"King of Yellow?"

Listening to this old murmur, Su Ziyu was stunned for a moment, and immediately turned his head to look behind him, only to see the 'King of Yellow Suit' floating behind him at an unknown time.

Looking at the 'King of Yellow Suit' in front of him, Su Ziyu keenly felt that the other party seemed to want him to wear this suit.

Staring at the 'pale robe' and 'pale mask' in front of him, Su Ziyu suddenly laughed loudly, and casually draped the whole set over himself.

"This is my territory, I don't believe you can do anything."

Maintaining the vigilance in his heart for the mysterious existence of the 'King of Yellow', fearless laughter echoed in this space.

After putting on the 'King of Yellow Suit', Su Ziyu only felt that his eyes became illusory, and then an ancient bamboo Jane slowly opened, his eyes moved with the opening of the bamboo Jane, and he saw several blood-red characters written in the upper left corner:

"Sage-level ritual promotion method!"

"This..." Looking

at a few blood-red characters on the bamboo stunned, Su Ziyu suddenly thought of the words left by the moment the 'King of Yellow' was projected to leave.

"I will seal the relevant information within this 'pale yellow robe', and when your strength breaks through the Most Sage level, the relevant information will be automatically unlocked."

This is the exact words of the 'King of Yellow' projection.

"Does He really want to help me? I actually left the promotion ceremony that I might need for the Sage Level? "

Although the 'King of Yellow' is showing good intentions so far, Su Ziyu will not relax his vigilance against him because of this.

The kindness and favor of the gods are not worthy of praise.

Su Ziyu knew how deep the secret existence in the ancient era was, in order to achieve the goal, tens of thousands of years were just a snap of the fingers, and life was no different from grass mustard for them.

Convergence, Su Ziyu's eyes looked at the bamboo Jian again, and took in the above content:

"The sage level is a watershed of the extraordinary level, after being promoted

to the sage level, the power of the visualization map will be further activated, and the sage-level powerhouse will also have the ability to manifest the body, also known as the 'mythical form', but the 'mythical form' cast by the sage level is still an incomplete form, and the duration is limited, and the damage to the user's body is great."

So, what kind of ritual cooperation is needed if you want to be promoted to the Sage level?

Generally speaking, different visualizations require different promotion rituals, and the promotion method of this ritual is also handed down from the era of the gods, and it can be said that no one other than the gods you visualize know how that ritual came about.

I can vaguely sense that your visualization map does not belong to the three major churches, and it is different from those mysterious churches that are hidden in the world, and presumably you have no way to get the relevant promotion ceremony.

Luckily, though, you met me.

Hehe... Having experienced a long history of many eras, I naturally know how ritual promotion is constructed. Seeing

this, Su Ziyu's breathing couldn't help but get heavier, and his gaze quickly swept over the next line of text.

"The promotion of the sage level requires the gathering of the three, the main material, the auxiliary material, and the ceremony.

The main and auxiliary materials are used to configure the corresponding potion, and the ritual is to maximize all the potion power in the potion.

Of course, the most important thing is the ceremony, if the ceremony is not in place, even if the potion is finally configured, it may not be able to complete the promotion.

The choice of rituals varies, such as the God of War Church, the recorded sage-level ritual is to enter the magma purgatory to cultivate for seven days and seven nights, take the potion with the skin and root bones destroyed, and regain a new life....

Based on my exploration of your visualization of the deity, I will list the medicinal herbs you need and the corresponding rituals.

"Main materials: one copy of the pituitary gland of the Growler of Hell, one auxiliary material of the spinal fluid of the demon hunter:

thirty grams of papyrus powder, three drops of mermaid tears, fifteen grams of hop root powder, and three drops of purple zelan's juice.

Ritual: Reach the abyss, drink the potion, and complete the promotion!

"I previously sensed that the god you visualized was associated with darkness, so the ritual I designed for you is to enter the abyss, bear spiritual pollution and drink the potion, which has a high probability of completing the promotion."

At this point, the content on the bamboo tablet has finally come to an end.

"The King of Yellow personally formulated a promotion ceremony for me... I didn't expect that I would have such an honor.

Su Ziyu shook his head with a wry smile.

"It's just... Although the auxiliary materials recorded above are rare, they are not impossible to obtain... At that time, let Ruan Xiaoqi launch the power of the Nightmare Castle to search, but the main material is a little difficult..."

Demon Hunter... These two monsters have never heard of it at all..." After

thinking for a while, Su Ziyu shook his head and secretly said, "When I go back, I will ask the Qingyu Lord Priest, as the main priest of the God of War Church, I have a lot of knowledge, maybe I know something." "

First take off the 'King of Yellow Suit', and then copy all the materials needed on a piece of paper, Su Ziyu blinked, suddenly snapped his fingers, and shouted:

"Xiao Ye, come here."

Hearing this, Xiao Ye, who was playing with the knife, suddenly flapped his wings and flew to Su Ziyu, who only felt that his eyes were suddenly occupied by a large lump of softness, and when he opened his eyes, he saw Xiao Ye standing in front of him, with his towering chest facing him.

After two embarrassed coughs, Su Ziyu said:

"Open the magic mirror, I want to divinate the truth of this ceremony."

For the 'King of Yellow', Su Ziyu could not fully trust, and only by maintaining extreme vigilance could he survive in this world where true gods existed.

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