"Yes... I remember... Damn, I was too careless..." After

listening to Su Ziyu's story, the bishop of the Knowledge Church in the Northwest Region reacted and quickly thanked him.

Raising his head, his gaze once again fell on Su Ziyu, because the latter had only experienced a battle, and his breath had not yet converged completely, so as soon as Bishop Lan raised his eyes, he found that Su Ziyu's breath became thicker, and even faintly had a feeling that he was more than himself.

"The Sage... The breath of the sage-level..." Bishop Lan Hao was startled, and then his eyes showed surprise, "You have been promoted to the sage-level?"

"But he still remembered that when he met Su Ziyu in the outside world, Su Ziyu was indeed only immortal-level, even if he could kill a sage-level powerhouse when he was immortal-level, his strength realm was indeed immortal-level.

Although there was only a big level difference between the Immortal Grade and the Sage Level, this level was something that countless people could not cross in their entire lives.

Only by entering the Sage level is the real high-level of entering the extraordinary world, even in the three orthodox god churches, the sage level can already serve as the chief priest or bishop of a region, and each of them also has their own honorific name in the extraordinary world.

Like Su Ziyu who was promoted to the Sage level at such a young age, even those core believers in the Orthodox God Church who had been baptized by 'Holy Water' and 'Divine Language' were very few.

Moreover, Su Ziyu was not a believer of any Orthodox God Church, so Bishop Lan Hao focused on the ancient god named 'Funeral Venerable' behind him.

Promoting to the Sage rank requires rituals... And he rose through the abyss ... Does it mean that his promotion ceremony is related to the abyss?

Thinking of this, Bishop Lan Hao only felt that his heart jumped, the promotion ceremony and the need for the abyss to assist... Then his visualization is at the lowest level of gods....

Judging from his identity as the agent of the funeral Venerable, his visualization diagram is likely to be the Burial Venerable?

Need the Abyss to complete the Sage-level ritual... Hiss... Even the core disciples within the Three Great Orthodox God Churches had never arranged such a dangerous promotion ceremony for them...

"What kind of divine is he..."

At the same time that Bishop Lan Yu became more and more jealous of the name of the funeral in his heart, Su Ziyu smiled noncommittally,

"What are you doing here?"

"Hey... It's a long story, my luck wasn't very good, as soon as I entered the abyss, the third floor appeared, strolling around, and ran to this ancient building. Speaking of what happened to him, a wry smile appeared at the corner of Bishop Lan Hao's mouth, "You also know what happened after that... You also came all the way from below?

At the end, Bishop Lan asked curiously.


Su Ziyu nodded, and immediately said with some understanding, "It turns out that the traces of the fight in the corridor on the second floor were left by you.

"Have you seen that too?" Hearing this, Bishop Lan raised his eyebrows and asked casually.

Su Ziyu nodded and muttered,

"This is the experimental base of the 'Truth Society'?" What exactly are they doing? Human experiments?

"Yes and no." Bishop Lan Hao's face gradually became solemn:

"A long time ago, there was an S-level topic called 'Casting the Abyss' in the Church of Knowledge, the content was to find a way to perfectly control the abyss through the study of the abyss, in essence, he still wanted to control the abyss monsters, and then take the ancient abyss as the second home of mankind, hoping to survive the doomsday prophecy in the near future.

We were lucky, the 'Forging the Abyss' topic did make some progress, until later we found a path that seemed to work, but it required a lot of bloody sacrifices, and the effect behind was not ideal

, and even because of this topic, many cutting-edge church scientists and technicians were lost, and it also caused a city-destroying disaster.

In the end, this topic was abandoned by us, and even listed as a prohibited subject, and could not be further explored.

But who knows, it will actually be re-excavated by a person named Shan Chen, who turned out to be a top researcher on the topic of 'casting the abyss' and has the key data of the topic.

On a very ordinary night, he suddenly disappeared, taking the key data and a dozen research talents with him.

As you can probably guess, this is a cliché story, Shan Chen is the president of the later famous "Truth Society", thirty years ago, the activities of the "Truth Society" gradually became low-key, and Shan Dust also disappeared like a human evaporation, under our surveillance.

"Now it seems that many of the previous questions are finally answered." Bishop Lan Lu sighed lightly and said in a deep voice, "Thirty years ago, Shan Chen probably hid in the abyss, and then built such an experimental base here....

Judging from the information they left behind, perhaps they have found a way to perfectly control the Abyss Monster..." Quietly

listening to Bishop Lan Hao's story, Su Ziyu nodded silently.

He knew why the 'Truth Society' dared to open the so-called 'Casting Abyss' plan again, presumably related to the root sap of the 'Mother Tree of Desire'...

What the true evil gods left behind....

"Have you seen all the third floors?" Su Ziyu walked around the room and suddenly asked, "Are there any other clues?"

"Yes, I was aware of the problem here and accidentally attacked by that virtual ghost."

Bishop Lan nodded solemnly, groped on the wall next to him for a while, and then the wall of the conference room suddenly moved away, revealing a round hall with a very high-tech texture.

"Although this guy Shan Chen defected to the Knowledge Church, he didn't expect that he would actually use the previous combination lock in his laboratory..." Looking

at the secret room that was suddenly opened, Bishop Lan couldn't help but sigh.

"Listening to your tone, it seems to be familiar with Shan Chen? But isn't he a figure of the last century?

Shan Chen has been active since the Fourth Age, and he may be two or three hundred years old in the real calculation, and

Bishop Yilan's age does not seem to be right..."

Su Ziyu said suspiciously.

"Huh... You observe very carefully, I don't know Shan Chen, but there is some relationship. While checking for danger in the secret room, Bishop Lan explained as he explained, "We are just from the same family, and if you really calculate it, he should be my senior brother."

"I didn't expect you to have this relationship, that's why you hate the 'Truth Society' so much..."

"When the teacher went to arrest him, he was seriously injured by that guy... This revenge must be rewarded no matter what, even if he is now hiding in the abyss. After

confirming that there was no danger in the secret room, Bishop Lan slowly walked inside.

After understanding the gossip, Su Ziyu also followed.

He was also curious, what secrets were hidden in the secret room that was so tightly hidden by the single dust?

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