Obviously, the audience present was not optimistic that Su Ziyu could win this match against the Destruction Bear.

Although Fang Cai Su Ziyu won the iron armored dragon, the final cause of death of the iron armored dragon was killed by the scales he created, so the audience unanimously believed that Su Ziyu could win the iron armored dragon, and it was just luck.

Under everyone's pitiful gaze, Su Ziyu slowly stood firm in the ring.

Everyone's eyes revealed a kind of schadenfreude, just want to wait for Su Ziyu to be ugly.

"Ready to die? Stinky boy! The

destruction bear slammed his hands against his chest, and suddenly let out a violent roar, and a wave of qi spread out, and the exaggerated scar behind the huge dog bear became even more hideous.

Facing an opponent several times his size, Su Ziyu did not show any look of fear, smiled coldly, did not retreat, and rushed towards the destruction bear.

"Good to go!"

The destruction bear sneered, his eyes showed disdain, his fist was raised high, and a circle of spirituality converged on the fist, until finally the fist turned gray in an instant, like a thick rock layer, mixed with a violent wind sound towards Su Ziyu's head.

Facing the fist that could almost be called a small mountain, Su Ziyu raised his fist without the slightest fear and faced it!


The big and small fists collided together, and suddenly burst out strong energy fluctuations, and Su Ziyu also retreated continuously under that brutal huge force, plowing a three-foot-wide ravine on the ground

, until the moment when he was about to exit the ring, Su Ziyu gritted his teeth, pressed his toes on the edge position, and because of his strength, he stepped deeply on a deep pit of about half a meter.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the stands shouted one after another, and some of the hot-blooded people shouted hysterically with red necks, and the tribal subordinates brought by the iron-armored dragon even loudly cursed the destruction bear to kill Su Ziyu with a punch.

Compared to the lively stands, the seven warriors sitting in the judges' bench were much calmer.

"Yugu, who do you say will win this time?"

Qing Mei'er put one hand on the side of her cheek, swept her eyes across the ring below, and asked delicately.

With his arms on his chest, he didn't answer right away, and after half a ring, he said lightly:

"Thomas will win."

"Oh?" Qing Mei'er cocked her white velvet tail behind her, licked her bright red lips, and said softly, "But I remember the bonus of destroying the bear and the berserk bloodline, and now that Doma is still at a disadvantage, the odds of winning are really not great, or does he have to use the skill of shifting and changing positions just now?" "

Here it is."

The dwarf patriarch Pu Gufang picked up the beer barrel and poured it down, and said with a hearty smile, "That guy is going to exert his strength!"

As Pugufang's words fell, Qing Mei'er and the others hurriedly cast their gaze to the field, only to see Su Ziyu, who was punched by the destruction bear to the edge of the field, slowly raised his head, smiled evilly, stretched out his other hand to put on the destruction bear's fist, and under the playful gaze of the destruction bear, he slammed hard!

Under the weight of the force, the arm of the destruction bear was instantly bent like twisted steel, and after seeing this scene, everyone in the audience was dumbfounded.

The destruction bear is known as the most powerful creature in the Igura Mountain Range, once directly knocked a small mountain out of the crack with its own strength, and the mountain was directly knocked apart, it is such a strong physique, at this time it was easily twisted into a twist shape.

In the surprised gaze of everyone, Su Ziyu grinned, and the four spider legs on his side were used at the same time, grabbed the arm of the destruction bear, which had been twisted into shape, and flung it back.

The destruction bear was lifted high, and then smashed heavily in the center of the ring, and the terrifying power gushed out, instantly smashing the ground into spiderweb-like cracks, and cracks the thickness of the arm extended in all directions to the edge of the ring.

Su Ziyu was able to move thousands of pounds of destruction bears, mainly relying on the blessing of the 'Demon Dragon Body'.


Gently exhaling a turbid breath, Su Ziyu slowly walked to the destruction bear, looked at the ugly and dark bear face condescendingly, and grinned, "Can you still move?" Looking

at Su Ziyu's under-flat look, the face of the destruction bear was even redder, and the green tendons on the neck slowly crawled onto the face, like a small snake, and after a while, those green tendons instantly became red, and the whole body of the destruction bear was also shrouded in a layer of blood-colored mist.

"What's the situation? Is there still a backhand?

Muttering in his heart, Su Ziyu quickly turned out to be the destruction bear at this time.

"It's really troublesome, you can't use your full strength, otherwise this stupid bear can be killed by the slamming just now."

Su Ziyu said helplessly in his heart.

In order to pretend to be smooth, he can only forcibly suppress his strength at the Hui Yue level high level, showing a genius who can leapfrog the challenge.

"That guy is finished! The Destruction Bear is going to run away! "

Hahaha... There is a good show to watch! The destruction bear is storming, and the guy will definitely be hammered into mashed meat.


the high platform, the seven warriors also frowned.

"The leaders of the Destroying Bear clan all inherit a bloodline called the Berserk Factor." Qing Mei'er glanced at the destruction bear that was rapidly turning red, "It seems that the little guy named Doma is going to have an accident, the hug just now is very handsome, but it also activates the destruction bear's berserk factor."

"Not necessarily, you look at that Thoma, except for a little solemn, his face does not show a look of fear, which is rare."

Bai Susu on the side said with a smile.

Under the gaze of everyone's hot eyes, the berserk factor of the destruction bear has also been fully activated, and I saw that the hair of the destruction bear at this time has become as red as blood, a pair of eyes are filled with blood, the skin is cracked with terrifying blood vessels, and the body is once again raised to more than five meters high, like a small giant.


The furious roar mixed with killing intent exploded in the sky like thunder, and the breath of the peak of the middle step of the Eternal Flame Sun was pressed over like a mountain, instantly covering the audience, and some of the people in the audience who were too weak were even bleeding their eardrums, and even fainted directly to the ground.

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