It was a

thin and tall man in a light blue robe, black hair tied in a ponytail at the back of the head, if it was spread out, the long black hair was enough to be draped over the shoulders, adding a bit of femininity to the blue-robed figure, but that face was outstanding and beautiful, but it revealed a terrible madness in the elegance.

"The blue-robed figure... Strange patterns... It's the guy from the Forest of Desire..." Looking

at the blue-robed man who suddenly appeared, a figure quickly flashed in Su Ziyu's heart, and he was surprised, "People from the Truth Society?

"Oh? You know me? The blue-robed man's cold eyes swept at Su Ziyu, and suddenly raised his eyebrows, a thoughtful look flashed in his eyes, and after a moment he chuckled, "You are... That Su Ziyu? "

Sure enough... This guy has already set his sights on me ... Seeing that the other party actually knew himself, Su Ziyu's eyes gradually became cold.

If he guessed correctly, this blue-robed man was the mastermind behind this Yangcheng crisis.

"Messing up my plans three times and twice... You're really planning. The blue-robed man smiled softly, and his gaze fell on the 'Starfall Nether Blood Sacrifice Style' that had been broken through a small hole in the distance.

"I'm sorry, but you're blocking my way too."

For the threat in the blue-robed man's words, Su Ziyu just shrugged.

"Very good..." the blue-robed man brushed his hair, a sneer at the corner of his mouth, "Under the 'Truth Society' Sage Priest, from now on, this name will be imprinted in your heart forever!"

As soon as the words fell, the virtuous priest stepped a little, rose into the air, his hands naturally spread, and a delicate pamphlet slowly appeared in front of him, and a crack on the cover crept into a demon eye and opened, exuding an extremely evil filthy aura.

The heavy book automatically opened, and the sound of turning pages sounded, and then the space under the feet of Jun Shang and Zhiyun suddenly turned into a pool of blood and mud, and then a large mouth that was comparable to a whale opened sharply, revealing two rows of crisscrossing Senran teeth.

Seeing this, the Prison Blood Nine-Headed Dragon hurriedly took the second daughter of Junshang to leave in a flash, and at the same time, they swung out two spiritual exercises and blasted that Dao Senran back with a big mouth.

And the whale giant mouth saw that the blow failed to gain, and retracted into the blood mud again, as if something with life was squirming desperately in the void, and ripples caused by spatial fluctuations appeared everywhere.

"Are you all right?"

Su Ziyu stepped a little, joined the second daughter of Junshang, and asked in a low voice.

"It's okay."

Jun Shang and Zhiyun's little faces were full of solemnity, and suddenly Zhiyun raised his eyebrows and whispered, "Here it is again!" Hearing

this, Su Ziyu pushed the second daughter of Junshang with soft force in both hands, but he stood still, his eyes staring at the space below.

At this moment, the space rippled, turning into bloody soil, and a whale's huge mouth wrapped in a dirty smell and terrifying strength jumped out of it, biting towards Su Ziyu's feet, looking like if he was bitten, his feet would be immediately wasted.

Seeing this, a large amount of shadow power burst out from his body, and then the curtain dark beast opened the scarlet one-eyed, and the majestic shadow energy instantly formed a pitch-black shadow shield, and the fierce suction force gushed out, and the giant mouth hidden in the blood and mud was pulled out, and the attack was also stopped by the 'dimensional dark shield'.

And Su Ziyu took advantage of the aftermath of the energy explosion, his figure shook, and he came to the Sage Priest, and in the latter's unprepared gaze, the black blade slashed down heavily, and suddenly blood splashed, and the screams resounded in the sky.

The virtuous priest covered his left shoulder, looking at the bloody wound in disbelief, his originally gentle expression changed abruptly, and his elegant temperament also became fierce, raised his head again, stared at Su Ziyu, and said with a sinister smile:

"You... Very good!

As soon as the words fell, the virtuous priest squeezed out a strange and complicated seal with both hands, and shouted sharply:

"Black and white double ghosts, now!"

The heavy book shone brightly, and suddenly a ripple of space appeared beside him, converging into two humanoid silhouettes, and then two evil spirits dressed in black and white robes, horns on their heads, and strange figures walked out of the void.

The black old ghost has pitch-black horns on his head, his ugly face is as black as carbon, and there is an indifferent and serious smile on the corner of his mouth, while the white old ghost is dressed in a white robe with milky white horns on his head, and his equally ugly face is covered with miserable white, and there is a slightly playful smile at the corner of his mouth.

When two old ghosts, one black and one white, appeared in this heaven and earth, suddenly the surrounding space was shaken by that invisible coercive pressure and cracked out of the Dao crack!

Two Immortal-level high-level peak powerhouses!

"Oblivious... Lord Xian, what kind of trouble did you encounter this time and actually summoned us all? The

white old ghost stood firmly in midair, and then asked with a smile.

The black old ghost's round eyes like an ox on the side also glanced at the virtuous priest.

"Haha... How does it feel for the two to come out and breathe? Seeing this, the virtuous priest smiled, and then nodded at Su Ziyu and his group, "That kid sabotage me and other big things, the two of you help out, those two little ladies hand over to you, that guy will hand over to me." "

The black and white double ghosts used to be two believers of the Truth Society, but the Shouyuan is approaching and can only age and fall, there is an unwritten rule in the Truth Society, if the dead believers in the Society reach the immortal level, they need to use secret methods to seal their corpses and spirit bodies, and then use some ancient black magic that connects the dimensional plane to summon them.

"What about this guy?" The black old ghost turned his bull's eyes and glared at Su Ziyu, and said in surprise, "Immortal-level peak? To achieve such an achievement at such a young age is also a wizard. "

Oblivious... I didn't expect to encounter such an opponent as soon as it came out... Interesting..." The

white old ghost on the side also smiled gloomy, and his spiritual energy burst out, full of killing intent.

"Do it!"

Seeing this, the virtuous priest did not continue to drag on, waved his big hand, and shouted sharply.

The three figures were like ghosts streaked through three long rainbows of different colors in midair, rushing towards Su Ziyu and his group.

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