"Brother Qin, welcome back."

Seeing this, Big Yellow hurriedly stepped forward to exchange pleasantries with Qin He, and then his gaze shifted, and he noticed Niu Er and the others on the side, and couldn't help but be surprised, "Niu Er, didn't you escape?" How did it come back? Could it be... It's not easy to mix outside, and you want to come back and seek asylum? "

The naïve Big Yellow still thought that this time it was Qin He who came out and blocked this crisis with his face, but I don't know how much dignity the latter sold for this.

Hearing Big Yellow's words, Qin He lowered his head, his face was gloomy as if he could wring out water, thinking that it was because of Big Yellow's bad idea earlier that caused this situation, his heart was even more dissatisfied, and he immediately shouted:

"Shut up for me!"

Being drunk by Qin He like this, everyone's eyes also shifted, and Big Yellow also looked at the former with a stunned face, he has always been a dog-headed military master, this is the first time he has been scolded in public so ugly.

Immediately, suppressing the anger in his heart, Big Yellow gritted his teeth and said, "

Team Qin... What's going on? "

What's wrong?" Qin He sneered and said, "You know best how things are!"

Just as the two were scolding each other, Su Ziyu turned his head and noticed that Niu Erzheng was staring at Big Yellow with burning eyes, and suddenly asked:

"He is the one who bullied you before, right?"


Niu Er gritted his teeth.

"So it's the best." Su Ziyu nodded with a smile at the corner of his mouth, he could also hear from Qin He's words, and the idea of luring the miasma beetle to their side, wanting to sacrifice them with this, was the idea of this little gangster called Big Yellow.

Such a person, do not kill, stay and wait for the New Year?

And Su Ziyu knows best, this kind of person is generally the most hateful, if you don't kill him, one day he will bite you back!

"Qin He, don't forget our agreement." Su Ziyu said coldly, "I said that I need you to help me solve someone."

As soon as Su Ziyu's words came out, the people around him couldn't help but be stunned, it seems that this newly joined young man seems to have a lot of ability, and he can command Qin He at will?

And in the next second, Qin He's performance made them more sure of this.

After taking a deep breath, Qin He could barely squeeze out a smile on his face:

"You said!"

"Kill him."

Su Ziyu pointed to Big Yellow and said lightly.

As soon as the words fell, the audience was in an uproar.

For a while, everyone was taken care of by Qin He and others, although Big Yellow often did some inhuman things, but they also knew that they didn't look at him as a punk, but he and Qin He were cousins, plus he was clever, quite a soil overlord style. So when they heard Su Ziyu's suggestion, they only felt ridiculous.

"Where did you boy come from! Dare to point at Lao Tzu like this!

After hearing these words, the most angry was naturally Rhubarb, under the impact of that angry emotion, he even forgot that the man in front of him was killed in the corpse tide just now, but as soon as the angry curse fell, endless regret surged in his heart....

However, Su Ziyu was too lazy to make a move with this kind of person, looked at Qin He, shrugged his shoulders and said:

"I count three, if you don't do it, you know the consequences."

Hearing this, recalling the strength displayed by Su Ziyu, Qin He shivered, in line with the idea that a good man would not suffer the loss in front of him, plus Big Yellow bumped into him just now also made him very unhappy, and the other party often did not put the canon in his eyes, repeatedly bullied men and women, and ruined his reputation.

Under the superposition of various reasons, Qin He's eyes flashed a killing intent, in Big Yellow's stunned gaze, he turned around, slapped a palm on his head, only heard a 'bang', his head exploded like a balloon, and Big Yellow died on the spot.


Qin He took a deep breath, the killing intent in his eyes disappeared, glanced at everyone, and said lightly, "Big Yellow disobeyed discipline, repeatedly violated the canons, and is now killed on the spot to prove the teachings!" Although

in the eyes of the survivors of Yangcheng, Qin He's killing of Big Yellow on the spot was a little inexplicable, but what the latter did in the past few days did cause public anger, and after being killed, everyone's mood became a lot more cheerful, and they immediately cheered.

Seeing this, Qin He's face became a little better, at least after he killed Big Yellow just now, everyone's position was still with him.

Seeing this, Hui Hu on the side immediately laughed several times and said, "

It's good to die!" It's good to die!

Immediately, he strode towards Su Ziyu, held the latter's hand, and said with a hearty smile, "My name is Huihu, I'm just a clergy member of the church, I don't know the name of the little brother?" Although

Hui Hu was reckless, he was coarse and fine, and although the changes that had just happened were a little dazzling, he could see clearly that all this was planned by this new young man.

"Su Yu."

Seeing that Huihu was so enthusiastic, Su Ziyu also hugged his fists and smiled.

Seeing Huihu's statement, several clergy of the Knowledge Church immediately stepped forward to greet Su Ziyu, and Su Ziyu naturally did not refuse to welcome them warmly, but whenever he asked about his own details, Su Ziyu also made a haha and fooled over.

During the casual chat, Su Ziyu knew that their knowledge church team originally had a captain named Guo Ting, but in the process of confrontation with Xia Yi several times before, Guo Ting was seriously injured and weak, so the temporary command would fall on Qin He.

Just as Su Ziyu was chatting with everyone, suddenly a woman wearing a white robe and a long body walked out.

"Team Guo."

Seeing the woman come out, Qin He's group quickly bent down and bowed their heads.

"Sister Guo, your body has not yet recovered, how can you walk around at will."

Qin He quickly smiled flatteringly and stepped forward to help Guo Ting.

"I heard a lot of movement outside, and I couldn't sleep, so I came out to breathe." Guo Ting lifted the green silk in front of her forehead, her gaze swept down on Big Yellow's corpse, and she couldn't help frowning, "What's wrong with him?"

"Big Yellow has repeatedly taught and bullied men and women, and today I really can't stand it, so I shot and killed him."

Seeing this, Qin He said awe-inspiringly.

Hearing this, Guo Ting only nodded, did not say much, she had heard more or less what Big Yellow did, and was originally an insignificant figure, and died and died.

Immediately, she turned her gaze and noticed Su Ziyu's group, and couldn't help but ask, "

Who are these?"

Qin He hurriedly introduced Su Ziyu and his group, and then Huihu also stepped forward to blow Su Ziyu's brilliant performance in the corpse tide.

"Mr. Su Yu?" A smile appeared on Guo Ting's pale face, and she shook hands with Su Ziyu and said, "Young and promising." "

Huh... Don't dare, don't dare.

Su Ziyu waved his hand and smiled.

"If you want, you can survive tonight here." Guo Ting said with a smile, "Arrange the best room for Mr. Su Yu, the night is the time when the corpse tide and the miasma beetle are most fanatical, and it will be better to leave tomorrow morning." Hearing

this, Su Ziyu did not shirk, and nodded with a smile.

After chatting for a while, Guo Ting left first on the grounds of physical discomfort, while Su Ziyu stared at the back of the former, quietly opened the all-seeing true eye, and suddenly raised his eyebrows, but did not say anything.

Subsequently, according to Guo Ting's instructions, Qin He sorted out a few rooms for Su Ziyu and his group to live in temporarily.

"Go back to your room and rest for the night, and tomorrow morning we will set out to find the abyss."

Seeing that the second couple had returned to the room to rest, Su Ziyu looked at the second daughter of Zhiyun and said lightly.


Zhi Yun and Jun Shang tapped their snow-white chins, and immediately went back to the room to rest, as the door creaked shut, Su Ziyu was half lying on the bed, recalling the condition of Guo Ting's mental body that he had observed when he opened his all-seeing true eye.

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