"This is?"

The endless dead fire automatically separated a fire channel for Su Ziyu to pass through, and after running for about half an hour in this ancient realm that had lost its sense of orientation, rows of 'reeds' swaying in the wind suddenly appeared in the distance.

If you look closer, you can see that it is a whole palm!

The palms were pale, the nails were sharp and sharp, dark and long, most of the arms were sticking out of the earth, and eyeballs grew on the arms, scanning all around.

They are called 'Abyss Ghost Hands', and they are also another low-level monster within the first layer of the 'Dead Fire Realm'.

From a distance, the arms swayed in the wind, and the scene was so mad that it made the scalp feel numb.

After sensing Su Ziyu's approach, one after another Abyss Ghost Hands suddenly turned, dark eyes stared at him, and then grabbed the void in his palm, and a large amount of dead fire was attracted to the palm, condensed into a dark green fireball, and threw it forward.

For a time, the fireball flew out overwhelmingly, like a green meteor across the sky, with a hint of weirdness in the magnificence.

These fireballs obviously flew in the direction of Su Ziyu, but when there was still a distance of more than ten meters from the former, they all turned and flew in all directions, and if there were fireballs on the hard scalp, they would be burned into nothingness by the Nether Ghost Fire within a few meters.

"Nether Ghost Fire?! What a weird human! "

Oblivious... There are very few humans who can tame this kind of flame, and I didn't expect to be able to encounter it here. "

It's nerve-wracking... The human body that can tame the Netherworld Ghost Fire must be very delicious..."

I don't seem to have eaten the taste of human flesh and blood for a long time..."

After seeing that the death fire could not get close to Su Ziyu, a gap opened in the palm of the Abyss Ghost Hand, revealing two rows of illusory teeth, which was a scarlet blood mouth, and the harsh chanting sound came out of its mouth, layered and echoed endlessly in this area.

Su Ziyu stepped a little and soared into the air, and spiritual wings condensed on his back, trying to fly away from this sea of ghost hands.

Seeing Su Ziyu flying from above the sky, the abyss ghost hands below turned their eyeballs one by one, staring at the former, and then their palms stretched sharply and lengthened, driving the terrifying wind and grabbing Su Ziyu fiercely.

The overwhelming pitch-black palm grabbed, Su Ziyu snorted coldly, and immediately grabbed it towards the void, the black blade emerged, swung it casually, and danced a burst of phantoms, countless dozens of pitch-black knives flew out, slammed down on those palms, and after being attacked, the abyss ghost hand was shot down like a broken kite.

With such a fierce strength, Su Ziyu pushed all the way, and in a short time, he passed through the ocean formed by that ghost hand.

However, the scene in the distance made Su Ziyu's heart sink, and now the abyss ghost hands swaying desperately below, making strange screams, like a dense forest, with no end in sight.

It was difficult for Su Ziyu to imagine how an ordinary immortal-level powerhouse would pass through this ghost hand forest.

Opening the all-vision true eye and casually glancing, Su Ziyu flicked his finger lightly, and then spatial ripples appeared around his body, and Xiao Ye twisted his graceful figure and slowly walked out.

"Master, what's going on this time?" Xiao Ye swept his eyes and suddenly exclaimed, "This is the abyss? "

Pull out all those ghost hands below for me."

Su Ziyu said lightly.

If we talk about a wide range of AOE damage, then the 'hypergravity strike' of the lust soul is the best choice now.

Moreover, the last thing lacking in the abyss is the spirit body light spot, and the 'Na Soul' can also be fully stored, so that the 'Super Gravity Strike' can also exert its most powerful power.


Xiao Ye did not shirk, threw a wink at Su Ziyu, and then gently removed the 'Soul Lamp' pinned to his waist, and as the 'Soul Lamp' lit up, a large number of spirit light spots converged inside.

At this moment, the abyss ghost hands who sensed the danger let out a wail one after another, and grabbed Su Ziyu above the sky.

In this regard, Su Ziyu was not in a hurry, just slightly accelerated the flight speed, and Xiao Ye also gently shook the 'Soul Lamp' that had been fully stored at this time, slowly removed the bloody scythe behind him, and knocked the 'Soul Lamp' in his left hand the scythe, and suddenly there was a muffled sound of 'bang', and the dull sound wave spread out.

"Hypergravity Strike!"

Xiao Ye fell, the bloody scythe waved, and a terrible hurricane of hundreds of zhang instantly formed, and the wind and clouds broke all the abyss ghost hands on the earth.

The wails were everywhere, and the mournful screams rushed to the soul.

"Good job."

Su Ziyu glanced at the miserable situation below, and saw that there were no new Abyss Ghost Hands rushing towards him for the time being, and immediately gave Xiao Ye a thumbs up, and then waved it casually, and it was included in the Chaos Sea.

The void under his feet was a little, his spiritual wings vibrated violently, and Su Ziyu's speed rose another level, like a divine rainbow across the heavens and the earth.

The extinct Abyss Ghost Hands also drilled out of the pitch-black earth again after Su Ziyu flew away from this area, and then swayed again, except for the cracks in the torn earth and the smell of blood and destruction that filled the air, everything here seemed to have not changed.

As the lowest creature of the abyss, although the combat power of the Abyss Ghost Hand is not strong, such a terrifying reproductive ability is enough to give most ordinary extraordinary people a headache.

At this time, Su Ziyu had been flying in the first layer for nearly half a day, during which he had also encountered several abyss ghost hand groups and cross-sieges of dead fire, but they were easily resolved by Xiao Ye.

The first layer was very large, and even though it was the second day, Su Ziyu still hadn't seen a human other than him.

"I don't know what level Junshang was teleported to... It seems that this is probably not the first layer, otherwise I would have encountered it long ago. "

Bishop Lan Lu seems to have followed suit, hoping that he will not do anything bad... There was also the virtuous priest of the Truth Society, and he was not seen.

"I don't know what kind of monster the city lord of the first layer is... It seems that he can only go down to the second floor and continue to search. Many

thoughts surged through his heart, and what made Su Ziyu most pleased was that he had not yet received Junshang's prayer at this time, and according to his understanding of the latter, Junshang should still be safe, at least not dangerous enough to need to help him.

"I can only go to the second floor."

Su Ziyu nodded slowly, and the spiritual wings behind him vibrated violently, leaving one after another afterimages above the sky, flying towards the direction where the abyss aura was the strongest.

He could feel that there was the entrance to the abyss on the second level.

It's just that as the distance narrowed, Su Ziyu's heart actually rose up with an inexplicable sense of familiarity....

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