After the dryad was killed, the huge palace suddenly became deserted.

The palace has been buried under the sea for thousands of years, and

it looks dilapidated everywhere.

Su Ziyu walked to the wall where the mural was engraved before, and started from the mural that had not been finished before, and took in the paintings on the wall.

After five minutes, Su Ziyu also read the story on the wall.

It is probably recorded that the owner of this palace, the mysterious being named "Cthulhu", the history of their family.

Since the birth of human beings on the earth, this race has created countries and civilizations here.

To say that human beings have not yet been born, it is necessary to push the time to the Proterozoic Era, which is even older than the First Age.

Regarding the history of the Yuan Ancient Era, Su Ziyu does not know much, and there are very few relevant records, almost all of them are oral transmission of only a few words.

His gaze fell on the last picture.

It was carved with the crown on the head of the great being, and behind him stood a tall and majestic subordinate, with a huge armored army, a monster with a mermaid head, and even Su Ziyu saw a mermaid king who commanded the mermaid monster.

The posture and image of that mermaid king were slightly similar to the swirling monsters that Su Ziyu had seen in the mermaid village.

This mermaid king ruled the four seas and conquered races and civilizations as the vanguard of great beings.

Seeing this, Su Ziyu knew in his heart, it seems that the vortex monster encountered in the mermaid village is indeed a subordinate of a mysterious existence...

It's just

that just seeing the other party's divine and mighty appearance on the mural, Su Ziyu couldn't imagine that the statue that existed in the mermaid village would actually be weakened like that, and its strength fell to the Hui Yue level, and finally he was killed by himself and turned into material.

The mermaid family must have experienced something.

However, the content after that is not recorded on this mural.

"Look here, there seem to be murals here!"

An Yuxuan, a scholar of mystical historians, had expertise in studying antiquities and exploring ruins, and

soon found additional murals on several surrounding giant pillars on both sides of the palace in front of the palace.

These huge pillars rise to the dome and depict mysterious frescoes on them.

Su Ziyu and Lao Zhang walked over, and An Yuxuan was squatting at the bottom of one of the giant pillars, holding an instrument similar to a magnifying glass, carefully examining it.

"This should be the beginning of the mural."

An Yuxuan pointed to the giant pillar where he was and said, "These murals seem to be different from the paintings on the wall..." Su

Ziyu and Lao Zhang leaned over, Lao Zhang was a rough person, he couldn't see these abstract paintings, but after all, it was left by a mysterious existence, and he still pretended to see it with relish.

And Su Ziyu straightforwardly opened his all-seeing true eyes and glanced over.

On this giant pillar, a mighty man wearing armor and holding a giant sword is depicted, and next to the portrait of the man, groups of soldiers in the same attire are depicted, but the specifications are far less than that of the man.

On the other side of the man, there stood a gray-haired old man with a heavy ancient book floating in front of him

, and at the bottom of the picture, there was another very obvious painting, that is, a tree spirit with lush leaves and a halo on its head, it stretched its branches and leaves, sheltering everyone, and the believers under his protection, with happy smiles on their faces.

These three angel-like existences without exception all have six pairs of wings on their backs and apertures on their heads.

In front of them, there stood a whole black cloud and gray mist, with a strong evil aura.

These three portraits....

Su Ziyu only felt that his mind was buzzing, and countless guesses flashed in his mind.

He bypassed the giant pillar and walked to the giant pillar on the opposite side.

It depicts the previous

three angels, using various skills, and in front of them floats a monster similar to a demon, and

the three angels are seriously injured and obviously invincible.

And in the middle of this battlefield, another taller blond man appeared, the man was naked, his body was engraved with mysterious runes, and he slammed into the evil camp with a punch.

This painting came to an abrupt end, Su Ziyu quickly walked to the next

giant pillar, and after seeing the content of this giant pillar mural, his pupils suddenly shrank.

The original three angels were about to fuse some kind of luminous object, and after that, the appearance of the three angels changed.

The white-haired old man retracted his wings and became more restrained, dressed in a black patterned Taoist robe, the ancient books floating in front of him became thicker, followed by a group of believer-like humans.

The man in armor and holding a giant sword also converged his wings and aperture, the armor on his body emitted a golden light

, and a dark yellow and ruined aura spread under his feet, dazzling.

He was standing in a clearing, his body as tall as a mountain, and he was mighty.

The other tree spirit is entrenched on a high mountain, and the tree bears red fruits, and the believers below are crawling on the ground, praying sincerely.

And in the center of this painting, a ruins are depicted, separated by two rivers, and then a colorful passage appears in the middle.

After seeing these three giant pillar murals, his first reaction was that these three paintings depicted the three true gods of the three major orthodox churches today!

That tall man in golden armor is the founder of the God of War Church - "Dusk Giant"!

The old man wearing a pitch-black robe, white hair but carrying a heavy book, was the founder of the Church of Knowledge - the "Sage of the Night"!

The last ancient tree in the sky is the founder of the Church of Nature - the "Holy Mother Tree"!

Above this....

Is it a divine war? Divine warfare in the third age?


Did the three true gods become gods in the God War?

At least judging from the mural process just now, it is indeed like this.

Moreover, Su Ziyu noticed that the naked upper body man who appeared in the second mural did not appear again in the third painting.

Why is that?

What does He represent?

Su Ziyu had not seen the relevant records of the existence of that statue in modern books...


Or is it for some other reason?

Let's take a look at the next mural....

Su Ziyu was about to walk to the location of the next mural, when he was suddenly confused.

Because, the giant pillar that originally stood on the ground disappeared.

There was a mark of a large pothole in the ground, and it was clear that a huge pillar had once stood here, but it had been removed....


An Yuxuan and the others also followed, just like Su Ziyu, looking at the big pothole on the ground and falling into chaos.

"The murals ... The mural was stolen?

An Yuxuan was stunned for a moment.

"It wasn't stolen, but it was forcibly taken..." Su

Ziyu turned around, condensed a shadow spear, and threw it at one of the giant pillars.


The dazzling light spread out in a circle shape, and the violent fluctuations shook everyone several meters away.

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