Somewhere in Jiangcheng's stronghold, in a transparent and bright room, sat a pale-faced man wearing a black Burning Cloud robe.

He looks rugged, his chin is full of beard, and he is drinking a bottle of wine to his mouth.


He put the bottle down, set up another piece of roast meat with a fork, and while chewing, muttered:

"The black bear is dead? A good trip to the night market, actually died... Fuck, let Lao Tzu see, who the hell wants to cut off my beard!

He put his legs on the table and snapped his fingers, and a blonde young woman wearing a colorful cheongsam with a fork that reached the base of her thighs walked in.

She walked slowly to the man, her eyes dull and irrelevant, like a robot.

"Send me the black bear before he died."

The man ordered.

The cheongsam woman nodded slightly, and her originally bright face suddenly wrinkled, and then split from the middle, and the spirituality gathered to form a picture.

The man's originally careless eyes suddenly widened after seeing the person in the picture, and when he wanted to continue watching after being stunned for a while, the picture suddenly stopped.

"Shhhhh ...... Could it be... King of Yellow?

What's going on with that guy?! Dare to come out in that kind of outfit!

Could it be that the human incarnation of that being has arrived?! The

man's expression suddenly turned into horror, the wine bottle in his hand fell to the ground unconsciously, and the sharp glass slag pierced into his palm without noticing.


“... King of Yellow! Appeared! "


It can't be delayed any longer, it's time to start, the king of yellow clothes appears in Jiangcheng, no one knows how the situation behind will evolve, and the unification plan can only be implemented in advance....

Many thoughts flashed in the man's mind, he hurriedly took out his mobile phone, made a call, and after explaining a few words in a panic, he hung up the phone He stood up, put away the broken blood-colored battle flag on the table, and said as he walked out:

"The Ghoul Order was hit a while ago, and it just happened to be our chance to strike!" Inform the Snake Society, the Weird Circus, gather all the manpower, and eat the Ghoul Order first!

If they are disobedient, then hit until they obey! The

cheongsam beauty's split head automatically closed, showed a bright smile again, followed the man, and dialed one phone after another.


"The cataclysm of a thousand years ago, also known as the reign of chaos in the third age, the gods began to fall, and extraordinary people began to appear among human beings, some of them can breathe fire, spit water, summon thunder and lightning, transform into giants, and after passing down from generation to generation, under countless battles and mergers, the Federation appeared, and the three major orthodox churches located above the Federation

, respectively, the Church of the God of War who believes in the 'Dusk Giant', the Church of Nature who believes in the 'Holy Mother Tree', and the Church of Knowledge who believes in the 'Sage of the Night'.

They stand above the laws of society, some of the believers will delegate to the special departments of various cities to undertake important tasks, if there are powerful monsters in human towns, it will be solved

by the strong people in the church personally, generally speaking, an acropolis is sat by a morning star powerhouse, and this strong man is generally also a member of a church,

and the main city located above the acropolis has some unknowable powerful existence.


Ziyu carefully opened the above content, and also roughly understood the changes in the extraordinary world in the past three years.

In addition to the three major orthodox churches, there are also cults with various strange names, they appear all over the world, and the scope of activity is even broader, such as the ghoul sect that Su Ziyu first encountered, which is a relatively small cult group, and the main scope of activities is in each city of David.

There are also some ancient orders such as the Crimson Tongue, the Calamity Snake Society, the Inquiry Society, the Necronomicon Society, etc., the area of activity is unknown, and there are even assassination organizations such as the Black Tailor, which are rumored to believe in a presence called the Shadow Demon.


According to the book, cults like the Crimson Tongue and the Serpent Society operate in almost every city of David and the wilderness, as well as the ancient Necromancers, who have been caught at sea.

With the all-seeing true eye, this book of more than a hundred pages was completed by Su Ziyu in half an hour.

To his regret, there was no information about the old god religion in it, and it seemed that this church was indeed mysterious enough that most people might not have access to it.

He took out the key to the octopus head he bought before, and the black bear man just now seemed to have discovered the extraordinary nature of this key, which also made Su Ziyu more curious about what kind of secret this key hidden.

Opening the all-seeing true eye and looking carefully, he only noticed that there were spiritual fluctuations on the key, thought about it, and slowly entered a part of the spiritual energy, spreading on the spoon body, and winding in circles.

