"What's wrong? Seems unhappy? The

two walked to the mountain forest outside the city, and outside was a whole open area, and the cool evening breeze in the forest slowly blew through, which made the depressed mood dissipate a little.

"Didn't... Nope.

Jun Shang showed a smile, found a grassy place to sit down, put his hands on the ground, looked at the stars and full moon in the sky, and sighed, "I didn't expect this forest to have such a quiet night."

"Everything here has been transformed by the Queen of Hesse, and after her death, the forces of nature are restoring everything to its original state."

Sitting down next to Jun Shang, Su Ziyu also looked at the sky, and after a moment, he suddenly asked, "My identity hasn't been exposed yet, right?" "

No," Jun Shang shook his head and said softly, "The organization still thinks that you are just the agent of the Shadow Lord in the world, and they do not know that the power of that god is residing in your body."

Having said that, Jun Shang has always had a terrifying consciousness.

Junshang also explained this, because she had received the purest inheritance of the 'shadow demon' and was very sensitive to the power of the shadow, so she was so sure that Su Ziyu was the 'Lord of the Shadow'.

In order to prevent more people from knowing about this, Su Ziyu asked Junshang to declare that he was only a human agent of the 'Lord of Shadows', not a god.

Only Jun Shang and Su Ziyu knew about this matter.

For example, at the beginning of the sea, Jun Shang also relied on the connection of that shadow attribute to find Su Ziyu, and called him 'Lord' without doubt.

"I know, you are still in a very weak state, avoid danger, I naturally can't trumpet your existence."

Jun Shang looked at Su Ziyu and smiled sweetly.

For a long time, the sovereign had regarded Su Ziyu as the reviving 'Lord of Shadows' and deposited it in this human body.

Although it is difficult to accept such things as gods walking in the world themselves, they are not without precedent, such as the era of the gods in the first era.

The two quieted down again and chatted about some interesting things in the wild.

I don't know how long it took, Su Ziyu suddenly asked,

"When do you leave?"

"Tomorrow, there are still many things waiting for me to deal with in the organization."

Jun Shang said.

"In a few days, I will give blessings to Black Cloud Mountain and expand the power of the 'Shadow God Kingdom' for you."

Su Ziyu said lightly.

Well? It seems that after solving the Queen of Hesse, the Lord should also have plundered part of her authority, and the first time after the strength was restored was to expand the 'Shadow God Kingdom', the Lord really took us to heart....

With this thought flashing through his mind, Junshang nodded gratefully:

"Follow your will."

Su Ziyu tapped his chin and did not speak again.

For a while, both of them silently shut up and looked up at the starry sky.

After chatting with Jun Shang for a while, Su Ziyu stood up, patted his butt, then took out a piece of jade and handed it to the former, and said softly:

"In a dangerous moment, crush it, I will come as soon as possible."


Accepting the jade pendant, Jun Shang suddenly felt warm in his heart, and a smile unconsciously appeared on his face.

"Wine, drink less."

After speaking, Su Ziyu walked back, Jun Shang shook the wine bottle in his hand, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and quickly kept up with the former's pace.

When the two returned to the central square again, Ma Dameng and the other pirates were still singing and dancing, but perhaps they were tired, the movement was not as big as before, and many people were already lying on the ground and sleeping soundly, looking at their sleeping appearance, they should be able to have a good dream.

The fifth elder took a deep look at Su Ziyu, and then saluted the latter, after all, he was the spokesperson of the 'Lord of Shadows', and he must not be less in terms of the number of gifts.

Jun Shang cleaned up and returned to a tent with the five elders.

With a sweep of his gaze, seeing that Gu Yan'er hadn't woken up yet, Su Ziyu smiled helplessly, so he picked it up and sent it into the camp tent that belonged to him in the center.

Coming out of the tent, Su Ziyu had not taken a few steps when he heard Ma Dameng and the others still boasting to the Divine Envoy and His Excellency the Funeral Venerable over there, and immediately smiled.

"You guys did a good job."

Just as Ma Dameng was still praising the Funeral Venerable, a faint voice suddenly came from behind him.

Looking back, Ma Dameng's alcohol suddenly dissipated by half, and he quickly got up and said, "

Lord Divine Messenger."

"You don't have to be so outrageous."

Waving his hand, Su Ziyu also found a place to sit down, and then pulled out a bottle of wine alone, and poured half of the bottle into his mouth, this bold scene made the pirates present admire.

Many of the new pirates could only learn the story of the Funeral Venerable and his divine messenger from the mouths of Ma Dameng and others, and now they saw real people, and drinking so boldly, it was against their tastes, and suddenly narrowed the distance.

"Gentlemen, I toast you a cup, and Your Holiness is very grateful to His followers."

Su Ziyu filled the wine, raised his glass, and laughed heartily.

"Praise to the Funeral!"

Martha took the lead and shouted in unison.

Another glass of strong wine, Su Ziyu still did not blush and his heart did not beat, and immediately opened the chatterbox to talk with a group of pirates, during which he was indispensable to talk with Captain Zhang, Ma Dameng, Thin Monkey and other people.

Li Tao and Lan Qian, two people who had just entered the 'Funeral God Pirate Group', were also impressed by Su Ziyu's personality charm in this drink.

Of course, what they were more afraid of was the burial honor behind Su Ziyu.

"What kind of ancient god can get involved with the King of Yellow... His Excellency Funeral Venerable must have been a well-known figure in ancient times. After

drinking a few glasses of spirits, the crowd began to tout the funeral honor again.

The party went to the half-time stage, and Su Ziyu quietly left after promising that His Excellency would give benefits in a few days.

"I never expected that the 'Lord of Shadows' actually had another 'Funeral' divine number... The intentions of the gods are truly unpredictable. "

In the other tent, the five elders and other senior cadres of the 'Black Tailor' were also discussing matters related to the 'Lord of Shadows'.

The monarch sat on the throne, and his expression was always a little distracted.

"Xiaojun, what did Fang Cai God explain to the Lord to meet you alone?"

Seeing that Jun Shang's attention was not focused on the meeting, the fifth elder asked.

"Uh..." After being questioned by the five elders, the sovereign also came back to his senses, and his face became solemn, "Lord God told me that after the 'Lord of Shadows' has devoured the authority of the Queen of Hesse, his strength has been restored, and in a few days he will personally send down his blessings to expand the power of the Kingdom of Shadows. Hearing

this, the Five Elders and the other 'Black Tailor' cadres all had happy smiles on their faces.

The Shadow God Kingdom is very important to the 'Black Tailor', you must know that now their strength has improved, and the credit is almost all on the Shadow God Kingdom, after all, cultivating in the God Kingdom, the speed has increased geometrically.

Now the Shadow Lords promise to expand the Kingdom of God once again, which is undoubtedly the best reward for them.

After being happy, the five elders and his group chatted for a while, and Jun Shang was overwhelmed by alcohol, so he went back to rest first.

After Jun Shang left, looking at the quiet tent, a senior cadre suddenly asked,

"It's just... It is not far from the day when the existence marries the king, do you want to ask the 'Lord of Shadows' for help? "

After you go back, let the Great Elder discuss with him..." The

atmosphere in the tent was suppressed for a long time before the fifth elder sighed.

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