Jiangcheng, outside a manor in the western part of the city.

As the light gate stretched out, Su Ziyu's figure jumped out of it.

He wore a black hooded robe, which still covered half of his face, raised his head, and looked coldly at the manor in front of him.

As soon as he set foot on the land here, Su Ziyu felt that the spirituality in his body began to beat rapidly, as if something attracted to it.

"What's going on?"

Su Ziyu adjusted his physical state, suppressed the restless spirituality, shook his head, and walked towards the manor.

Of course he knew it was a trap laid by those guys.

But he also wanted to know why the other party named himself to come over, and he also came to fight the forest fire.

In Su Ziyu's heart, there has always been a wise saying, that is, in the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy and trickery are not to be feared.

He had the strength to protect himself, so he came.

A month ago, Su Ziyu would definitely think of other ways to lure out the black hand behind the scenes, but now, he has long been different from the past and has crushing capital.

Even the mysterious creatures that had been sleeping for thousands of years had never been afraid in his heart.

Just think, if the Ruoyis clan really has the strength to clear all obstacles, do they still need to lay out so troublesomely?

Therefore, it should be that they should be afraid of themselves!

Su Ziyu continued to walk forward, and the eyes hidden in the hood slowly turned into five-pointed stars.


Suddenly, the two guards at the door raised their guns and shouted, "Private territory ahead, no trespassing!"

Su Ziyu did not answer, and continued to walk forward, his steps were unhurried, and the rich night shone on him, like a messenger of hell.

"Stop! Otherwise I shot!

"Abominable! This is what you asked for! "

Two guards open the safety at the same time and pull the trigger!

Bang bang——!

Their guns exploded, and the hand holding the gun blew up to a blur of flesh and blood.

At some point, their barrels were bent.

The black-robed man was standing in front of them, his head bowed, the hem of his clothes being blown by the wind.


, the eyes of the two guards instantly turned scarlet, opened their mouths, and went crazy to bite Su Ziyu's neck.

Su Ziyu slowly raised his head, opened his eyes, and the five-pointed star-shaped dragon pupils emitted golden light.

Looking at those ancient eyes, the two guards were stunned for a moment, and the red light in their eyes gradually became faint.


A black glow flashed.

Their eyes suddenly burst open, followed by their heads and bodies exploding, turning into ground meat.

In the shadows, an amorphous dark shadow squirmed, revealing a scarlet one-eyed, curtain dark beast slowly keeping up with Su Ziyu's pace.

At this time, Su Ziyu's figure had already appeared in the manor, and he threw it casually, and his four eyes gurgled and fell to the ground, turning into a puddle of mud.

After the episode just now, Su Ziyu guessed that there were no normal people in this manor.

The two guards just now had obviously suffered attacks similar to the previous spiritual plague, and they had also been injected with the blood of the blood clan, and they had also become extremely bloodthirsty.

Walking to the door of the villa in the inner courtyard, Su Ziyu pulled the brim of his hood and continued to walk forward.

Not surprisingly, in front of the villa, he was stopped again.

It was a sexy woman in revealing clothes, with red lips exuding a seductive fragrance, a graceful figure, and a smile as if she wanted to lure people into a deep groove in her chest.

And the woman's lower abdomen is high and bulging, and she seems to be pregnant.

Before coming, Su Ziyu had learned about this manor, which belonged to the Wan Dashuai of the Council Hall, and his little wife lived here, who seemed to be a little star of the eighteenth line.

Since Wan Dashuai was arrested, then this woman will not be a normal person....

"Sir, are you in trouble?"

The sexy woman owes her body slightly, and the courtesy is very well handled.

The woman's eyes narrowed slightly, and she slowly moved forward two steps, and a stronger smell of blood and rancid smell came to her nose.

Su Ziyu frowned secretly, and a bright smile appeared on his face:

"I'm delivering a courier."

"Oh? What to send? "

Huh... Send you to hell.

As soon as the words fell, the sexy woman's head in front of her suddenly exploded and exploded, and thorny vines drilled out and stabbed towards Su Ziyu's head!

"Madam, you are really too ugly..."

Su Ziyu shook his head, and these words made the monster in front of him even more angry.



Five minutes ago.


Lin Huohuo's face was slapped, and it hurt hotly.

"What are you secretly holding in your hand?"

The night lord priest stared at her with indifferent eyes, making the latter's heart straighten.

Lin Huo glared back fiercely, silently.

The corner of the Night Lord Priest's mouth hooked a sneer, his fingers bent slightly, and suddenly a touch of dark power flew out, and the note that was held by the forest fire was hooked.

When you unfold it, the haze on the face of the Night Lord Priest is even heavier.

"Hehe..." For

no reason, the Night Lord Priest let out a cold laugh.

"What's wrong?"

Wan Dashuai, who was observing the situation downstairs, turned around and asked with a frown.

"Take a look."

The Lord of the Night casually threw out the note, lay flat on the table and unfolded it, and the three Iss immediately surrounded and quickly swept over the content on it.

"Funeral? Old gods?

The secretary frowned, revealing a look of reminiscence, "I don't seem to have heard of it..." "I have

seen his idols in a small village in the Furious Sea, and there are very few believers, and I don't know where the wild gods appeared."

The Night Lord Priest sneered.

Only the Duke, after hearing the name of Funeral Venerable, showed a thoughtful look.

"Are you a believer in Him?"

The Night Priest looked at the forest fire and mocked unabashedly.

Lin Huo turned his head sideways and deliberately did not answer.

"Huh... Are you praying to him? The night lord sacrificed his finger, and the note shattered into countless pieces, "Little wild god, what is the use of praying to him?"

Her tone was full of dissatisfaction and ridicule for the funeral honor.

In fact, the Lord of the Night is a very careful woman.

Especially after seeing the waves she created destroyed by the suspected existence of the Funeral Venerable, she was even more unfavorable to this existence.

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