Just as Jun Shang and

the other 'Black Tailor' cadres were discussing this, Jun Shang raised his head and caught a glimpse of a nine-headed demon dragon roaring towards the Lord's side.

"Brother Ziyu, are you all right?"

Gu Yan'er, who was standing on the back of the Prison Blood Nine-Headed Dragon, asked with concern.

"It's okay."

Su Ziyu shook his head with a smile, rubbed Gu Yan'er's head, and said with a slight smile after confirming that the other party was not injured.

"Is that existence really the king of yellow clothes just now?"

Gu Yan'er naturally saw that Su Ziyu seemed to have taken back that phantom, and immediately asked, "Brother Ziyu is also related to that mysterious existence?" "

Haha... Yan'er, you really lift me up, how can I be connected with that ancient existence. Su Ziyu shrugged and explained, "Actually, all this is the will of His Excellency the God Funeral Venerable I worship. "

Funeral?" Gu Yan'er pinched her chin, as if wondering which god this was.

The honorific name of the Funeral Venerable is just a little famous in Jiangcheng and the sea, but it is far from the extent that everyone knows it, so Gu Yan'er just feels that this honorific name is a little familiar, but for a while she can't remember where she heard it.

Seeing the puzzled look in Gu Yan'er's eyes, Su Ziyu patted the other party's little head and said with a smile:

"These things are a long story, I will explain them to you when I go back, now I will go and check the body of the Queen of Hesse."


Looking at Su Ziyu's figure sneaking into the forest below, Gu Yan'er nodded obediently, and didn't think much about it, and ordered the Prison Blood Nine-Headed Dragon to carry him back to the ground.

"It's horrible destructive... Is this the power of the gods? And it's just a residual spiritual projection..." Su

Ziyu flew down along the way, devastated, there were several voids that had not yet been restored, and the power of space was entangled with the spirituality of various attributes, and there was a faint tendency to become a spatial vortex.

The so-called space vortex is because the space is torn apart, did not heal itself in time, and entangled with a large number of spiritual forces caused by the energy collection, has a certain danger

, and if it encounters the attack of the power of space at this time, it is likely to cause this space area to suffer a secondary collapse, and even may form a space black hole!

This kind of thing can only wait for Blue Star's self-recovery mechanism to repair it, although the powerhouses above the angel level can also repair it directly, but it is thankless and extremely consuming.

"No wonder the Divine War of the Third Age can create a sea of fury and mist out of thin air, and the power of the gods is really terrifying to imagine."

Glancing at several spatial vortices around him, Su Ziyu muttered in his heart again, put away his spiritual wings, and landed on the ground.

The land seemed to have been gnawed by a dog, diamond-shaped and rugged, and all the trees in the vicinity had been destroyed, and when I looked up, only a charred corpse lay on the hot bare ground.

Stepping forward, Su Ziyu opened his all-seeing true eyes, and the scorched corpse in front of him was a three-year-old baby, the son of the evil god born to the Queen of Hesse.

Su Ziyu, the terrifying destructive power of this son of an evil god, also saw it with his own eyes, and still couldn't withstand the ordinary blow of the king in yellow.

Although he is the son of an evil god, after all, he has just been born, his strength is still the weakest, and his opponent is a god who has entered the old level, and he really loses unjustly.

"Fortunately, the body was not destroyed, hehe, this is likely to be the child of the 'Holy Mother Tree', I don't know how many levels of material the system will rate."

A flash of excitement flashed in Su Ziyu's eyes, raised his hand and placed it above the corpse, and said silently: "

Extract the material!"

Immediately, the scorched corpse of the son of the evil god turned into a stream of light and flew into Su Ziyu's palm.

Clapping his palm, with his all-seeing true eyes, Su Ziyu scanned the circle, and suddenly found a black shadow lying in a clearing farther away.

"There you have."

Su Ziyu hurriedly rushed in that direction, and when he looked closer, he could tell that this corpse seemed to be a complete 'desire mother's nest', but it had no breath fluctuations, and it was obviously too dead to die.

And in the belly of the 'Mother Nest of Desire', half of the body of the Queen of Hesse is still connected to it, and the queen of the Igura Mountains has also turned into a cold corpse at this time, her eyes widened before death, obviously dying directly under the pressure of extreme panic.

"Such evil creatures were actually killed with one blow, and the power of the gods is really terrifying."

When Su Ziyu was about to include it in the system space, his gaze swept habitually, but his brows frowned.

"What's going on, the head of the Queen of Hesse?"

Su Ziyu remembered that the head of the Queen of Hessian was also tied to the 'Mother Nest of Desire', but now it was inexplicably gone.

"Could it be..." A

bad premonition surged in his heart, and Su Ziyu was about to make a move, when he suddenly heard a scream in the distance.

"It's Yan'er!"

Su Ziyu turned his head to look in the direction where the voice came from, and after putting the material of 'Desire Mother's Nest' into the system space, he quickly turned on the 'Abyss Jump', and the space flickered several times, and then appeared in an open space.

"Ate you! Ate you! "

Hahahaha... I'm going to pull you with me!" I

saw a scarlet hideous head crawling quickly on the ground, and its target was Gu Yan'er not far away.

"Don't underestimate your aunt!"

Gu Yan'er gritted her silver teeth, her hands quickly changed and sealed, and a huge bone claw condensed in front of her, and grabbed towards the head of the Queen of Hesse.

The head of the Queen of Hesse lit up with a black glow, directly shattering the huge bone claw, and then it began to expand, containing the terrifying power if it was released like this, I was afraid that many low-level extraordinary people present would have no bones.

Just when Su Ziyu was about to make a move, a surprising scene appeared.


A crisp female voice fell, and the sacred pillar of light fell with a bang, smashing on the head of the Queen of Hesse, firmly enveloping it.

"Oh, that's powerful."

In the surprised gaze, a little girl in simple clothes walked out from the crowd, two small hands squeezed into a seal, a faint golden spirituality lingered around it, and a golden flame flashed in the depths of her eyes, obviously the divine pillar of light was summoned by her.

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