"He's dead?"

When the battle on this side was over, Gu Yan'er gathered around again and asked in a low voice.


Looking at the night elder's big cloudy old eyes, Su Ziyu silently stepped forward, gently put his hand on the corpse, and when he picked it up again, a pale white ball of light came out of his palm, after doing all this, he kicked the head, his eyes swept the night old man's corpse, and suddenly a bad idea came to his mind.

"What to do, the battle here will not be discovered by the demon tree that is guarding the door outside, right?"

Looking at the corpse of the night elder, Gu Yan'er squeezed the technique with both hands and said worriedly, "How about I use the technique to refine its corpse into a skeleton warrior?"

"No, no thanks, I have a better idea."

Smiling mysteriously towards Gu Yan'er, Su Ziyu stretched out his hand and grabbed the void, and the curtain dark beast came out of his shadow, and then opened his body and completely wrapped the body of the night elder.

With the curtain dark beast, Su Ziyu returned to the previous 'cream area'.

After receiving Su Ziyu's order, the curtain dark beast wrapped the body of the night elder, squirmed step by step in front of the mechanical square giant mouth, and then slowly unfolded its body, and the body of the curtain dark beast wrapped in it slowly fell and fell into the huge mouth of the abyss.

Watching the body of the night old man fall into it, the beautiful eyes of Gu Yan'er on the side flickered slightly, gave a thumbs up to Su Ziyu, and said in a low voice;

"It's worthy of being Brother Ziyu, haha, this old guy has been in charge of the medicine garden for so long and killed so many humans, I'm afraid he didn't think that one day he would also be used as a material to become 'cream', right?"

Su Ziyu smiled slightly, controlled the curtain dark beast to retreat towards the 'pudding area' farther away, and then hung the night old man's head alone on the treetops of the dead man's tree.

A moment later, the reaction of the two regions was also close to the end, telling Gu Yan'er to stay in place and not move, Su Ziyu spread his spiritual wings, and then filled the 'cream area' again with the gourd handed to him by the night elder before, and then flew to the 'dead man's tree' in the 'pudding area', and took off the night old man's head that turned into a 'pudding' and other 'pudding' together.

Looking at the two special ingredients in his hand, Su Ziyu nodded with satisfaction.

He couldn't help but think about the expression of the Queen of Hessian who ate this special cake later.

Putting all the ingredients needed for the cake into the sea of chaos, Su Ziyu took Gu Yan'er and walked towards the outside of the park.

Walking on the path, Su Ziyu did not forget to let the curtain dark beast, a monster that is good at concealment, always pay attention to the dangers that may occur around him.

After another search by the curtain dark beast, Su Ziyu still did not find that there were other people in this medicine garden.

However, thinking of the strange personality of the garden keeper Ye Lao, ordinary people dare not come over to partner with him.

Walking down the hillside, the wooden house of the night old gardener appeared in front of Su Ziyu's eyes.

After opening the all-view real eye and scanning the wooden house, he found nothing abnormal, and continued to walk down the mountain.

Ten minutes later, the two finally walked to the bottom of the mountain, and after walking out of a stone road, the giant door formed by the ancient tree appeared in their field of vision.

"It's okay."

Feeling Gu Yan'er's sudden nervousness, Su Ziyu squeezed Gu Yan'er's small hand, whispered comfort, and walked towards the giant gate.

When Su Ziyu and the two approached, the surface of the huge wooden door rippled again, condensing a tree face like a devil, and the lantern-like tree pupils stared at Su Ziyu and the two, and the thick lips raised slightly, making a thick voice:

"The medicine collection is over?"


Su Ziyu bent over and bowed without humility.

"It's pretty fast." The tree-faced gaze swept back and forth on Su Ziyu and Gu Yan'er, and hesitated, "What about the night elder?"

"After his old man helped us collect the medicinal herbs, he went back to the hut to sleep."

Su Ziyu lied without a draft, and came casually.

The pair of huge tree pupils scanned Su Ziyu and the two, and a moment later, the tree face on the wooden door emitted an ugly laugh, and said with a smile:

"Go back."

Immediately afterwards, the wooden door opened to both sides, and after Su Ziyu thanked him again, he left here with Gu Yan'er.

After Su Ziyu and the two left, the wooden door closed again with a bang, and the medicine garden that was full of life just now instantly became cold again, and the two huge tree pupils slowly closed after watching Su Ziyu leave, and the terrifying tree face also contracted into the door.

At this time, Su Ziyu had already walked down the back mountain with Gu Yan'er.

Stepping on the gravel pavement, Gu Yan'er glanced back again, then turned around and said softly:

"Brother Ziyu, let's go back now?"

"Go back to the accommodation area and give the ingredients to Hulse, and then make plans."

Su Ziyu responded in a low voice.

There are many guards in the Black Nest City, and now the birthday banquet of the Queen of Hesse is about to be held, and the Black Nest City has also restricted the entry and exit order, and the Hessian Wild Hunt has been ordered to join the city defense army to protect the safety of the city, and if you are not allowed, you cannot enter and exit the city gate at will.

With such strict defense, it became somewhat unrealistic for Su Ziyu to secretly leave Black Nest City.

After coming down from the back mountain and circling around the streets of the city several times, Su Ziyu and the two finally returned to the accommodation area.

Walking on the streets of the city, Su Ziyu noticed that there was still a brightly lit scene when he came over just now, but at this moment, it seemed to come to night.

Taking a closer look, Su Ziyu found the reason for this change.

The glowing "stones" that grow on tree trunks and various strange vegetation have become much dimmer.

Su Ziyu guessed that those so-called "stones" also had a certain luminous cycle, so that although there were those mysterious black fogs shrouded in the sky to block the sunlight, the entire Forest of Desire could also achieve the alternation of day and night.

Gu Yan'er on the side was obviously quite surprised by the strange scene in front of her, although the Queen of Hessian was famous and had killed an immortal-level powerhouse, but this Black Nest City she ruled gave people a dreamy feeling.

When Su Ziyu and the two returned to the accommodation area, they could see Hels standing in front of their room from a distance, looking at him, I was afraid that he had been waiting for a long time.

After seeing Su Ziyu and the two, the originally sleepy Hels immediately waved his hand towards them, and the tiredness on his face dissipated.

After Su Ziyu and the two approached, Hels immediately greeted him and asked excitedly

, "Lord Thoma, are everything ready?"

Su Ziyu flipped it casually, and the wooden barrel containing various ingredients appeared on the ground, "It's all here." Seeing

this, Huls looked pleased, hurriedly bent down to check, and when he picked up the gourd, he was stunned for a moment, then pulled out the cork and sniffed, nodding slightly:

"Such a wonderful taste, I want to eat it now."

Immediately afterwards, he turned over the huge 'pudding' again, looking at the head blocked by the solid substance, Hulse frowned, he felt that the disfigured face was somewhat familiar, but he couldn't think of it for a while.

"It's 'pudding', right?" A moment later, Hulse, who was pondering fruitlessly, looked at Su Ziyu and asked casually.

Su Ziyu nodded without explaining.

"Not bad, thirty-two black daylilies, three kiwifruits, twelve nine-tailed grasses, and two blood tiger stones..." Hulse buried his head in the barrel and read into the ingredient list, "Well, good, there are twelve 'puddings', ten pounds of 'cream'." "

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