
After last night's carnival, today's Black Nest City is as lively as ever, and it has not shown a decline due to three consecutive days of carnival.

Today is also an extraordinary day.

All age-appropriate Hessian hunters will hold a coming-of-age ceremony for them today.

After the coming-of-age ceremony, they will be selected as a reserve for the Hessian army and become the loyal guardian of the Queen of Hesse, which is something that the Black Nest City and even the tribes in the Igura Mountains know.

The crowd is crowded in the town, four figures walk through the street, and suddenly ushered in a burst of cheers and stops

, three of the women are sweet-looking, cute-looking, fair-skinned, provoking the surrounding male monsters to burst into flames

, and the boys caught between the three beautiful women are also extraordinary temperament, handsome, especially the pair of eyes that hide cold killing intent, but also make the female monsters present widen their eyes, His face flushed and flushed.

"Hehe, look at the fancy looks of those girls, they must be fascinated by Dom."

Glancing at the expressions on the faces of the girls around her, Sally smiled at Su Ziyu.

"Whatever." Su Ziyu shrugged and said jokingly, "It's obvious that they are jealous that I can travel with three such beautiful girls.

"Haha, you're so funny."

On the side, Susan smiled sweetly, and that charm made some male monsters look straight.

Gu Yan'er gently pulled Su Ziyu's sleeve, and her smile caused the surrounding monsters to stir.

"Time flies so fast, I didn't expect that I would also participate in the coming-of-age ceremony." Sally let out a turbid breath and looked at Su Ziyu with some reluctance, "After the coming-of-age ceremony, it is likely that I will join the reserve of the Hessian army, and I will not be able to meet you every day." "

Su Ziyu also learned about this matter yesterday, and the so-called Hessian army in the temple is composed of adult Hessian hunting.

Without communicating much on this obviously somewhat sad topic, Su Ziyu led the topic in another direction without leaving a trace.

While speaking, the four of them came to the hall of Black Nest City, yesterday's carnival did not leave any traces on this black nest hall, after a night of renovation, it was no different from the first time it was used.

Walking into the hall, the monsters of all races were already sitting on the seats and waiting, Su Ziyu pulled Gu Yan'er to the area that belonged to them, while Sally took Susan to the previous high platform.

At this time, on the high platform, in addition to Sally and Susan, there were more than a dozen Hessian hunters, both men and women, obviously waiting for the coming-of-age ceremony.

Looking away from above, Su Ziyu noticed that the specifications of this so-called coming-of-age ceremony were not low, it can be said that the monsters who participated in the queen's birthday banquet have arrived, in addition, the seven warriors are also seated, it seems that the entire forest of desires is still very important to the coming-of-age ceremony of the Hessian wild hunt.

The ancient bell in the city rang, and the humming sound resounded throughout the world, and with the fall of this solemn and sacred bell, all the noisy sounds in the hall disappeared, and there was silence.

A moment later, on the king chair on the high platform, the space rippled, with a fluctuation, the graceful figure of the Queen of Hessian slowly walked out of it

, today's Queen of Hesse wears a noble purple-gold crown, a faint smile appears on her impeccable face, after scanning a circle, gently clapping her hands, a dozen female elves came up to the stage and stopped in front of each Hessian hunt who was about to spend a coming-of-age ceremony.

"You are the light of the Mother God, you are the root of the Mother God, you are the creatures that the Mother God has devoted all her creation, and I have come to receive you for the Mother God."

With an ethereal and mournful song, the huge venue was immediately filled with sad tunes, and the mood of the monsters swayed up and down with the poignant timbre, gradually blending with the atmosphere of the scene.

That kind of voice, mixed with an unpleasant sense of rhythm, if it is heard by ordinary people, I am afraid that I will go crazy on the spot, and with a chance glance, Su Ziyu saw that Gu Yan'er on the side had a slightly wrong face, her eyebrows were locked, her face was pale, and her body was trembling slightly in a very small amplitude.

Worst...... Gu Yan'er was influenced by their singing.

With a sinking heart, Su Ziyu quietly took Gu Yan'er's small hand and slowly entered his spirituality, and when the gentle spirituality poured into the other party's body, the trembling amplitude of the latter's body also became slightly smaller, and his face slowly became rosy.

Casting a grateful look to Su Ziyu, Gu Yan'er gently squeezed his big hand, and then mobilized the spirituality in his body, blocked the eardrums, and blocked all the singing that lingered in the venue.

Naturally, this small action of the two was not seen, because all the monsters present closed their eyes and looked reverent.

And Su Ziyu and Gu Yan'er also hurriedly followed suit and closed their eyes.

After the song that did not look like a human creation ended, the monsters slowly opened their eyes, and it was vaguely visible that those murderous monsters, after listening to that song, the blood in their pupils actually dissipated a lot.

"Ceremony - begin!"

As the queen's majestic light voice fell, the atmosphere of the venue turned serious.

Then, the Queen of Hesse slowly walked down the high platform, then took the wreath in the hands of the elven maidens, and put them on the Hessian hunters who were about to complete the rite of passage.

This process lasted ten minutes.

When the last wreath was finished, thunderous applause broke out again in the venue.

"Let us congratulate the thirteen Hessian hunters for their coming-of-age ceremony!"

The Queen of Hesse waved her hand, and the applause endured.

After that, the Queen of Hesse arranged another lunch, and when everyone had finished eating, she once again stepped onto the high platform, announcing that from today onwards, everything in the Black Nest City and the Forest of Desire would be entrusted to Yugu, and the other eight warriors would play an attached role.

In this regard, Yugu also hurried to the stage and delivered an impassioned speech, and the coming-of-age ceremony was also slowly concluded in his speech.

Sally and Susan followed the elf maid to the depths of Black Nest City, and Su Ziyu did not stop, and returned to the accommodation area with Gu Yan'er.

The Queen of Hesse, on the other hand, returned to her palace and followed closely behind.

Following the Queen of Hesse to the palatial palace, Yu Gu's face changed several times, as if he was entangled in something.

After a moment, he gritted his teeth, seemed to have made up his mind, and opened his mouth to say something to the Queen of Hesse.

"You say there is something wrong with Thomas?"

After listening to Yugu's report, the Queen of Hesse, who was sitting on the black vine king's chair, frowned and asked.

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