"This is?"

Su Ziyu looked at the place pointed by Jun Shang, and saw that a slightly protruding stone on the stone wall turned dark red, and an increasingly strong smell of blood emanated from it.

"The smell of blood..."

Su Ziyu raised his eyebrows, glanced at Jun Shang, and while opening the all-seeing true eye, he slapped a palm on the slightly protruding stone, accompanied by a dull sound.

The stone cracked in response, the rubble splashed everywhere, and then the power that spilled out spread along the stone wall, instantly covering cracks of different thicknesses, and with a bang, a half-human-tall hole appeared in front of the two.

Along with the dust came a rancid smell of blood.

The moment he saw the hole, Su Ziyu pulled Jun Shang to quickly evacuate, and then an energy arrow flew out, and after shooting into the air, it hit the stone wall directly opposite, instantly corroding it into a large hole.

"Thank you..."

Seeing this, Jun Shang hurriedly whispered, "Do you want to go in and take a look?"

"Of course."

Su Ziyu nodded indifferently.

Although there are unknown dangers hidden in the hole, Su Ziyu has always adhered to the principle of seeking wealth in danger.

The more dangerous the place, the more likely it is to get things that ordinary people can't get.

This is true of Huo Ling'er, as well as for high-grade materials.

In this regard, Jun Shang did not object, and after seeing that there were no more energy arrows flying out of the hole, he entered with Su Ziyu one after another.

Inside the hole, there is indeed a hole.

What catches the eye is a whole clearing, the tall Optimus Pillar supports the dome, carefully counted, there are two stone pillars in the four corners, and there are a total of eight stone pillars in this secret room.

The stone pillars depict unknown texts and paintings, both ancient and mysterious.

However, what they were most concerned about at the moment was not the eight stone pillars, but the red blood that spread to the floor of the entire secret room.

The blood was apparently pouring from behind the huge stone door directly in front of it, because from the gap connecting the floor, dense bubbles could be seen undulating.

"Here... What happened..."

Jun Shang stared blankly at the scene in front of him.

"Perhaps... This is the real holy place for buried bones..." Su

Ziyu's face was full of solemnity, and he walked forward, "Go over and take a look." Seeing

this, Jun Shang quickly followed.

The two walked to the stone pillar on the side closest to them, and the two stone pillars were arranged together in a strange geometric beauty, and the words and runes depicted on the stone pillar were almost identical.

"This kind of writing... I've seen it before in ancient books..." Jun Shang gently stroked the ancient words and runes on it, "They represent death... It is a very popular script in ancient times, symbolizing the wish to give the best wishes to the dead.

"Dead people?"

Su Ziyu raised his eyebrows, his brows locked, and quickly rushed to the stone pillar on the other side, and found that the patterns and words depicted on it were almost the same.

"No need to look... It's all the same..." Jun Shang looked at the ancient stone pillar in front of him and suddenly said.

"You have a clue?"

Su Ziyu raised his eyebrows.

After a moment of silence, Jun Shang slowly spoke,

"Perhaps... These eight stone pillars are exactly eight coffins..."

Su Ziyu subconsciously took a few steps back and was surprised, "These are coffins? "

Don't you know if you try?"

Jun Shang put his jade hand on the stone pillar, mobilized the whole body of spiritual energy to gather to his fingertips, and then gently pointed down towards the surface, and the next scene, the scene that shocked Su Ziyu appeared.

A hole the size of a thumb was opened on the surface of the stone pillar, and through the hole, a dragon body covered with scales could already be seen!

"This is the dragon's scale armor...?"

Su Ziyu himself has a demon dragon pet, and is naturally very familiar with the scales of dragons.

"This whole piece... I'm afraid it's all dragons' graves! There

was a faint tremor in Jun Shang's usually cold voice.

"Sure enough, it's the Holy Land of Buried Bones

..." Su Ziyu gently flicked over the ancient dragon scale armor, looked at the remaining stone pillars with hot eyes, and secretly said in his heart, "I don't know if there will be any abnormalities here after this thing is taken away by the system space..."

There are eight stone pillars here, and according to the ancient aura emitted by the dead dragon body, Su Ziyu speculated that the eight dragon corpses were at least the corpses of sage-level powerhouses!

The sage-level dragon corpse is a proper high-star material!

Moreover, the corpses of the same kind of sage were used as funeral goods ... It is hard to imagine how powerful the dragon corpse buried in the main tomb behind the stone gate was

... According to the legend of the Bone Buried Holy Land, it must be the Dragon King named the Yuan Ice Bone Dragon that is buried....

However, Su Ziyu was not in a hurry to pocket the eight stone pillars, and they would not go out for the time being, in case something went wrong, it would be a big trouble.

You can wait until you have finished exploring the main chamber before coming back and taking it away.

