Restaurant Two is located on the ground floor of this building and can accommodate patients in two nearby buildings.

I don't know why, Su Ziyu always felt that as soon as he walked into this restaurant, he seemed to be stared at by countless pairs of eyes, especially the gaze that Director Li cast from time to time, that feeling was not like looking at a patient, but like watching... Food!

He controlled his emotions very well, followed the patients, and took their seats one after another.

Perhaps because of the late arrival, Su Ziyu could only sit at the back of the restaurant, and

the staff divided dinner one by one, and the silver dinner plate was still covered with a lid, and before he opened it, he could already smell the meat inside.

Several doctors sat at a row of tables in front of them, and one of them shouted, "

It's time to eat."

The patients living here are all C-level personnel, belonging to the type of self-care without problems, they can't wait to lift the lid and smell the smell of meat, some people have already eaten.

Su Ziyu looked at the plate on the table and gently lifted it like a decent.

For some reason, when he did this action, he could always feel that there were many pairs of eyes staring at him.

The lid was lifted, and Su Ziyu looked at the stacked rice and steak on the plate, and frowned unconsciously.

Then, he quietly opened his all-seeing true eye.

There was a faint light in his dark eyes, and when he looked at it again, Su Ziyu almost didn't scream.

On the plate, where is the steak, it is a piece of heart and liver, and it is stained with blood, with his understanding of the structure of the human body, this is a piece of heart and liver that has just been ripped off from a living person....

Forced to endure the discomfort of appetite, Su Ziyu tried to show a calm expression, and then quietly glanced at the food in the neighboring seat.

The patient was gently cutting a piece of bloody flesh with a knife, and intestines and all kinds of blood gushed out

.... In the next second, that piece of flesh and blood turned into steak again, and those intestines and blood were just soup drizzled on it.

The patients gently cut open the pieces of flesh and sent the rancid, blood-stained piece of human flesh to their mouths....


Su Ziyu took a breath of cold air in his heart and observed the entire cafeteria again.

360 degrees in the state of looking around without dead angles.

He saw that on everyone's dinner plate, the originally delicious steak had become a variety of human tissues and organs, each of which was bloody, and there was foul-smelling saliva sticking to it, and the sauce of those soul spices had also become bloody liquid flowing out of the organs at this moment...

If this scene is seen by ordinary people, they must have screamed out loud and their spirits were shocked.

After all, Su Ziyu is not an ordinary person, he has endured trials in the family since he was a child, he personally cut thousands of guinea pigs, and the human body has been cut many times, in order to exercise his study of human body and herbs, grandpa often engages in some anti-human special training.

Therefore, when he saw this scene, he was only nauseated and his scalp was slightly numb, after all, the number was really too much....

Su Ziyu's gaze moved and fell on the doctors and nurses sitting in the front row, they easily and comfortably cut the meat steak, sent the meat pieces into their mouths with happiness, chewed gently, the mouth was full of meat aroma, the corners of the mouth rose slightly, the sense of happiness and satisfaction made people feel numb....

Su Ziyu saw the sauce turn into blood sticking to the corners of their mouths, saw the sharp teeth exposed when they opened their mouths, saw their faces become ugly, and saw them turn into terrifying monsters with ugly looks and exposed muscles and blood vessels.


They... None of them are people?!

Su Ziyu's eyes widened, and the picture of the entire cafeteria appeared in his mind, and he suddenly found that several doctors and nurses sitting in the front row actually grew sharp claws, and their appearance was even uglier and not human!

At this moment, an unceremonious voice sounded in Su Ziyu's ears, and he hurriedly looked back, Director Li was holding a dagger with a cold light, standing behind him, his teeth clenched tightly, shaking madly, and asked:

"Why don't you eat?"

"Why not eat!"

Su Ziyu reacted, casually picked up the dinner plate and threw it over, the darkness on it was pervasive, and it smashed into the air with a crisp sound, as if it had broken some kind of barrier.


Crisp echo, I saw that everything in front of me changed, Director Li grew an ugly head, emaciated as bone, both cheeks sunken inward, highlighting the cheekbones towering high, the eye in the eye socket is full of blood, the eyeball swaying from side to side, full of violence and madness.

Not only that, the surrounding patients put down the knives and forks in their hands at the same moment, their voices were uniform, and at the same time they turned their heads, some even twisted a hundred and eighty degrees, each with a faint smile, dull eyes looked at Su Ziyu, lips slightly open:

"Why don't you eat?"


All crazy!

Su Ziyu only felt that his scalp was numb, and before he could react, a fierce wind suddenly struck his side, the wind swept like a blade, Director Li stretched out his two palms, his nails became pitch black and long, and he scratched Su Ziyu's head straight.

With a bang, Director Li was kicked by Su Ziyu, and at the same time he jumped onto the dining table, surrounded by a crowd of people.

Through the observation of the all-seeing true eye, these patients present have half of their mental bodies polluted!

It seems that the dinner just now is the source of pollution!

Since Director Li is a monster, what about the real Director Li?

Will... It's the food on the plate....

The more Su Ziyu thought about it, the more wrong it became, and the patients around him gathered closer and closer.

They looked at Su Ziyu with wide blood-red eyes, slowly growing sharp teeth, the skin fell off piece by piece, revealing the red muscles intertwined with fascia inside, the upper body was slightly arched, the wrists were bent and supported on the ground, the legs were back, the nails became thick and long, like a hyena lying on the ground, the skin and flesh of the face fell piece by piece, the transparent blood-colored worms shuttled back and forth between the holes

, at this moment, whether it was a patient or a doctor, they all became ghouls!

This creature Su Ziyu has also understood....

Originated from the cult, the Ghoul Order!

"Ghoul Order? How could monsters suddenly appear in the city..." As

soon as this question floated through his mind, the ghouls hugged him, and a dry roar came out of their throats, like a horde of zombies!

"Dark Wisdom, Deep Dark Cage!"

Su Ziyu unhurriedly formed a magic seal, the ground came alive like a tide, the darkness was pervasive, as if it became disembodied, one after another pitch-black pillars rose rapidly, some ghouls on the way were directly pierced by the pillar through the heart, turned into a cold corpse hanging on it

, in the miserable scream, one black pillar after another rose, including all the patients in this piece, with a muffled bang, the column finally broke through the ceiling of the first floor, Ascended to the corridor on the second floor.

The darkness surges on the black pillars, and black barbs grow on each one, and as the column shrinks inward, the barbs here are slowly lengthening.

Soon, the columns were closed, the ceiling was full of rubble, and finally the dense black pillars were closed together, like an airtight black coffin, and blood spilled out of the gaps.

They are just a group of half-ghouls who have not fully evolved, and their physical bodies in the deep dark cage are a little stronger than ordinary people.

Although they are all patients, after all, they have been polluted, and they still want to kill themselves, Su Ziyu will not show mercy and endure it.

After solving these contaminated patients, Su Ziyu did not relax, and several doctors and nurses in the front row stood up at the same time, and like Director Li, the skin on his face and body fell off piece by piece, revealing a terrifying appearance inside.

"You are not a good psychopath, you want to be a hero, don't you obediently eat the Holy Communion and become a sacrifice to our Lord!"

Director Li turned into a complete ghoul, more than two meters tall, and looked at Su Ziyu with his back crossed, and a mad smile pulled out at the corner of his mouth.

Although the current situation was unexpected by Su Ziyu, his expression was still calm:

"Ghoul Sect? What the hell are you guys... What do you want to do? "

These ghouls are invisible under the eyes of All-Seeing Truth, unlike the previous patients, their mental bodies have long been dark, and it seems that they are really cultists of those orders....

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