"It's now... Finally able to use that trick. Then

, two pairs of spiritual wings appeared behind Bishop Lan Hao, and when he stepped on his feet, he was suspended in the sky, and when he opened his hands, a thick and simple illusory book appeared again, his hands waved like a piano, and the book automatically opened without wind, and one after another streamers flashed, freezing on one of the pages.

"Hellfire - three-star burst!"

When the loud shouts fell, Bishop Lan Hao squeezed out a complex seal with both hands, and the clouds in the sky were gradually shaken apart, and then a huge meteorite hundreds of feet wide was wrapped in flames and slowly landed, and the strong energy fluctuations caused the trajectory along the way to be rubbed into a dark and deep spatial trajectory.

"Bang bang!"

As the first meteorite fell, the clouds were swept away from a larger void space, and two meteorites continued to fall, larger than the first one, and the strong force pressed on the first meteorite, looking like a stacked arhat from a distance.

With a terrifying sound that made the eardrums crack, three meteorites quickly landed like flame meteors and smashed heavily on the earth, as if an earthquake had occurred, the earth was torn open countless cracks, and a deep pit of thousands of zhang in size appeared!

The tide of corpses that was still densely packed just now, under the terrible attack of these three meteorites, finally turned into black ash and dissipated.

And after using this move, Bishop Lan slowly fell from mid-air, and his face that was still tough just now also became weak, it seems that the spirituality consumed by this killing move is also an astronomical amount.

"The strength is good."

Looking at the hot flames rising below and the terrifying deep pit, Su Ziyu couldn't help nodding, and then turned his palm, and a part of the body of the female demon insect was minced meat, and after only a few pauses, he rushed up without fear of death, and he threw that part of the minced meat far away.

As soon as the breath of the minced meat of the female demon insect's body emanated, the miasmatic beetles hidden in the shadows in the corner immediately drilled out, and then chased towards the piece of minced meat.

Losing the manipulation of the miasma beetle, the ghoul group also became more sluggish, and after dangling for a while, they also chased in the direction where the miasma beetle ran.

For a while, the group of ghouls that had been densely blocked just now finally became clear.

"Let's go!"

Seeing this, although he didn't understand what was happening, Bishop Lan Hao waved his hand, and led the extraordinary people of the Knowledge Church to choose the weakest line of defense and rushed out.

"Xuanlu Turtle - now!"

After almost a minute, Bishop Lan Hao's face gradually became a lot rosier, his hands were folded, and the illusory book appeared, frozen on a certain page, and then with a large amount of seawater gushing out, a large turtle with two pairs of wings appeared out of thin air.

Bishop Lan Hao and the others jumped on the back of the turtle, the former's handprint changed again, and the Xuanlu turtle carried hundreds of people, soared into the air, and caught up with the Hellblood Nine-Headed Dragon.

"This little brother, thank you so much!"

After waiting for the Xuan Hao Tortoise and the Prison Blood Nine-Headed Dragon side by side, Bishop Lan Hao hurriedly spoke, "If you don't dislike it, we have a stronghold in front of us, and please go to Yixiu, I can also entertain you well." "

It can be seen that Bishop Lan Hao is indeed a straight man, and he does not speak obliquely.

"I can't ask for it."

Su Ziyu arched and smiled.

Then, the Xuanlu turtle led the way in front, and the nine demon dragons followed, one turtle and one dragon flew side by side, and after ten minutes, a skyscraper tens of meters high appeared in everyone's field of vision.

"Please come with me!"

Bishop Lan Hao shouted back, stomped on his feet, and the Xuanlu turtle let out a howl, and then flew towards one of the floors of the building, stopped at the edge of the window, and then entered the inside of the building.

"This stronghold is really good, such a high floor, it is difficult for ordinary ghouls to come up, and there is still a lot of food hoarding here."

Su Ziyu's gaze swept over, and with Zhiyun and the others, he jumped down from the Prison Blood Nine-Headed Dragon and entered the building.

Seeing Su Ziyu and others come in, Bishop Lan ordered his subordinates to close the curtains, and then lit candles, and the faint light finally allowed everyone to see the scene in front of them.

"I don't know this little brother's name? Thank you so much! Bishop

Lan Yu's gaze fell on Su Ziyu, and his intuition told him that the young man in front of him was the real person who spoke to this squad.

"Su Yu."

Su Ziyu arched his hand.

"It turned out to be Brother Su Yu." Bishop Lan smiled and took out a leaf-shaped bookmark, "This is the bishop's order I issued, if Mr. Su meets someone from my Knowledge Church, as long as he shows it to him, he will treat you as a guest." Hearing

this, Su Ziyu raised his eyebrows and took it down, it seems that this Bishop Lan is indeed good, at least he speaks and does things without ambiguity.

"I don't know why you came to Yangcheng? Now that you have also seen the situation in Yangcheng, ordinary extraordinary people do not dare to come over..."

asked Bishop Lan Hao with a smile.

"Hmm... I heard that Yangcheng is about to open the 'abyss'? Su Ziyu leaned against the table and asked casually, "I wonder if Bishop Lan knows about this?" "

Huh?" Bishop Lan raised his eyebrows, and immediately said with a bitter smile, "Don't hide from you, we also got this news, there is already an abyss aura leaking in Yangcheng... This time it was to stop the tragedy from happening. "

What did the Plague Church do?"

Su Ziyu asked.

"At least for now." Bishop Lan mused, "But according to the information we have obtained, it is likely that the Plague Church is just a puppet pushed to the front of the stage... We learned that there are still traces of the activities of the Truth Society in Yangcheng..."

Hearing this, Su Ziyu was stunned for a moment, and immediately the figure in the blue robe that he had seen in the Forest of Desire appeared in his mind....

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