"Nope... Original... Original! Help me! Almost

shouting out with the strength of his whole body, exaggerated sound waves rolled out, and the Primordial Demon God who lived deep in the Chaotic Sea suddenly lit up his eyes, and the terrifying primordial aura burst out from his body, impacting Su Ziyu's body and pouring into his body, like a pitch-black sword halberd, sweeping away those parts that had been polluted by the 'Mother Tree of Desire'.

And with the strangulation of the Primordial Demon God, the abnormality of Su Ziyu's body also stopped, and his limbs no longer turned into branches, but gradually became the same, and the extremely black liquid was driven out from his seven tips.


After the deadly suffocating feeling disappeared, Su Ziyu immediately gasped hard, and then stretched out his finger to the pitch-black substance, and shouted sharply:

"Primordial Demon God, suppress it!"

That thing, it's so terrifying!

If it weren't for being in the system space, I was afraid that I would be taken away from consciousness in that instant, and the owner of this space would have been replaced again.

No wonder the system's evaluation is ten-star material!

As Su Ziyu's order fell, the Primordial Demon God divided into many arms, released the Primordial Breath, and firmly blocked the pitch-black substance like a liquid like a grid, poofed, and then dragged it into the sea of chaos.

Looking at the system space that had finally calmed down again, Su Ziyu slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now it was too thrilling, if you encounter this thing in the outside world, I am afraid that I will burp on the spot....

Ten-star materials are naturally unattainable, so Su Ziyu decided to keep them for the time being, and then create new monsters when new materials are found later.

Subsequently, Su Ziyu floated cross-legged in mid-air again, and a large amount of chaotic air flow around him poured into his body, nourishing his spirituality.


A few hours later, Su Ziyu stretched comfortably, his bones crackled and muffled, and he immediately converged his mind, opened his eyes again, and returned to the room on the ship.

After getting off the bed and getting dressed, Su Ziyu casually looked out the window, and saw that on the side of the blue sea, a silhouette of land appeared in his line of sight.

"It's almost there... Peace Port.

Retracting his gaze, Su Ziyu pushed open the door and went out, walked through the long corridor, and after coming out of the stairs, he saw Ma Dameng and a group of pirates sitting around a small table, seemingly arguing about something.

"Shoot Lao Tzu so ugly, his grandmother's, "Four Seas Daily" wants to die!"

Ma Dameng patted the table with some annoyance.

"Hehe, don't be sad, boss, look at the wanted order issued by the Northern Alliance Marine Administration just now, your bounty has reached 130 million!" It won't be long before I believe I can become that fifth sea emperor!

The thin monkey on the side held a wanted warrant and said with a smile.

"Words: God made the adult actually photographed in... And with such words... Hu Wen's guy is really watching the excitement is not too big!

Lan Qian pointed to the corner of the newspaper and pouted.


After Ma Dameng saw the photo above, his face suddenly became ugly, and just as he was about to curse a few words, a clear voice suddenly came from behind him.

"What are you looking at?"

Su Ziyu leaned over, and his gaze naturally fell on the few newspapers and the reward order on the table.

"This is... The newspaper that came to interview the other day?

"Shock! The mysterious ancient god 'Funeral Venerable' is suspected of killing the Queen of Hesse of the Forest of Desire, and the boss behind the 'Funeral God Pirate Group' is actually ...?

Looking at the matching words on it, Su Ziyu said slowly.

"God has made my lord... I immediately sent someone to get the kid back and have him publish a new copy. Feeling

the killing intent coming from all around him, Ma Da Meng immediately spoke.

"You don't have to." Su Ziyu looked at Ma Dameng, and suddenly waved his hand, "Send it out... Do you think he can shoot me on the side of the face without my consent? "

Did you say..." Martha rolled his eyes and said in surprise, "You did it on purpose...?"

"The Forest of Desire has such a big thing, it is impossible to hide it, not only the local forces in the southern mountains, presumably all the forces in the Northern Alliance or the sea will find out who killed the Queen of Hesse, this matter is unlikely to be concealed, it is better to let him report it, it can also enhance our popularity... It's just that I didn't expect him to be so keen, and directly identified me as the behind-the-scenes boss of the 'Funeral God Pirate Group'..."

"With this reputation, it is good that you will continue to expand your power on the sea in the future and promote the faith of our Lord."

Such a big thing happened in the Forest of Desire, and sooner or later the secrets in it would be discovered and reported, so when Hu Wen and the two came to interview, Su Ziyu could let Ma Dameng play freely.

It is better to take the initiative into your own hands than to let others make up nonsense.

"Where are we going now?" Diverting the topic, Su Ziyu put down the newspaper and asked casually.

"It's about to arrive at the port of peace, which is the only port where pirates can call."

Ma Da Meng immediately replied, "Wait over there, you can take the airship back to Jiangcheng."


Su Ziyu nodded, chose a chair everywhere and sat down, Gujing Wubo's eyes looked at the sea, enjoying the tranquility of the sea for a moment.

A moment later, Su Ziyu suddenly looked at Ma Dameng and asked again

, "By the way, did you receive the gift from Your Excellency?"

"Received!" Hearing this, Ma Dameng and the other pirates suddenly had excited looks on their faces, and then crossed their hands on their chests, and said with a reverent expression, "Praise the Funeral Venerable!"

"Praise to the Funeral!"

Su Ziyu returned with the same gesture and smiled slightly.

As time passed, at dusk, the fleet of the 'Funeral Pirates' finally arrived at the port of peace.

As this huge ship landed, a whisper broke out in the port, especially when they saw the pirate flag with sickles and giant swords hanging on the mast, their faces changed greatly, and the discussion became more and more noisy.

"'Funeral Pirates'? Isn't it just a new group of pirates? Look what excites you. "

Brother, you mother has been rolling on a woman's belly for a long time, haven't you seen the reports in the past few days, I heard that this 'Funeral Pirate Group' destroyed the Queen of Hesse of the Forest of Desire!"

"Queen of Hesse? That is a tyrant in the south, in the past, it has attacked the Northern Alliance many times, and the three major churches have joined forces many times to repel it, and in several wars, the church has even dispatched sage-level powerhouses!

"That's her! I really don't know how the 'Funeral Pirate Group' did it, I remember that their captain Ma Dameng is only a high-ranking Hui Yue, how can he kill the famous Queen of Hesse! "

It is rumored that the ancient god enshrined by the 'Funeral God Pirate Group' has made a move!"


"Funeral! Haven't you heard? And I heard that in the midst of that earth-shattering battle, the 'King of Yellow' also appeared..."

Little voice, I have friends from the newspaper office, they told me that they were afraid of causing negative panic, and the part about the king of yellow was not reported too carefully, but I heard that the funeral lord seemed to have some connection with the king of yellow... At that time, the Queen of Hesse was poked to death by the finger of the King of Yellow!

"I rely on... It's really fake, why does it sound so mysterious... The King of Yellow is an ancient god who was active before the Second Age... If it really descends on the real world... I'm afraid we've been affected a long time ago! "

Hey, hey... It is rumored that it is just a remnant soul... But it's amazing enough! Ma Dameng that guy is really lucky, he actually followed the right master, and the gods worshiped really came from ancient times..."

Now many small pirate groups are almost unable to live, and almost all families want to come to join the 'Funeral Pirate Group'.


This whisper naturally could not escape Su Ziyu's ears, but the latter did not care about it, this matter would have to be made public sooner or later, and it would be more beneficial to the integration of future forces.

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