at the same time, and the sound of the knives sounded in one place

, they emitted a dull and hoarse roar, and the violent killing intent carried the heaviness of history, which made people's hearts tremble.

They killed Su Ziyu and the others.

Bang bang bang——!


, before they got closer, the power of the shadows under their feet formed a sharp spike, instantly piercing it

, the movements of the armor were very sensitive, and the formation was square, the sound of the blade cutting through the air sounded in unison, and the spears composed of the power of shadows were all stopped.

The dryad has awakened a troublesome army....

Su Ziyu shook his head with a wry smile, prompting more spiritual reinforcement into the [Shadow Realm].

The power of shadows spread to each armor, and "X" marks appeared everywhere in their bodies.


The spear composed of the power of shadows flew out again, this time without being stopped by the armor formation again, and it was like a broken bamboo, penetrating the armored body in the front.

They fall down as if they were pierced by ten thousand arrows, but they can get up again intact in the next second.

Su Ziyu's eyes narrowed slightly, and his gaze fell on the vine that extended from the head of the armor, and instantly opened the all-seeing true eye.

Under the observation of these eyes

, Su Ziyu saw that the vine was transparent and green, and there were tentacles like blood vessels inside that continuously transmitted spirituality towards the armor.

Su Ziyu knew in his heart, manipulating the power of the shadow to spread to the head of the armor, and at the moment when the death mark just appeared, a shadow spear more than one meter long penetrated the head of the armor in the front.

After the vine man, which manipulated them, was penetrated, the movement of the armor also stopped, and he fell to the ground with a plop.

However, the armored soldiers behind immediately made up for the missing vacant positions without fear of death, and their formation was never chaotic, and they had very terrifying executive power.

When Su Ziyu saw this scene, in addition to being shocked, there was also appreciation in his eyes.

It is worthy of being an army that once served the gods, and the combat literacy is not satisfied.

There were soldiers in the front row, and the soldiers in the back row immediately made up

, using this method, the armored army approached again, compressing the activity area of Su Ziyu and others smaller and smaller.

However, this also came at a price

, and the eighty-one armored soldiers, who had only advanced ten meters, had already lost most of them.

Above the dome, vines fall, trying to manipulate the armor again to make them "alive".


The spear composed of the power of shadows directly penetrated those restless vines, and the attached Nether Ghost Fire burned along them all the way

, and the dryad was startled by this sudden death flame, and quickly cut off the vine man's tentacles, and the scribbled face became more distorted, controlling more vine man's tentacles, towards Su Ziyu.

There are vine tentacles of dryads in the sky, and armored soldiers on the ground that continue to advance.

Su Ziyu clenched his fists, and the black qi behind him pervaded, forming a huge phantom with vertical pupils and dragon eyes, and the dragon head demon body.

The Primordial Demon God glared at the dryad fiercely, and the Primordial aura erupted, crushing all the vines in mid-air in an instant.

"Ah——! Human ——! The

dryad let out an unwilling roar, and more vines spilled from the tangled dome, and the tip cracked like a demon, revealing Bai Sensen's teeth, sticking out its slippery tongue, and emitting a strange laugh.

"Hee hee hee ha——!"

"Giggle, cluck, ha, ——!"

The laughter echoed throughout the palace, destroying people's senses, and Captain Zhang and the others could not withstand the corrosion of laughter, and their expressions were painful.

Not to be outdone, the original demon god opened his abyss-like giant mouth and emitted a devastating loud noise, overshadowing the dryad's laughter, the sound wave swept by, the tree vine was destroyed, and the vine man turned into pieces of black ash and dissipated.

Even the armor that was about to approach them was also suppressed by this dragon king-level roar, knelt on the ground, lowered their heads in pain, and the vine tentacles that manipulated them also turned into fragments and dissipated.

However, after issuing this world-destroying roar, the phantom of the Primordial Demon God also became blurred, and Su Ziyu covered his chest and forcibly suppressed the surging qi and blood, barely maintaining the manifestation of the Primordial Demon God.

The dryad is not dead yet, the battle is not over.

The dryad of this guardian shrine is also a strong existence of the

Eternal Flame Sun, and it is also the middle rank of the Eternal Flame Sun, which is even stronger than Su Ziyu.

In the level that has been endowed with divinity, even if it is only a small step stronger, there will be a huge gap in strength.

Su Ziyu did not dare to underestimate the enemy, raised one hand, pointed at the dryad, and the spiritual nature of his fingertips gathered, and at the same time, the [Shadow Realm] covered on the ground also gathered and swirled under his feet.

【Natural Breath】Converge into a beam of light and fly out!

The power of the shadows also formed a huge spear that penetrated towards the dryad itself.

The dryad let out an angry roar, angry that a small human could actually cause so much damage to it, angry that someone dared to challenge the authority of the gods.

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