In front of you is a long hallway, which has been transformed into a palatial and comfortably decorated pink cottage instead of a fishy and dirty environment.

Comparable to a former royal palace, the cottage is encrusted with glittering golden diamonds and pillars resembling ancient Roman guards, watching in the dark.

The door of the pink hut opened inward, and it was hollowly facing the direction where Su Ziyu was, and you could see that the bearded man was facing away from him, swinging and not knowing something.

His gasping breath could be heard very clearly in the silent sewers.

Su Ziyu did not step forward rashly, and a luxuriously decorated cabin appeared in the sewers, which was a very strange thing to think about.

Stepping into something that was likely to trigger a rash step, Su Ziyu decided to stand outside and test it with long-range skills.

The black matter jumped, condensed into a pitch-black dark matter spear, and after throwing, it was firmly pierced on the door of the hut, and the large spiderweb-like hole instantly recovered, and the black spear was more like a burning candle, melting and dissipating little by little.

This artificially built hut is really not simple.

Even the dark matter melted?

Su Ziyu was slightly frightened in his heart, after all, dark matter belongs to the [Dark Wisdom Chapter], even in the face of Lao Huang, who was polluted by the evil god, he was not so powerless.

And this movement in front of him just shows that the bearded big man has some kind of power equal to the [Dark Wisdom Chapter]!

Thinking of this, Su Ziyu's mood suddenly tensed, it seems that the strong people of the morning star do not have a fuel-saving lamp.

Speaking of which, the Morning Star powerhouse that Su Ziyu killed was only one out of control Su Shocking.

But after all, Su was shocked out of control and became a monster with empty strength, but could not be used, and it was much easier to deal with.

"Dark Wisdom Bound Dungeon!"

Su Ziyu did not believe in evil, stepped on it, and the shadow hidden in the dim light seemed to come to life, climbing up the wall with his teeth and claws, spreading like a black tide, and the front end was partially bulging, turning into a pair of arms, trying to touch the door of the hut.

This scene also attracted the attention of the bearded man.

He turned around slowly, first noticing the small hole in the door frame that had been pierced out, and there were still scattered dark substances left at the edge of the hole.

Gradually, he only felt a chill in his spine, and his gaze swept to notice the dark arms that continued to extend inside the outside of the room, and those strange and rugged twisted threads like the tentacles of the devil.

The dark matter of their composition envelops the cabin, making it seem as if it is isolated in the black tide.

Gazing at the dark matter and the distorted thread, the bearded man's face changed and changed, his pupils seemed to have earthquaked, and he said incredulously:

"This force is... It's [Dark Wisdom Chapter]!

"What the hell are you! The King of Yellow...[Dark Wisdom] was taken by you?!

This remark made Su Ziyu slightly stunned.

What do you mean?

He also knows about [Dark Wisdom Chapter]?

This guy

Su Ziyu's eyes lit up and thought of a possibility.

Could it be that the bearded big man is a member of the old God Sect?!

Su Ziyu's eyes gradually became cold, and he seemed to be able to feel the gloomy gaze through the pale faceless mask.

"You belong to the Old God Sect?"

Su Ziyu asked softly, his voice could not hear joy or sorrow.

The expression on Hu Dahan's face was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't expect Su Ziyu to ask this question, and he was sluggish for two seconds before reacting, and the expression on his face suddenly became fierce: "Your Excellency is at enmity with us?" Why are you chasing me so hard? The

twisted thread grew and lengthened again, extending out and wrapping a thick layer on the ground where Su Ziyu was walking, dispersing the air pressure on both sides like a guard, Su Ziyu approached step by step, and said as he walked:

"Hehe, I still want to ask you, the three major cult groups in the abandoned factory were assembled by you, right?"

The ancient tone, the grinding tone echoed in the sewers, and with the pale face of the soft mask, the bearded man subconsciously trembled.

Just now, he was so shocked that he forgot that there was a suspected forbidden existence standing in front of him.

The bearded man shivered, rolled his Adam's apple subconsciously, and said tremblingly:

"The Ghoul Order... You destroyed it?! "

The king of yellow is actually playing a big chess game!

"No... No, it is rumored that the Ghoul Order was destroyed by an existence called Funeral Venerable, you..."

As he spoke, the bearded man's face turned red and white, and he said with horror:

"You... You are the Funeral Venerable?!

When he said these words, he felt as if his heart was pinched by an invisible big hand, and just when he wanted to breathe, the huge dark tide finally pressed down, and the twisted thread penetrated the room into a hornet's nest, the floor, the walls, the furniture everywhere, the brilliant decoration suddenly cast a shadow, even the big man was entangled in the twisted thread, unable to move.

Part of the twisted thread turned into black ash and dissipated, but immediately new twisted threads would form and pour in, and the tattered room would be repaired again and again, and each time it was repaired, it would be more seriously damaged.

Gradually, the speed of automatic patching finally couldn't keep up with the attack speed of [Bound Dungeon].

Seeing that the time was almost right, Su Ziyu held one hand high, holding a giant fireball with a radius of two meters wide in his palm, and the black flame was raging, exuding a terrifying aura.

With a bang, a giant fireball flew out.

Without reservation, without any hindrance, it was smashed into the dilapidated room.

Looking at the fireball, looking at it so close is like facing a black sun, hot and evil.

"No—" "

Funeral... King of Yellow! It turned out to be the same person! "


The bearded man let out a hideous roar, his face twisted.

Faced with the danger of possible death, he also showed all his strength.

The hands danced, the fingers tapped detly, as if pressing the keyboard, and in the sound of rattling, it seemed that some kind of cabinet door in the room was opened.

Then, many women poured out of the door....

Maybe say....

Female dolls.

This time at close observation, Su Ziyu finally found an abnormality.

Those female humans, each of them has a delicate face, a tall nose, a graceful body, beautiful as a carving of a top artist, without exception, their astral spirit bodies have all turned into layers of thin membranes, and a seven-knotted ring worm lives in the brain nerves.

The invisible spiritual dotted line, connected to their necks, controlled the opening of their mouths, and the spiritual beam shot out violently.

And there were more than a dozen such spiritual beams, which merged into huge beams of light and met the fireball.

Boom -


The flames burst into the sky, rolling up the wastewater, turning into rain falling in the sky, and finally being repelled by the wall of eternal night.

With the fire as the background, Su Ziyu quietly stared at the hut that had long been dilapidated.

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