Looking at the girl in front of her with a delicate and rosy face, like a porcelain doll, Su Ziyu extracted Dorma's memory and responded with a smile:

"Good morning, Sally."

The other party is also a hybrid of the elf race and the spider race, and in addition to his arms, there are four long spider legs growing on his side.

"Dom, I feel like you're a lot more handsome again." Sally twisted her waist like a water snake, came to Su Ziyu's side lightly, gently hooked the latter's shoulder, swept her eyes over Gu Yan'er on the side, and covered her mouth and laughed, "Oh my God, Sydney you are also here, becoming more and more water spirit." After

seeing Gu Yan'er, Sally immediately hooked the other party's arm, and her intimate appearance seemed to be a long-lost sister.

Seeing this, Su Ziyu just smiled helplessly.

After disguised as Doma and entering Black Nest City, Su Ziyu's biggest worry was to meet acquaintances.

After secretly giving Gu Yan'er a look, Gu Yan'er had to communicate with the twitter Sally.

Just before talking about the fun, it was Gu Yan'er's turn to compete, and Sally had to shout for Gu Yan'er to cheer, and then turned around and pestered Su Ziyu again to chat.

For Sally, Su Ziyu also seemed a little helpless, but the other party was a good friend of Dorma, so in order not to expose the disguise, he had to continue to talk with him.

"Eight Warriors Competition, Brother Thomas will also participate, right?"

Sally immediately threw herself on Su Ziyu's back and asked with a smile.

"Of course."

Su Ziyu turned his head and returned with a big smile.

"Then you should be careful, this battle is full of strong people, among which the iron-armored dragon even said that he would defeat all the Hessian hunts and get the title of eight warriors."

Sally's fox-like eyes scanned the scene, then suddenly paused and stopped at a side stand.

There sat a demon dragon, shrouded in steely scales, restrained breath, and no one dared to sit in several positions around it, a pair of lantern-sized eyes stared at the two people who were fighting fiercely in the field.

"That's the Iron Armored Dragon, I heard that it has broken through the Eternal Sun level before, and it is imperative for this Eight Warriors Champion."

Sally looked at Su Ziyu and smiled and said, "Hehe, how are you preparing Dorma, don't be scared by these strong opponents, if you perform better, you can also leave a good impression in the queen's mind." "

Huh? Will the Queen also watch the battle in person? For

no reason, Su Ziyu's eyes roamed, but did not find the figure of the Queen of Hesse, above the stands, there is a high platform, which is sitting in the previous imposing group of seven, it is the current seven warriors, looking at their appearance, they are the judges of this eight warriors competition.

"Hehe, Lord Queen didn't say that the later game will not come." Sally stuck out her tongue mischievously, "The current elimination matches are all some crooked dates, and there are no wonderful duels in sight, how can the Queen waste precious time here." Hearing

this, Su Ziyu nodded thoughtfully, and at the same time worried whether his disguise would be seen by the Queen of Hesse.

From the fact that she can dominate the entire Igura Mountain Range and is famous, even some church members of the Northern Alliance are very jealous of her, it can be seen that the strength of the Queen of Hessian will definitely not be lower than the immortal

level, and it is even possible that she has touched the threshold of the next level of the Sage level, and it is not an easy thing to play disguise under the noses of such a strong person.

However, Su Ziyu is also confident in his camouflage technique, after all, the content of the 'Seven Secrets of the Earth' chapter is not something that can be bought from a roadside stall, plus now that Su Ziyu has already stepped into the immortal level, the effect of using it is naturally twice as effective with half the effort.

Seeing that Su Ziyu was slightly stunned, Sally on the side shouted several times in a row without responding, and when she was about to get closer to look, Su Ziyu's eyes focused again, and she looked at Sally's beautiful face that belonged to the elf suddenly appeared in front of her eyes.

"What's wrong? Afraid of the Queen's personal examination?

Sally said with a mischievous smile.

"Huh..." Su Ziyu laughed dryly, and simply did not idle on this topic, and set his eyes on the square.

While the two were chatting, Gu Yan'er, who fought in the square, had also lost, her opponent was a two-headed griffin beast, which was also one of the favorites to win the championship this time, and Gu Yan'er's defeat was very natural.

Back to Su Ziyu's side, the remorseful look on Gu Yan'er's face did not look like a fraud, and when Sally saw it, she immediately felt pity, and quickly stepped forward to comfort Gu Yan'er.

Seeing this, Su Ziyu finally breathed a sigh of relief, and was caught and questioned by Lisa like this, he was also afraid that he would accidentally show his horse's feet and be caught by the other party.

The offstage matches passed one by one, and the people in the stands shouted twice from time to time, and when they encountered a wonderful showdown, they roared passionately, and for a while, the atmosphere of the venue was gradually pushed to a climax.

"Next, Doma vs. Armored Dragon!"

As the host's voice fell, the atmosphere in the venue was once again pushed to a higher heat, and cheers echoed in the venue like waves.

Without him, just because the popularity of the iron-armored dragon is too high!

This demon dragon is also a dominant existence in the Igura Mountains, devouring the territory of an unknown number of tribes, but to this day, no one can help him.

Everyone's gaze immediately looked at the iron-armored dragon, expecting the other party to bring them a cruel visual feast, and then their eyes fell on Su Ziyu, and their eyes were all pitiful.

Obviously, in everyone's opinion, as the opponent of the iron armored dragon, it is really eight lifetimes of mold.

The iron-armored dragon is not only strong, but also brutal by nature, and there is almost no possibility of leaving a hand, plus the Eight Warriors Competition does not stipulate that you cannot kill a dead hand, then this brutal Tyrannosaurus rex will definitely directly kill its opponent to show its strength.

Therefore, everyone's eyes looking at Su Ziyu showed a teasing look.

What's more, he shouted directly at Su Ziyu to tell him to surrender quickly.

This kind of call also formed a certain scale, and for a while everyone also felt that Su Ziyu's surrender was obviously a wiser choice.

In the eyes of everyone, surrender is just a loss of face, but if you don't surrender, I am afraid that my life will be lost.

After ignoring the banter of the melon-eating masses and giving Sally and Gu Yan'er a reassuring look, Su Ziyu jumped up in the air and gently landed on the ring, the action was elegant and dashing, which also impressed some of the audience.

But this kind of fist embroidery still can't make them change their minds, in their opinion, Su Ziyu's best choice is to surrender directly before the game starts, so as not to lead to the scourge of killing.

Just when Su Ziyu was already standing on the ring, suddenly a strong aura erupted from the group of monsters, and then the demon dragon jumped up, and the wings close to the back spread out sharply, driving a violent wind pressure, like a mountain directly landed, where he stepped on, a large pit was stepped on, and the spiderweb-like crack spread to the end of the ring.

This way of entering, diametrically opposed to Su Ziyu's gentle and dashing, with an arrogant domineering, the pair of dragon eyes stared at Su Ziyu even harder, and an ugly smile pulled out at the corner of his mouth:

"Hessian Wild Hunt? Hahaha... My luck is really good! "

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