This time, All-Seeing True Eye saw something unusual.

"Wow... Wow! "

The tide rises like a beast, and when you look up, you can see a wide ocean that seems to have no bounds, and if you twitch your nose slightly, you can even smell a fishy smell unique to the sea.

"Boom... The

waves rose again, and slowly landed, and under the middle sea, there seemed to be something hidden, just staring there, Su Ziyu felt some heart palpitations.

And this is just an illusion of spiritual composition.

After the spirituality dispersed, the picture in front of him gradually disappeared, dissolving and collapsing.

Su Ziyu felt like he had returned to land from the sea all of a sudden, but there seemed to be a fishy smell on his body that could not be removed.

He grabbed his collar and smelled if there was any special smell, it seemed that the scene just now changed his five senses to a certain extent!

Su Ziyu put the key away and nodded slightly.

The vision that has just emerged shows that the key to this octopus's head is not simple.

However, there is no clue yet, put this thing away first, and ask later when you have the opportunity.

After putting away the key to the octopus head, Su Ziyu thought of the black bear mask man he met in the night market before.

Others may not have found it when they ate melons, but Su Ziyu after a solid battle, and the Void Shadow Beast came to report the news, and learned some secrets that others did not know.

The black bear man, most likely not human, is like a puppet, can't die, and then also destroyed a link bug like a centipede, completely ending the life of the black bear man.

Su Ziyu vaguely felt that he seemed to have fallen into some conspiracy again.

Rubbed the corners of his forehead, things during this time were quite strange, sorted out the thoughts in his mind, and suddenly received a violent message....

"Interesting... It's time to practice swords.

The corners of Su Ziyu's mouth raised slightly.


The southern district of the city, the original stronghold of the Ghoul Order, was taken down by the Raging Knight with the army of the undead, turning this place into a resting place.

But tonight, it's bustling.

"Li Kangming, submit to our Scourge Snake Society, the great sea serpent god will always care for you!"

A blue-haired young man said loudly with his arms outstretched.

"Look at you now, if you want no one, if you want no territory, what are you doing to stay in that sect."

Another member of the Snake Society also spoke.

A man dressed in a clown costume, with various grotesque makeup painted on his face, a red and a yellow man stepped forward, tossing a small ball in his hand and screaming:

"Hey, hey, join our weird circus, the mother of the grotesque is watching you!" How nice it is for us to have fun together! Behind

the two cult groups, there was also a group of believers dressed in black robes with a pattern of burning clouds, and the one in the lead was the beautiful woman in the cheongsam before.

"Stop talking nonsense with them, can't you think about it after killing them all over the annexation?"

The cheongsam woman sneered.

The blue-haired man and the clown seemed a little afraid of the woman and didn't dare to say more.

The Fury Knight was followed by hundreds of members of the Ghoul Order, all of whom were recruited by the former Fury.

None of them were very aware of the changes that had taken place in the Raging Knight, only that their master seemed to be a big man called Funeral.

But after staying for so many days, they didn't even see the shadow of that big man, which made many believers think of rebellion in their hearts.

In particular, they were besieged by several orders.

Most people are panicked in their hearts.

The blue-haired man also seemed to see this, and continued with a sneer:

"Everyone listen to my advice, following the Ghoul Sect will not have any good results

, no matter how powerful Li Kangming is, can he withstand the impact of the three sects

, hahaha, it's really ridiculous!"

If you can point your weapons at Li Kangming, when we finish the clearance,

we can

give you a chance to join the major orders.

Oh, seize the opportunity, guys..." His

voice was extremely demagogic, like a Wall Street securities manager selling junk bonds.

Many believers raised their heads one after another, as if they were making some kind of decision.

The smile on the blue-haired man's face was even more presumptuous, his eyes were full of contempt and disdain for the excitement, and the disciples he brought also showed a look of disdain.

The clown also stopped the spinning ball in his hand, his eyes glanced to that side, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

The cheongsam beauty leisurely lit a cigarette, as if watching a farce.


I don't know who it was, but finally let out a dull roar, as if to vent the pressure in their hearts, the disciples who originally belonged to the Ghoul Order actually pointed their weapons at their companions.

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