"Lord Hydra..."

below, the golden lion spread his arms, a look of awe appeared on his face, and said with great respect, "I welcome your return!"


The nine snakes opened their huge mouths and let out a thunderous roar, and the sound wave shook the surrounding earth one after another, the wind pressure whistled through, the giant trees were all crushed into bows, and the leaves fluttered and fell.

"Qingmei'er, that guy woke up... What can be done about this?

Pu Gufang leaned over with a hammer and asked Qing Mei'er.

"Damn, how did this guy run out... And I remember that when he was sealed by the queen a hundred years ago, his momentum was far less domineering than today..." At

this time, Bai Susu also turned into a human form, leaned over, and his long sassy hair reached his delicate buttocks.

"Do you guys think that guy is a little weird... It seems to be a little crazy, although the rumored hydra is addicted to killing, it does not seem to be like today, a little dumbfounded, more like a monster who only knows how to kill. Zi

Xie Fei, who was squatting on top of a giant tree branch, frowned.

"It's a little weird." Beautiful eyes stared at the huge hydra in the distance that looked like a mountain, Qingmei'er frowned slightly, "It seems to be controlled by someone..."

When did the golden lion have such abilities?

Pugufang smiled dismissively.

"Not necessarily the golden lion, but the person behind him."

Qing Mei'er glanced at Pugufang and said lightly.

"The person behind it?"

"Hey, hey... But he has a backstage, and we are not soft persimmon pinches. Qing Mei'er said with a sneer at the corner of her mouth, "Before the Lord God left, he gave us the qualification to recite the funeral god number, that is an ancient existence connected to the 'King of Yellow', hmph, even if there are people behind the golden lion, can it be compared to a real ancient god?" Hearing

this, the faces of several Pugufang people were overjoyed, and the worried look in their eyes receded, replaced by a thick fear.

On that day, they were like ants, and they could only watch the 'King of Yellow' poke their long-feared Queen of Hesse with a finger, and the 'King of Yellow' who finally killed the Queen of Hesse was very 'obediently' put away by Su Ziyu.

To say that there is no connection between them, Qing Mei'er and the others naturally do not believe it.

That scene seemed to be nailed to their hearts like a brand.

"The Funeral God Supreme who holds the key to the forbidden one..."

Qing Mei'er took the lead, clasped her hands on her chin, and recited the Funeral Venerable's divine number in her heart over and over again.

At this time, the tall hydra in the distance let out a sharp roar, four pairs of wings suddenly rolled up a hurricane, the surrounding earth burst out cracks, trees were violently broken, the mountain peak was cut off a corner, and the terrifying energy fluctuations made no living creature exist within a radius of a hundred miles.

Flying above the sky, Hydra's snake pupils also turned red in an instant, rushing over like a monster that was about to eat people.

Although the size is huge, but the speed is not slow, in a few blinks, the hydra came to the sky above the Black Nest City, indifferent eyes swept the people below, sneered, the nine snake heads gushed out in unison, and nine beams of venom energy erupted from its snake mouth, as if a flood washed everything in its path.

The earth was corroded by venom into several feet of deep pits, and the earthen ponds were dyed green, lifeless, and lifeless.

Staring at the overwhelming amount of venom, Qing Mei'er gritted her teeth and joined forces with the rest of the tribal leaders to create a hundred zhang spiritual energy shield, the venom impacted on the shield, and suddenly burst out bursts of energy fluctuations, and the shield was also back and forth between fusing and repairing.

"Hahaha... Don't work in vain! Qingmei'er, if you promise King Ben to sleep with me for one night, I will immediately ask Lord Hydra to spare your life!" The

golden lion jumped to a mountain peak, looked at the fierce battle below, and couldn't help but shout with a smile.

"Hahaha... Hahaha... Bai Susu, you also shared a bed with me for one night, and I asked Lord Hydra with Brother Jin to spare your lives!"

The Azure Wolf King on the side also laughed.

"Hugh is rampant, and when my Lord God descends here, it will be the time of your death!"

Looking at the triumphant appearance of the two villains, Qing Mei'er took a sip, and deep down in her heart, she hoped with great anticipation for when the miracle of the gods would happen.

"Hahaha... God descends? What shit burial lord, can it be compared to Lord Hydra? "

Lord Hydra is a creature from the abyss! The personality is several notches higher than us! The little wild god in your mouth is just a little trick, compared with the magical power of Lord Hydra, it is not even a fart!

Just when the two of them cursed and were extremely happy in their hearts, they suddenly felt a terrifying gaze fall on them, and they couldn't help but tremble, and swallowed a mouthful of spit.

"Who is it... Denigrating the My Honor? "

The voice is hoarse and low, the volume is not loud, but it explodes very clearly in everyone's ears, reaching the depths of the soul! It even made the faces of the golden lion and the blue wolf king change greatly, and cold sweat fell on their foreheads.

They turned around stiffly, trembling and majestically looking at the location of the sun, only to see an extremely rich shadow, covering the light of the sun, and a large amount of gray air poured out from its body, obscuring the specific appearance of the shadow, adding a bit of mystery to him.

"Funeral... Your Excellency! Help us! "

Your Excellency's Funeral Venerable has appeared!"

"God descends... It's incredible... Isn't it really a dream..."

This is the power of faith! Such a god who spoils believers, you can't find it with a lantern! "


the Black Nest City, countless people burst out into cheers, and waves of sound rolled out, straight into the sky.

At this moment, the aborigines of Black Nest City also had a deeper belief in the funeral honor, and the original unhappiness about inexplicably changing their faith also disappeared.

"Your Excellency..."

Looking at the shadow above the sky, although it was not tall, it gave people a sufficient sense of security, Qing Mei'er only felt that her eyes were a little moist, and the situation that she originally thought was certain to die suddenly took a turn.

Above the sky, the phantom shadow was draped in a yellow robe, and a pale mask was worn on its face, and the eyeballs on the mask were beating like a heart, but a large amount of chaotic air flow around the body was swirling, covering the specific appearance of that existence, so as not to blind the eyes of everyone below because they looked directly at the gods.


A finger appeared under the sleeve robe, and with a gentle tap in the direction of the hydra, a large amount of spiritual power suddenly gushed out, gathered to the fingertips, and bombarded the body of the hydra.

That furious force directly caused Hydra to be knocked flying hundreds of meters before he could stop.

Looking at the flying hydra, Su Ziyu's fist suddenly clenched in the system space, and secretly said, "Where did this guy come from, it's not like a monster that exists in the human world at all..."

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