"Bishop Mulan?"

Hearing this, Su Ziyu's indifferent eyes swept over the black-robed old man, his gaze lingered on the badge on his chest for a while, and he frowned, "People from the 'Longevity Society'?

"Boy, who are you? Where is that old guy in Mulan? Seeing

that Su Ziyu was not afraid of himself in the slightest, the black-robed old man's eyes narrowed a dangerous arc.

After all, he still maintained the phantom of the 'Dark Buddha' at this time, and ordinary extraordinary people were respectful and avoided when they saw this dark Buddha, and Su Ziyu was unusual, but he made him vigilant.

Either the young man in front of him is a stunned young man, or he really has considerable strength.

And to be able to enter the hall at the bottom of this mountain, it is absolutely impossible for the former.

"Huh... Mu Lan, that old guy? Su Ziyu shrugged and said, "When I came over, I saw that he was half-dead, so I gave him a ride."


After being stunned for a moment, the black-robed old man's face changed slightly, and he said coldly, "You killed Mu Lan?!"

Su Ziyu shrugged his shoulders and did not answer again, and he was more sure of the identity of the black-robed old man in his heart, which was probably the so-called president of the 'Longevity Society'.

Then, Su Ziyu's gaze swept and noticed the fire phoenix that was curled up on the side of the hall, and suddenly frowned, and said in surprise, "This is... Immortal Phoenix? Or an adult?

Just when Su Ziyu was surprised by this, the sea of chaos suddenly became restless, and then the Nine Ling Phoenix Egg flew out, and then an anxious female voice came out of it.

"Mother! How could my mother be hurt like this! "

What's the situation..."

Su Ziyu could feel the anger of the Nine Ling Phoenix Egg at this time, and the latter also turned into a mini fire phoenix again, the violent fire attribute energy vented wantonly, and the aura of destruction turned it upside down, crashing everywhere in the Chaos Sea.

Faced with such a situation, Su Ziyu did not dare to let the Primordial Demon God suppress it at will, and after thinking about it, he still released Huo Ling'er.


After leaving the Sea of Chaos, Huo Ling'er turned into a flame light and shadow, and in an instant, it pounced on the immortal phoenix king, so as not to mourn.

"It's actually a mother and daughter... I should have thought of it a long time ago..." After

getting the Nine Ling Phoenix Egg so smoothly, Su Ziyu thought that the adult immortal phoenix was dead, who would have thought that he was trapped here, which allowed him to steal people's children so easily....

"If only this Nine Heavens Immortal Phoenix knew that I stole her child... I'm afraid I'll be furious..."

Just as such a thought flashed in Su Ziyu's heart, the black-robed old man not far away stared at Huo Ling'er with burning eyes, his face showed greed, and licked his shriveled lips and said, "The immortal phoenix of the juvenile body... Hahaha! Two immortal phoenixes... Earn big! Earn big! Hearing

this, Su Ziyu frowned, and he almost understood the purpose of the black-robed old man in his heart, and the killing intent in his eyes was even stronger.

Originally, Su Ziyu did not deal with the 'Longevity Society', but now seeing that this old guy still wants to grab his own materials, he can't bear it.


Yin laughed, the black-robed old man's figure shook, and he came behind Huo Ling'er, his withered palm opened slightly, and the eyes of the 'Dark Buddha' behind him opened slightly, bursting out with rich killing intent and dead qi.

"Black Buddha Hand!"

When the sound fell, the black-robed old man's five fingers were slightly curved, five pitch-black flames appeared from his fingertips, and a strange text appeared in the palm, which seemed to be a scripture, but it was abnormally distorted, giving people a sense of absurdity.

The palm slapped fiercely towards the back of Huo Ling'er's heart, and the latter was immersed in grief at this time, plus the speed of the black-robed old man was too fast, and when he reacted, he could already smell the rich killing intent.

Seeing that his child was about to die tragically at the hands of the black-robed old man, the Immortal Phoenix King opened his phoenix eyes with difficulty, his colorful wings slowly flapped and a look of determination flashed in his eyes.

Just as they were about to fight for their lives, a clear shout fell, and then a black shadow flashed in front of them like lightning, and the ink-black black blade cut through the cold knife marks in midair, and violently collided with the black-robed old man's 'black Buddha hand'.

"I'm sorry... I took a fancy to both of them. The

sound of the handover of gold and iron followed, and Su Ziyu looked at the black-robed old man with a gentle smile, his arms slammed out, and the fierce force shook the black-robed old man out.

"Good boy! I originally thought of killing you in the end, but now you yourself want to hit the muzzle of the gun, then I can't complain about my cruelty! The

black-robed old man looked at Su Ziyu with a sneer, and took a sip, "I want to see how you can defeat me with your immortal-level strength!"

As soon as the words fell, the aura of the black-robed old man sage-level intermediate peak was revealed.

"You go over and take care of Huoling'er first, this old guy will leave it to me."

Su Ziyu turned to look at Zhiyun and said softly.


Zhi Yun's little face nodded solemnly, and instructed, "Uncle, you must be careful... That guy is even stronger than the pig-headed man monster before!

"Don't worry."

Su Ziyu smiled faintly, then turned to look at the black-robed old man, and his gaze suddenly became cold.

"Stinky boy, since that's the case, the old man won't be polite with you!"

"Black Buddha Golden Body - Three Heads and Six Arms!"

The black-robed old man's face turned cold and quickly changed his handprint, and the 'Great Dark Buddha' suddenly gushed out more dark attribute spiritual energy, and then these spiritual energy surrounded each other's body.

Almost in the blink of an eye, a large amount of spiritual energy suddenly filled the shoulders of the 'Dark Buddha', and in the midst of squirming, two other Great Buddha heads actually drilled out!

Along with the three heads, there were also two pairs of pitch-black arms that suddenly popped out from the waist.

Then the black Buddha phantom threw out one attack after another, each palm, every punch drove the Buddha Realm, and huge and distorted golden light words flew out, like one law after another, with some irresistible rule power.

"This guy's visualization map is really strange..."

Su Ziyu frowned secretly, and immediately changed his hands to seal the seal, and shouted sharply:

"Dark Wisdom Eternal Night Wall!"

The sharp sound fell, and the pitch-black stone wall rose up, protecting Su Ziyu in the center, and the golden light text collided with it, and suddenly burst out a strong energy fluctuation, and the earth trembled.

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