Su Ziyu didn't know much about business matters, just checked it as usual, and didn't say anything about it, after all, when refining greed, the latter was an evil spirit puppet based on IQ.

After listening to the greedy report, Su Ziyu left the study to eat in the kitchen, and at the dining table sat Ruan Xiaoqi, Bai Yiyi and Zhiyun three girls.

"Tomorrow, you will inform the Lord of the Quiet Priest that I have returned."

"Good host."

Hearing this, the greedy butler on the side hurriedly wrote down the relevant content in the book.

"By the way, has the fire gone back?"

Su Ziyu suddenly raised his head and asked.

"That girl has also long left Jiangcheng and seems to have returned to the headquarters for secret training."

Ruan Xiaoqi, who was sitting next to Su Ziyu, replied.

Su Ziyu nodded and continued to bury his head in eating.

After enjoying dinner, Su Ziyu Meimei took a shower and went to sleep.

Early the next morning.

After Su Ziyu finished washing, just when he exited the door and was about to go down the stairs, he heard a burst of exclamations from the hall on the first floor.

"I didn't expect the master to do so many big things..."

"Hey, hey... Sister Zhiyun, you were also on the scene of that big battle at that time, right? Tell me how majestic the owner was at that time.

Ruan Xiaoqi and the others sat around the table with a newspaper on it, chatting about something with their heads, and occasionally heard laughter and inhalation coming from it.

"Good morning, master."

Suddenly, the greedy who stood on the side without participating bent down to salute.

"Good morning."

Su Ziyu's faint voice came out, causing the laughter of Ruan Xiaoqi and the other girls to stop abruptly.

"What are you looking at?" Su Ziyu stepped forward, glanced at the newspaper, and smiled helplessly, "I didn't expect that the Four Seas Daily is not only famous at sea, but also has very good sales on land." "

Hee-hee... You don't understand that. Ruan Xiaoqi explained with a smile, "Four Seas Daily is an ace newspaper called 'Chenguang' Group, and its business scope covers almost the whole region. Su

Ziyu didn't pay much attention to these business matters, and he couldn't help nodding when he heard this, no wonder the editor named Hu Wen was an immortal-level powerhouse, it turned out that there was an entire business empire behind it....

Sitting down on the sofa at will, Annie immediately served a cup of morning tea, and Su Ziyu also chatted with Ruan Xiaoqi and others without a ride.

Of course, the specific content is naturally more related to Su Ziyu's experience this time.

This chat, half a day passed, and by noon, there was a rare knock outside the castle.


Looking at the door, Su Ziyu said with a smile.

Greed stepped forward to open the door, and before the door could be opened, a crisp laugh came out.

"Hahaha... Our stigmata alchemist is really not simple....

Just a trip to the southern mountains is to kill the thorn head of the Queen of Hesse.

After the cold voice came out, a woman dressed in a black noble robe with a graceful and luxurious face walked in slowly, the indifferent atmosphere that was not close to people added a bit of high and cold temperament to it, although she was older, but you can still see from that face that she will be a big beauty when she is young.

Hearing this, Su Ziyu could only smile bitterly in his heart, it seems that the report of "Four Seas Daily" has been flying all over the sky, and Su Ziyu's side face photo and the name of the funeral honor have also become hot words that everyone has been discussing recently.

"Good morning, Lord of the Quiet."

Su Ziyu also stood up, looked at the noble lady in front of him who seemed to be ordinary, and said with a slight smile.

Today's Qingyu Lord Priest's face was slightly pale, presumably the old injuries had been tormenting her during this time.

"You are really famous this time, but most people still only stay at the level of killing the Queen of Hesse for you, and

they don't know that the stigmata alchemist who was hiding in Jiangcheng is also your identity."

The Qingyu Lord Priest followed the gesture of the greedy butler, sat down on a sofa, her eyes paused on Su Ziyu, she could feel that the latter's strength had greatly improved compared to before, almost approaching the sage level.

"It's all some false names, not enough to hang on."

Su Ziyu waved his hand, motioned for Annie to serve tea, and smiled modestly.

"To be too modest is to boast. I'm also interested in the presence behind you. The

Qingyu Lord Priest folded his hands on his legs and looked at Su Ziyu with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the living room suddenly became a lot more depressed.

Seeing a dignified flash in Su Ziyu's eyes, Qingyu suddenly laughed, hiding his mouth and laughing:

"Haha... Funny to you, look at you scared like this, rest assured, I have a personal relationship with you, and I will not use the power of the church to arrest you because you are backed by an unknown ancient god, and I still ask you.

Hearing this, Su Ziyu's hanging heart was only then put down, and he said,

"There is Teacher Lao Qingyou."

"Huh... No trouble, no trouble, who let my good apprentice linger on you, if it weren't for the fact that she was practicing outside recently, I was afraid that she would have quarreled to come and see you today. A

spoiled smile flashed on the face of the Qingyu Lord Priest, looked at Su Ziyu, and said with a serious expression, "But I also have to remind you, although I will not take the initiative to arrest you, but this incident is too big

, the three major orthodox churches will not allow a mysterious ancient god

to be so free in the world, there may be some actions against you in the future, try to be careful." Seeing

the serious look on Qingyu's face, Su Ziyu naturally knew that what the former said was not a joke, and immediately nodded solemnly: "

I will pay attention."

"So it's the best." Qingyu nodded his head with satisfaction, and then changed his tone, "You called me over, presumably that alpine snow lotus has already been found, right?"

"That's nature."

Su Ziyu smiled faintly, turned his palm, and immediately felt a snow-white lotus flower.

Looking at the noble white lotus, even though it was the main priest of Qingyu, his breathing became a lot heavier in an instant, "It is indeed an alpine snow lotus... Great, the colorful glass liquid finally has fallen. After

calming his mood, the Qingyu Lord Priest looked at Su Ziyu and said softly:

"According to the agreement, the colorful glass liquid needs to be refined by you... And I will give you access to the Immeasurable Ghost Domain and three sixth-level alchemy materials.

As soon as the words fell, Qingyu casually threw out two rings and said lightly, "Everything is in these two storage rings, the red one contains all kinds of materials and prescriptions for refining colorful glass liquid, and the blue storage ring is the reward I paid you in advance."

It's just that the opening of the Immeasurable Ghost Domain has to be in a year, and then I will naturally notify you to participate

, but the ugly thing is ahead, all I can give you is the selection place

, if your strength is not enough and you are eliminated, then I can't do anything.

With a wave of one hand, Su Ziyu pocketed the two storage rings and asked in a deep voice,

"Do you need to choose the place to enter the Immeasurable Ghost Domain again?"

"That's nature, the Immeasurable Ghost Domain can't carry so many people to enter, according to legend, it is a transit station for a forbidden place, and countless treasures that the outside world can't imagine are also readily available inside."

The Lord Priest explained with a smile.

"A stopover somewhere in a forbidden place?"

Su Ziyu raised his eyebrows and asked, "I don't know which place?" "

Huh... Don't tell you this for the time being, you will naturally know when the time comes.

Hearing this, Su Ziyu had to shrug his shoulders, and immediately changed his tone: "

By the way, has Teacher Qingyu heard of the two monsters of Hell Growler and Demon Hunter?"

"Huh? Hell Growler? Demon hunter? "

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