The rune that symbolizes the mystery of time spreads, and then quickly envelops the untamed terrifying tornado like a storm, and the light blue light blends with the earthy yellow light, illuminating the sky into a magical color.

Just when everyone thought that an earth-shattering explosion was about to occur, and then hid far away to avoid the aftermath of the explosion from affecting themselves, the violent thunderous tornado actually stopped.

Yes, it stopped.

It's like a movie that suddenly presses the pause button, and pauses without the slightest warning.

Everyone can see the internal structure of the tornado, as well as the rubble and unknown vegetation large and small that are suspended inside the tornado by the majestic wind pressure.

If you're brave enough, you can also see the invisible swirling air currents and powder-like dust, all motionless and completely stopped.

"What's the situation?!"

And such doubts not only bothered the melon-eating masses below, but also the Yugu and others above the canopy of trees in the distance.

However, compared to the group of ignorant monsters below, Yu Gu and the others are stronger, and they obviously see some doorways.

"This is...?" Yu Gu stared at the area, his eyes narrowed slightly, and after a moment muttered, "Wouldn't it? That space... That space is frozen?! "

It's time to pause..." The

young mei'er on the side trembled slightly, and there was a strong fear in her eyes when she looked at Su Ziyu, "He... No... It was the little monster he summoned that could actually manipulate time! "

Qing Mei'er, as the patriarch of the fox clan, has a unique insight.

"Manipulate time? How is this possible! Even if it is a sage-level powerhouse, it is only a short-term control space, and

the concept of time, even an angel-level may not be able to control it perfectly, right?! Giving birth to wings on his back must be immortal-level, but why can he do such an operation!

Bai Susu's face on the side changed greatly, and his already white face became even whiter, and his delicate body trembled faintly at the thought of facing such an opponent.

"Manipulate time? How can it be!

Shi Tian shouted madly, immediately gritted his teeth, quickly closed his hands, pinched out a very strange seal, and spit out an eerie voice in his throat:


As soon as the words fell, the tornado did not make any movement, and it was still fixed in place.

"Hey, look at me."

Suddenly, a sneer came out, Su Ziyu's toes were a little empty, and when he came to the fixed tornado, his arm stretched out, the void was grasped, and then the space black cut appeared in his palm.

As soon as the space black cut appeared, the surrounding space rippled.

Raising his head, Su Ziyu glanced at the sky, and couldn't help but smile helplessly, Black Nest City is located in the Forest of Desire, because the sky is completely shrouded in that strange black fog, so you can't see the moon outside from here, and naturally there is no way to use the power of moonlight.

Lowering his head and looking at the tornado that was pressed the pause button in front of him, under the gaze of one after another in horror and blankness, Su Ziyu slowly raised the space black cut in his hand, put it on his waist, in the shape of a knife, and his eyes stared at the tornado in front of him.

With the breath at the end of the nose spit out, Su Ziyu also disappeared in an instant, the space black cut in his hand tore open the space in front of him, and a slender crack suddenly appeared in the fixed tornado, and then the spatial crack suddenly burst out with a terrifying attraction, and the violent tornado was absorbed into it like a mess.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the huge tornado of more than ten zhang disappeared.

In the eyes of the melon-eating masses below, Su Ziyu just casually danced the black knife in his hand, and his figure appeared on the other side of the sky, and the tornado disappeared with it.

Just as the so-called layman looks lively, insider watches the doorway.

The monsters below just felt that what happened just now was a little inexplicable, but Yu Gu and the others saw a hint.

"Did he just be... Cut through the space? After

swallowing several mouthfuls of spit, Pu Gufang suddenly looked at Qing Mei'er and asked in a trembling voice.

Qing Mei'er on the side nodded very stiffly, her face as pale as paper.

"The two major powers of time and space have been mastered by him, but he is only immortal level!"

Bai Susu felt that this world was a little crazy, when the power of space and the power of time were so worthless, it was simply strange that they would appear on an immortal-level extraordinary person at the same time.

After all, even an angelic-level powerhouse may not be able to master these two forces perfectly.

After all, to control such a high level of authority, you need to rely on a powerful visualization map as an intermediate force for reconciliation.

"Cut through space? It's just that weapon is powerful, look at me! Hearing

everyone praise Su Ziyu so much, and because his attack was inexplicably stopped, Shi Tian at this time was naturally angry, his eyes were scarlet like a wild beast roared, his fists were clenched, and when he was about to make a move, suddenly a dull sound sounded in the sky, and then a black shadow came to Shi Tian's body like a teleportation.


After Shi Tian saw the person in front of him, his pupils suddenly shrank, and Su Ziyu was able to rush over so quickly from a kilometer away, beyond his expectations.

"Old fellow... Bye. When

the cold sound fell, Shi Tian trembled, and he could only see a huge black knife falling from the sky, wrapped in the power that made the entire spatial area tremble, rapidly enlarging in his pupils.

"Nope... How can I die here!

After a desperate shout, Shi Tian's body burst out with strong spiritual energy, and the earthy yellow spiritual energy solidified into a solid earthy yellow armor on the surface of his body, and his eyes were red and he grabbed the big knife.


The space black cut as if there was no barrier to easily break through the layer of earthy yellow armor, deep into the flesh and skin, the strong sharp pain made Shi Tian raise his head and let out a scream, and then there was a glass-like shattering sound above the sky, and the space black cut went deeper again, and a small space was already broken!

Looking at the black cut of the space that had cut his neck, Shi Tian's eyes only left deep despair and fear, and in the depths of his emotions, there was also a trace of regret that could not be concealed.

At this time, he regretted it, but it was too late.


Shi Tian's head was thrown high like a bowling ball, and then fell to the ground, and a large amount of blood spewed out from the neck of the headless corpse, but its incision was extremely flat, and the cut surface showed a strange black purple color.

This is because the flesh and blood of that place have already been carried to another space by the ability of space black cutting.

That's why this strange sight was created.

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