The Black Grave Area is located in the

southwest of the Northern Continent, because the area is in chaos all year round, so there are no airships or trains that can be set up in that area

, even if you take the above two means of transportation, you can only reach a small town thirty miles away from the Black Grave District, so the rest of the journey has to be walked with your feet, so Su Ziyu summoned the Prison Blood Nine-Headed Dragon to fly directly over.

"Why do you have to bring me out."

Zhi Yun, who was sitting on the back of the dragon, pouted unhappily.

"Maybe your abilities will come in handy?"

Su Ziyu rubbed Zhiyun's little head and said, "Be nice, or I'll throw you down."

When he said these words, Su Ziyu's originally bright face instantly became gloomy, making De Zhiyun lower his head and dare not look at him, pouting angrily, simply turning his back and looking at the clouds in amazement.

In this regard, Su Ziyu can only smile helplessly, no way, along the way Zhiyun chattered endlessly, the former can only use this similar method of intimidation to scare her first, otherwise I am afraid that before I reach the black grave area, I will be annoyed to death.

He can also understand Zhi Yun's mood, after all, during this time, Zhi Yun and Ruan Xiaoqi and others got along very well, the flower world outside was much more interesting than the lonely island, and for a while Xiao Nizi was a little lingering, and she was very dissatisfied with Su Ziyu forcibly taking him out of the gentle township.

Seeing that Zhiyun had finally calmed down, Su Ziyu sat down cross-legged, his hands formed a knot, his mind converged, and then he retreated into the system space.

As soon as he entered, Su Ziyu saw a prayer ball of light flashing with an abnormal light above the Chaos Sea.


Looking closer, Su Ziyu's eyebrows were raised, and immediately spread out of spirituality, touching the ball of light that was beating like a heart, and for a while, the light was overflowing, and a picture also appeared in front of the former's eyes.

Qing Mei'er half-knelt in front of the statue in the center of the square, and whispered with a reverent expression:

"Your Majesty, the matter you want me to investigate has already been raised.

Your hunch is correct, that blue-robed figure seems to be related to a secret organization called the 'Truth Society'... Maybe it's also the guy who heard that after the queen's death, he wanted to get a piece of the pie....

It is worth mentioning that we also investigated that there seems to be some connection between the "Truth Society" and the "Knowledge Church"... Judging by rumors, most of the members of the 'Church of Truth' are defectors of the 'Church of Knowledge'....

They worship the truth itself, and believe in a mysterious being called the 'Gate of Truth', the 'Gate of Ten Thousand Doors'... Well... There is another point, but it is only a rumor, and the subordinates dare not determine whether it is true....

It is rumored that the 'Truth Society' is working on a huge plan... And this plan seems to be related to the 'abyss'!

Since the whereabouts of the 'Truth Society' are very secretive and the style of acting cautiously, there is not much news circulating in the market, and the Great Crown is for reference only, if there is a place where I need to wait, please feel free to order, we are always on standby! The

picture disappeared as the aperture swung away, but Su Ziyu's eyes were staring at the nothingness in front of him, deep in thought.

"Will the 'truth'? Is it that they have the root sap of the 'mother tree of desire'? And also connected to the 'Church of Knowledge'?

The formation of the three major churches was after the Third Age, that is, the emergence of the 'Truth Society' was probably at this point in time, right?

The Gate of Truth has not been heard, but from their teachings, it seems to be similar to the Church of Knowledge, except that the style may be a little more extreme....

However, no matter what you are, as long as you offend me, don't think about it..." With

these thoughts flashing in his mind, Su Ziyu rubbed his head helplessly, and then ordered Qing Mei'er to continue the investigation, and then shook off these messy things, sat down cross-legged, and began to absorb the chaotic airflow.

The three-day flight flickered by, and at a certain moment, Su Ziyu suddenly opened his eyes, a flash of essence flashed in his eyes, slowly stood up, and looked at the silhouette of the town hidden in the valley in the distance.

That is Su Ziyu's first destination this time - Qingshan Town.

This is an entrance to the Black Grave area, and after entering, it is rumored that there is some kind of mysterious prohibition in the Black Grave area, so flying is prohibited in the sky area, and the journey can only be walked for the rest of the way.

Said to be a town, in fact, the scale is not much different from the main city like Jiangcheng, sitting on the back of the dragon, far down, you can hear one after another shouting mixed with drinking and scolding sound composed of sound waves straight into the sky, see the town is full of towering heads, dense, like an ant nest.

Although it is night, the lights below are bright, banishing away the surrounding darkness, as if it were daylight.


Su Ziyu patted Zhiyun's little head, and after the latter screamed in pain, he also covered his head and stood up, feeling the surging crowd below through the clouds, and a faint look of excitement appeared on his face.

Little Nizi had accepted the fact that Su Ziyu had forcibly brought her out, and at this time, seeing such a crowded town, her mood also improved.

"Prepare to land."

Seeing Zhiyun's sudden excitement, Su Ziyu shook his head helplessly, stomped on his feet, and the Prison Blood Nine-Headed Dragon emitted a thunderous dragon groan, and then swept towards a dense forest outside the town.

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