Fury heard the master shout to himself, and sure enough, he rushed in and stood side by side with the greedy butler.

The combat effectiveness of anger and greed is too low, and the strength of the morning star has long been unable to keep up with the strength grade where Su Ziyu is.

Unlike in the past, the Evil Spirit Secret Puppet needs to use flesh and blood and spirit bodies to upgrade again, and this time Su Ziyu chose to use the power of faith to shape it.

Su Ziyu stretched out his hand, spreading spirituality, and slightly in front of the two people's heads.

The power of faith emanated from his fingertips.

And anger and greed were also frantically absorbed, and their bodies were covered with layers of flesh cocoons, which were about to envelop them.

When the stored power of faith consumed about one-quarter, Su Ziyu stopped transmitting.

After all, they are not yet a true Eternal Sun level, and it may be a problem to absorb too much faith power.


Su Ziyu pinched a technique and said,

"Dark Wisdom Evil Spirit Secret Puppet - Super Advanced!"

Spirituality spread out from Su Ziyu's fingertips, merging into the flesh cocoon formed by anger and greed.

After a few moments, the furious flesh cocoon cracked.

A strong man with a body size of more than two meters walked out on a giant horse with bones.

In his hand, he held a guan knife nearly three meters long, the body of which was carved with the pattern of a skeleton devil, and the fury on the horse was more than five meters high, like a small giant.

His aura escaped and reached the Hui Moon Step!

Then, the flesh cocoon on the other side also cracked at the same time, and Greed came out of it, only to see that Greed at this time had wings on his back, dark brown feathers, volleyed feet, twenty centimeters off the ground, holding a death scythe in his hand, and several empty skulls appeared on the surface of the knife.

The same breath of the Kazuki Step!

Feeling the change in the increase in strength, both of them were overjoyed, knelt down on one knee towards Su Ziyu, and shouted loyally:

"Thank you master!"

"Get up." Su Ziyu waved his hand, "Become a human being, it looks good." "


Dark purple air currents surged around the two monsters, turning into two human-like men.

The one who was transformed into a rage was rough-looking and strong, like a professional bodyguard.

Greedy humans, on the other hand, wear three-piece suits and black top hats, looking mature and steady.

At this time,

all three of them looked out the window.

Before Su Ziyu could speak, he said with anger and greed at the same time: "

You rest here, let's go."


Fury and greed opened the door and left, and Su Ziyu also stood up, opened the window, and looked in the direction of the castle gate.

"Here comes a funny little guy."



Outside Nightmare Manor.

A little girl in a gray cloak with a hood to cover her specific appearance is running in the wilderness.

The rain was still falling, dripping on the cloak that the girl was wearing, and the hood was slightly blown off one side by the cold wind, revealing a strand of white hair on the side of her ear.

The girl stood in front of the manor gate and subconsciously stopped.

She looked at the huge plaque at the door, which read:

Nightmare Manor!


The girl twitched her nose, her face changed, and the foot she had just wanted to step in was lowered again.

She glanced back behind her, and saw that in the distance of the hazy drizzle, several figures came at a very fast speed, thinking of her fate after being caught up, the little girl gritted her teeth, clenched her fists, and still tumbled in from the towering wall.

As soon as she entered, she was shocked by the sight in front of her.

"This is..." In

front of her eyes was a whole playground, a variety of facilities, mainly on the theme of fear.

On the mountain behind this playground, an ancient castle hidden in the darkness looms.

She looked happy and ran quickly, but when she ran to the ancient castle, the scene in front of her made her stunned in place.


The girl looked at the bare mountainside in front of her, and the ancient castle that was located here just now was gone!

Before the little girl could react, she suddenly felt a black fog appear in front of her, followed by two figures walking in the rainstorm.

"Where is the little wild species! Hurry up and get home and get milky! A

big man with a large body and more than two meters came out of the rain curtain, pointed at the little girl and cursed.

"After all, it's a child, why can't you be gentle?" The greed on the side looked at the fury and sneered, walked to the little girl, slowly bent down, and said with a smile, "Little sister, why are you here alone at night?" What about mom and dad? You can't run around by yourself.

The little girl glanced at the smiling tiger in front of her and the violent man not far away, subconsciously took two steps back, actually fell directly to the ground, and whispered miserably:

"I... I don't have a mom or dad..."

"I can't come to such a dangerous place without Mom and Dad, otherwise I'll be eaten by ghosts."

Greed stood up, hands in his pockets, and a smile on his face.

"But... But isn't this a playground..."

"It's not open at night."

"But I just now..." the little girl plucked up the courage to say, "I obviously saw that there is a castle here..."

When he said the second half of the sentence, the little girl's voice was completely lowered, because the two uncles in front of him showed unkind looks.

"Little sister, what do you say you saw?"

Greed was still smiling, but at some point, his palm had turned into white bones, and an icy aura spread around.

Fury followed, and half of his head had turned into white bones, and black fire attached to his skull.

Looking at the two non-human-like humans in front of her, the little girl really panicked.

"Don't... Don't kill me...... Xiaoyi is very well-behaved... Xiaoyi can't steal food, and can clean up the house..." As

she spoke, the little girl's tears couldn't stop falling.

At this time, in the darkness of the rain curtain stood a young man in black pajamas, without an umbrella, but the rain never reached him.


Anger and greed noticed something and immediately turned back and bowed.

The little girl also saw the young man, and she immediately pounced and hugged Su Ziyu's thigh.

Greed and fury frowned, but Su Ziyu didn't speak, and they didn't stop it.

The little girl cried out with a crying voice:

"Please, save me, I will exchange a secret with you, as long as you can save me."

Su Ziyu looked at the girl at her feet quietly, the corners of her mouth rose slightly, and said lightly:

"Yes, come in."

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