"Let's go, go to the main tomb."

Su Ziyu took Jun Shang to the stone door in the center, pushed it in, and surprisingly, the stone door turned inward like this.

Seeing this, Su Ziyu quickly pulled Jun Shang to flash inside.

The way to enter the main tomb was even simpler than he had imagined.

Before Su Ziyu could think about the mystery, he looked up, and was first calmed by the scene in front of him.

The area of this main tomb is only one-third of the outside, and above the high altar in the center, there is a stone pillar that leads straight into the sky, and inside the stone pillar, there is a corpse of a bone dragon...

"Profound Ice Bone Dragon..." Looking

at the dragon corpse, Su Ziyu was surprised.

However, at this time, the inside of the body of the Profound Ice Bone Dragon was filled with a large amount of blood, and it was obvious that the blood outside just now spread out from here, because there was too much blood here!

Stepping on the ground, the ocean of blood can already spread to the calves.

As his gaze wandered, Su Ziyu noticed that above the dome, there were a large number of corpses, and those blood dripped from those corpses, and then absorbed by the Profound Ice Bone Dragon.

And on those hanging corpses, Su Ziyu also saw a corpse with an exceptionally powerful aura, which had reached the sage level...

"Asura Demon..." Su

Ziyu's gaze fell on the tall demon, and he couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

Hunt down all the Abyssal Monsters of the Asura Demon level... In the second layer of the abyss, who can do it except the demon hunters....

Just as these thoughts flashed through Su Ziyu's mind, a scalp-numbing knife suddenly struck from behind him!

Seeing this, Jun Shang reacted the fastest, dodged up, two daggers slipped from the sleeve robe, and then threw them out hard, colliding with the dark black knife!


After the collision of the two, it exploded, the terrifying spiritual energy spread out like ripples, the sea of blood was splashed tens of meters, and then the two daggers were bounced away, and the dark black knife was invincible, looking at this momentum, if it was touched, I was afraid that the body would be stirred into pieces.

"Be careful!"

Su Ziyu pulled the pale-faced Jun Shang behind him, and at the same time grabbed the palm of the void, a black blade emerged, gripped the black blade and swung forward, and a knife of the same size also flew over and collided with it.

The space trembled, and then the two canceled each other, and the energy that escaped only caused a ripple in the blood.

"Oh? Few extraordinary human beings can block my sword. A

cold sound came from the sky, and I saw that there, a figure with two pairs of spiritual wings on his back, standing in the air, heavily armoured, wearing a heavy iron helmet, could only see two dark eyes exposed, full of frightening murderous aura.

"Demon hunter?"

Su Ziyu asked without surprise.

He had already guessed.

"You know me?"

The demon hunter inserted the heavy sword back into the sword pouch on his back, wrapped his hands around his chest, and asked with an indifferent expression.

"Natural recognition." A gentle smile surged on Su Ziyu's face, "Don't hide from you, in fact, I came here specially all the way here just for your spinal fluid." Hearing

this, the scarlet eyes of the demon hunter exposed to the air flashed with killing intent, and he laughed maniacally:

"There are many people who have this idea, but most of them are dead!"

Some of them were eaten into the stomach, some were hung by me, hahaha... You're going to be one of them soon!

"Fei is so big, and such an evil demon ceremony is held here... It must be related to the corpse of that Profound Ice Bone Dragon, right? "

Hahaha... It doesn't hurt to tell you, I have the blood of the evil dragon flowing in my body, so I have to use the power of alien knowledge to make up for myself

, and when I absorb the power of the Profound Ice Bone Dragon, I will definitely be able to impact the angel level!"

In this way, above the fourth layer of the abyss, I am the hegemon!

Speaking of his plan, the demon hunter shouted furiously.

Speaking of him, he is also lonely, in the barren city, without relatives, silently preparing his plan, and now finally seeing two living people, he naturally wants to share his joy with others.

"I've been preparing here for hundreds of years, and in fact, there are still hundreds of inferior demon bodies..."

the demon hunter took the blue potion and red potion from his waist and drank it, "but the arrival of the two of you has saved me some effort, and the favorite thing of the ritual is human flesh and blood..."

You alone can be worth hundreds of inferior demons... And the strength is not bad.

When he finished drinking the two bottles of potion, his dark eyes turned red and blue, looking quite strange.

"This is a demon potion made using demonic blood refining... Due to my special physique, I can fully absorb the power in the potion..." As

he spoke, the demon hunter slowly removed the heavy sword on his back, and between the swings of the huge sword body, a dull sound of breaking the void could be heard.

"Now, it's my time."

As soon as the words fell, the demon hunter clenched the heavy sword with both hands, leaving one after another afterimages in mid-air like teleportation, coming to Su Ziyu's body, and then the heavy sword swung out fiercely!

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