At this time, Sally also felt that the air around her suddenly became extremely hot, and the extreme high temperature seemed to hang them on the stove and roast them.

Slowly mobilizing the spiritual energy in the body, escaping from the body surface, turning into a faint white energy film, covering the surface of the body, which made Sally and the two feel a trace of coldness, and their irritable mood also calmed down.

Glancing at Susan and the two, who were a little embarrassed by the heat, he smiled and said, "

It's almost here."

As soon as the words fell, the three of them took the last step one after the other, landing outside the cave entrance, and they were greeted by a hot light that could almost blind their eyes, and a hot wind rushed to their faces, even though Susan and the two had condensed the spiritual energy shield covering the body surface, they were still burned by the heat wave.

Glancing at the red elbow, Sally frowned slightly, slowly lowered the crossed arms in front of her, and the scene in front of her made her body tremble slightly, and subconsciously took a step back.

This is a huge empty room, very large, the dome is extremely high, and in the center of the position is placed a huge medicine ding, four or five meters high, from which purring flame bubbles emerge, and the terrifying heat is emitted from the medicine ding.

The scorching temperature almost roasted the space of Yaoding to a slight distortion, and the terrifying flame that seemed to burn the world burst out from the Yaoding from time to time more than a meter long, and then the heat wave of the entire room also boiled, surging out wave after wave like a sea tide.

Obviously, the flames burning in the medicine ding were not ordinary flames, and it was precisely because those flames with the power of destroying the world emitted terrifying high temperatures from time to time, which made the temperature in this area rise so high that even the floor under the feet, through the shoes, seemed to burn straight to the soles of the feet.

Just when Sally was shocked by the scene in front of her, suddenly there was a piercing scream in her ears, listening to this familiar voice, Sally quickly looked back, only to see Susan fell to the ground for some reason, following the other party's terrified gaze, she saw a giant more than ten meters tall standing condescendingly in front of Susan.

The giantess had a huge body more than ten meters tall, shirtless, wearing a tigerskin skirt to cover her private parts, holding a mallet several meters long in one hand, and was about to grab Susan in horror with the other.

Looking at the giant, Sally also felt that her brain suddenly stopped, and even she didn't realize that her body was trembling faintly, and the words were stuck in her throat, unable to make a sound.

A moment later, another sharp scream echoed through the empty room.

"Nope——! No!

Susan's helpless voice didn't work at all, and in the end she was squeezed in the palm of the giantess, even though she kept struggling, but to no avail.

Looking at the pale Susan in her palm, the giantess opened her mouth, revealing her dirty yellow teeth, looked at Yugu, who was standing on the side with an expressionless face, and said with a smile:

"New goods?" The quality is pretty good.

Before she could answer, Sally on the side turned pale and asked,

"This... What the hell is this!

"As you can see, this is the alchemy master in our temple, and one of the few remaining giants in the world."

Yugu spread out his hands and shrugged.

"Alchemist?" After a moment, Sally quickly scanned the room, and saw some body parts and fragments of clothes scattered next to Yaoding, her pupils shrunk, and her voice trembled and asked, "What's going on?" What about them? Where are those who came first?! At

this time, she asked at Yu Gufa, her eyes were red and almost bleeding.

"Huh?" The giantess showed a curious expression, looked Sally up and down, and said with a smile, "They don't cooperate, I naturally used some means." "


Sally looked at the fragments of clothing and body stump scattered next to the medicine pill in amazement, and did not know how to answer for a while.

"It's almost time."

Clutching Susan, who was about to suffocate, the giantess took huge steps and came to the medicine with a bang, looking like this, she was going to throw Susan directly.


Looking at Susan, who looked desperate but could no longer make a sound, Sally shouted in a lost voice.

Glancing at Sally, who was like a mad lioness, the giantess pouted, ignored it, and prepared to continue throwing Susan down the pill.

At this moment, a three-foot feather arrow wrapped in spiritual energy flew towards the giantess rapidly, sensing the sound of breaking the air next to her ears, the giantess swung the mallet in her hand violently, and the three-foot-long energy feather arrow was scattered with one blow, and the majestic power surged out violently, knocking Sally out in the distance, hitting a deep pit on the wall, and a mouthful of blood mixed with internal organs spit out.

Here Sally slowly slipped from the deep pit to the ground, a large lump of her chest sunk, her face became extremely pale, the corners of her mouth remained bloodshot, her cloudy eyes stared at Yugu not far away, gritting her teeth and shouting:

"Why!" Isn't it a test for Lord Mother God?! What a test this is!

"That's your test."

Yu Gu said flatly with an expressionless face.

Hearing this, Sally's hands drooped weakly, and the giantess's blow just now directly shattered her internal organs, and the bones in her chest were broken several times, and some of them were directly inserted into the lungs, not to mention standing up, even breathing was extremely difficult.

She could only watch in despair as Susan was thrown into the medicine by the giantess.


The hot flames flooded Susan like a tidal wave, like a grain of sand thrown into magma, and dissipated in an instant.

The giantess did not stop, lifted the mallet, plunged it into the medicine ding, went around one direction, stirred it fiercely, and when the flame in the medicine ding rotated like a whirlpool, she lifted the mallet again and slammed it down hard towards the medicine ding.

That action is like the old doctor grinding medicine in the pharmacy in the past.

At this time, Sally could only watch the giantess lift the mallet again and again, and could only hear a muffled sound.

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