If Bishop Lan was not prepared to believe Qin He's demagoguery and chose to continue to cooperate, it would naturally be the best.

However, there are accidents in everything.

If he wanted to fight, Su Ziyu was not ambiguous.

Seeing that almost everyone's eyes were focused on him, Bishop Lan Hao's face finally calmed down after a few slight changes.

Seeing this, Qin He on the side thought that there was a drama, and immediately spoke:

"Bishop Lan, Su Ziyu is an agent of the old gods, this kind of calamity can't be easily kept!" Moreover, the frequent activities of the 'Truth Society' during this period may be related to him, otherwise why would he enter Yangcheng under such circumstances?

After hearing Qin He's words, the faces of many extraordinary people present changed slightly, although some of the former's words were exaggerated, it could not be avoided that Su Ziyu might indeed bring them a huge crisis.

"You really have an imagination."

Su Ziyu's faint voice directly broke the embarrassing situation, stared at Qin He with cold eyes, and chuckled:

"One thing I want to state first, I have no connection with the so-called 'Truth Society'... If I have to say it, maybe a secret organization called the 'Yellow Hermit Society' may have some connection with me..." Since

everything was said about this, Su Ziyu didn't mind revealing two more words.

"The Yellow Hermit Will? What is that thing?

Qin He was stunned for a moment, and immediately sneered, "Su Ziyu, don't be alarmist, as an agent of the old gods, you have violated the canons of the Three Orthodox God Churches, according to the regulations, shoot and kill!"

"You mean you're going to kill me?"

Su Ziyu smiled faintly, walking unhurriedly under his feet, just a few steps away, but it made Qin He feel that a huge pressure like a mountain was covering him, and he couldn't help but change his face slightly, and secretly said in his heart, "How come... This guy actually has such a powerful aura coercion... Has this guy actually been hiding his strength before?!

"Come on! Do it! Attacking the clergy of the Orthodox Church is even more sinful! Seeing

that Su Ziyu seemed to have no intention of stopping, Qin He immediately shouted loudly.

As soon as the words fell, a crisp slap sounded, and then a figure flew out upside down at a very fast speed, floating through a beautiful blood line in mid-air, followed by a wail, bang, the figure landed, and could only curl up, convulsing.


Qin He's face was flushed, and part of the flesh and skin were blooming, revealing terrifying and hideous white bones, he looked at Su Ziyu in disbelief, he couldn't believe that the latter really openly attacked him, and it was still in front of the bishop of a region!


Qin He still wanted to say something, but before he could say it, he was suppressed by an even more angry shout.

"Shut up Lao Tzu!"

The source of the voice was Bishop Lan Yu, who had been silent for a long time, at this time, his face was gloomy, and his eyes that could not see the change in mood fell on Su Ziyu, and said lightly:

"You are the human agent of the Funeral Venerable?"

In this regard, Su Ziyu shrugged noncommittally.

"I have also heard of the miracles of that god, but I have never heard of him doing anything that harms the human race..." Bishop

Lan Hao took a deep breath and muttered

, "The priority now is to solve the abyss crisis in Yangcheng first, and

our goal is to defeat the 'Truth Society' first... I believe my eyes don't look at the wrong person... I swear by the faith of the 'Sage of the Night'..."

When he said the last sentence, Bishop Lan Hao's tone was very flat, and he could hardly hear any mood swings, calmly as if this sentence was naturally like this.

Hearing this, Su Ziyu had been maintaining the spiritual energy that could erupt at any time and calmed down, and Zhiyun and Junshang were also slightly relieved at the same time, although they were not afraid of falling out and fighting, but after all, it was better to be an ally than an enemy.

"Bishop Lan... What do you say?! This kind of person, as a container for the revival of the old gods, is magnanimous if he is not put to death, how can he cooperate with him! Are you going to rebel against the canons of the Church with your own selfishness?! Seeing

that Bishop Lan Yu actually chose to continue to cooperate with Su Ziyu, Qin He was so angry that he rolled his eyes and almost turned his back, his heart was anxious, and without thinking, he lost his voice and shouted.


Another slap fell, and Qin He's other half of his face also turned red, and at this time, his whole face was swollen like a pig's head.

"Lao Tzu believes in the 'Sage of the Night', and when you learn all kinds of occult knowledge, you still don't know where to wear open pants! Does this bishop still need you to teach me the canons? Bishop

Lan snorted coldly, "I only need to be worthy of the believers and the citizens when I do things!"

I don't need you to teach me what to do yet. At

this time, Qin He, after receiving two slaps from Su Ziyu and Bishop Lan Hao, the hot pain on his face made him faint directly in pain.

And just when everyone was talking about this, an owl suddenly flew in from the window, and the advance team sent out by Bishop Lan Hao earlier came back with news!

Bishop Lan Lu stretched out his thin fingers, so that the owl messenger with black and white wings could stay on it, and then stared at the latter's eyes, its pupils turned into vertical pupils, lit up with a strange green glow, after a long time, he waved back the owl, and after a little thought, he looked at Su Ziyu and said:

"The advance team explored a distance of about two kilometers, and did not encounter obvious targets or risks, and the time was not early, We had to reach the outskirts of the city before the sun went down. "

Let's go."

Seeing this, Su Ziyu didn't talk nonsense, and after speaking, he took Zhiyun's second daughter and turned downstairs.

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