"Ah this..."

Lin Huo Huo suddenly remembered the scene when he was a child, when his younger brother, who was only one meter five, stopped himself behind him and did not let the punks bully him.

But that memory has really passed for a long time, since Lin Huo entered the church and awakened her powers, no one can continue to bully her.

"Sister, let's go."

Lin Xiaozhu greeted in front of him again.

"Oh, here it is."

Lin Huo answered and quickly followed.

After following the group, everyone came to an auditorium large enough to accommodate thousands of people.

This is generally the place where special departments hold festival parties.

"I don't think I need to talk about the specific things."

Professor Bai stood on the stage directly in front of him and said into the microphone, "There are mysterious creatures that have mixed into the city, and now we have blocked all passages out of the city and intercepted them in the city

, considering their special abilities, they need to do identity screening, I hope all colleagues cooperate!" "

The Isis incident, Professor Bai had already held a short meeting last night, and he simply explained it.

So at this time, there were only a few fragmentary discussions at the scene, which did not cause much reaction.

As staff members of the Special Section, they are prepared to face all kinds of emergencies.

Even if the monster ability faced this time is so weird.

"Then, everyone sit down in their respective places, and let me introduce you to the two helpers invited by the special department today."

Professor Bai took a step back, and then Su Ziyu, who was dressed in a black hood robe, and Lin Xiaoworm, who was dressed in white casual clothes, walked up together.

"This is the master of the Nightmare Castle, the Stigmata Alchemist, with his help, we have resisted the two attacks of the Blood Clan, let us welcome Lord Stigmata with the warmest applause!"


It is human nature to worship the strong, and in the blue star where the evil devil gazes, the strong have privileges that ordinary people cannot reach.

Lin Xiaoworm on the side saw that the voice supporting Su Ziyu was so high, and secretly frowned.

"This little handsome man is the special envoy of the Church of Nature, the messenger of Lin Xiaoworm

, two epochs ago, the mysterious creatures of the Isis tribe were personally sealed by the Holy Mother Tree,

so the Church of Nature has always retained the secret method of dealing with this mysterious creature.

Let us also welcome him with a round of applause! Once

again, there was a round of applause, but much smaller than just now.

After all, the staff of the Jiangcheng Special Section are almost all believers of the God of War Church, and they will feel strange to the Natural Church, and the applause will not be as fierce as before.

Professor Bai nodded slightly, and said, "

The two... So let's get started, right?

Su Ziyu didn't answer, and his gaze under his hood fell on Lin Xiaoworm, making the latter shiver coldly again.

"And slow!" Lin Xiaoworm clenched his fists, deliberately looked away from Su Ziyu, gritted his teeth and said, "I recommend testing separately." "

Envoy Lin, what do you say?"

Professor Bai asked.

"Divide the testing population into two parts, me and him, one person is responsible for one part." Lin Xiaozhu forced the indifferent gaze cast by Su Ziyu and continued, "After one round of testing, the testing crowds will be exchanged with each other for secondary testing, which can also be compared to each other."

After listening to Lin Xiaoworm's proposal, Professor Bai showed a clear look, so the advantage of testing is that there is a second test, and the speed will be faster.

"Lord Stigmata, I wonder what you think?"

Professor Bai looked at Su Ziyu with respectful eyes.


Under the black hood, two deep voices floated.

"Then let's get started."

Professor Bai began to instruct Wei Kang and others to help, dividing the staff of the special department into two parts, left and right, separated by a long passage.

Professor Bai, Wei Kang and other special section operation specialists naturally need to join the test.

Lin Xiaoworm glared at Su Ziyu fiercely, and after snorting coldly, turned around and walked towards the detection crowd on the left.

Su Ziyu ignored him and slowly walked to the other side.

Even if he is really some kind of bullshit alchemist, it is impossible to accurately detect the human beings who are [spirit-parasitized],

but they are all big liars who pretend to be ghosts and want to fool their sister...

There are very few skills to detect spirit bodies, but I want to see what means you use to detect them....

If something goes wrong, hmph, I'm going to come to you for trouble....

Vicious words flashed in Lin Xiaoworm's heart, he walked to the crowd, slowly raised his hand, and the green spiritual spiral wrapped around his arm, and one by one fat little insects crawled out of his cuffs, fell to the ground, and slowly climbed up the crowd's thighs.

"Don't panic, this is my spirit worm, they come from nature, close to the truth, and can better observe the essence of the target."

Lin Xiaoworm's words made everyone relax their hearts, but watching the little worm climbing up and down on their bodies, it was inevitable that they felt a diaphragm in their hearts, so they simply closed their eyes and stopped looking.

Let all the staff be climbed by the spirit worm, Lin Xiaoworm converged his spirituality, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, and looked at Su Ziyu.

I'd rather see what you're going to do.

After looking over, Lin Xiaoworm's gaze suddenly froze.

I saw that Su Ziyu was already sitting very leisurely on the chair, looking at himself with interest.

In fact, Su Ziyu was looking at the spirit worm released by Lin Xiaoworm.

He is also the first time to see the believers of the Church of Nature, and it is also the first time to see this ability, boring and boring, with the help of the analysis of [All-seeing True Eye], maybe he can realize something.

It is condensed by the spirituality in the body and the power of nature... Flexible movement, amazing perception, because it comes from nature, so it is closer to the truth, can better peek into the essence of things...

In a few seconds, Su Ziyu finished parsing Lin Xiaoworm's spirit worm.

The half of his face that was not covered by shadows under his hood flashed a cold smile to Shanglin Xiaoworm's eyes.

After glancing at Su Ziyu's five-pointed star-shaped pupils, Lin Xiaoworm was shocked in his heart, and in order to avoid the tragedy that occurred during the day, he did not dare to look at it again, and quickly looked away.

Damn, he's already tested?

"I'm okay."

Su Ziyu stood up, put away his all-looking true eyes, and said in a low voice.

How could it be so fast....

Lin Xiaoworm's face was difficult to see the extreme, and the crowd tested by him heard that Su Ziyu's side had ended, and immediately envied the colleagues who were tested by Su Ziyu...

Not to mention the speed, at least you don't have to bear the pain of being crawled by slimy insects...

Impossible...... That guy is just pretending, and when it's time for the review, I must embarrass him!

Another five minutes passed.

The milky white little insects on everyone's people burrowed into Lin Xiaoworm's sleeves and disappeared.

He looked at Professor Bai coldly and said lightly:

"No psychic parasite has been detected."

"Huh... Me neither.

Su Ziyu said calmly.

Hearing this, Professor Bai's heart that had been hanging was put down, and he was immediately relieved.

The special department was not parasitized, which is really a blessing in misfortune.

"That's wonderful."

Professor Bai said with a smile on his face, "In that case, we..." Before

he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Lin Xiaoworm.


Lin Xiaozhu pointed at Su Ziyu, "We exchange inspection objects in case something goes wrong."

Su Ziyu naturally had no opinion and walked over quietly.

Lin Huo looked at this scene nervously, and suddenly became a little nervous.

"Sakura, why do I think the atmosphere is a little different..."

"Hey, Sister Fire, take care of your brother!"

Sakura raised her forehead, looking helpless.

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