Walking down the 'steps', from the first floor to the fourth floor, even the extraordinary who fights iron will feel tired.

The abyss, the fallen place of all living things, the gathering place of the dark side of human emotions, staying here for a long time, even if it is strong, it will be more or less affected by the mental pollution coefficient.

For example, Su Ziyu, who had been in the abyss for about a week, had a feeling of vertigo for the first time when walking on the 'steps', fortunately, the dragon pattern on his chest was stimulated, which made the damn vertigo gradually disappear, and the body began to adapt to this layer of mental pollution coefficient.

Bishop Lan Yu, who was following Su Ziyu, looked at the unusually hard figure in front of him, and a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

It stands to reason that the fourth layer has reached the limit of the Sage level.

Even he felt surrounded by a sense of powerlessness, and this was because he had a forbidden item specially distributed to him by the church to resist the pollution of the abyss.

"Does Brother Su also have corresponding taboo items? Still is... Really persevered with flesh and willpower until now... It's simply not human..." Bishop

Lan found himself more and more unable to understand the young man in front of him, but fortunately, after calculating the time, the group of old guys in the branch should also come over....

The fourth floor of the abyss, the door of the key.

In fact, the abyss can be divided into the upper and lower realms.

The lower boundary is one, two, three, and four floors, while the upper boundary is five, six or seven layers.

Among them, the so-called dividing line is the fourth layer of the abyss - the door of the key.

After passing through the fourth layer, the lowest standard of survival is the angel level, or even the old level....

Therefore, the fourth layer, as the final layer of the Nether, the power of cave dwelling is stronger than the previous layers....

Here, there is no fog or poisonous gas, and at a glance, it is a mysterious space composed of lenses of various colors, and strange light is reflected back and forth between the glasses.

Raising his head, Su Ziyu looked at the dome of this area, colorful brilliance filled the sky, and in the farthest corner, a round of blood moon always hung high.

Su Ziyu didn't know if that round of blood moon had some connection with the moon in the outside world, only knew that there was no distinction between night and day in the abyss, and that round of blood-colored discs always hung high and never fell.

Two figures strolled on the desolate black earth, step by step, slowly moving forward.

After the two walked away, the black earth suddenly loosened, and then a snow-white worm came out, with a humane expression on his face, looking at the back of Su Ziyu and the two, and a weird smile slowly opened at the corner of his mouth.

"Cluck... Found it..."

"Is that him?" Hey, hey, hey... Lord Priest smelled him for me... Very wonderful. "

Lord Priest said he would come... I didn't expect it to really come... Hahaha... What to say, stunned?

"Maybe it's just plain stupidity?" Hahahahaaaa

"Ah..." Several

black knives flew in, and the sound sounded, and a fat and ugly worm fell to the ground in response, some were cut in half, some were crushed into powder, some were cut from the middle, some were headless, in short, there were all kinds of death, warm green blood spilled everywhere, so that the land appeared a strange green color.

The sound of breaking the air sounded, and then two figures fell in the air, Su Ziyu pressed the blade with one hand, the blade body cracked one after another, and the scarlet long tongue touched the earth, 'sucking and sucking' to absorb blood.

"That's good, it's so good."

Su Ziyu simply inserted the black blade directly into the earth, and the color of the earth that was dyed dark green seemed to become much lighter.

This strange scene, the corner of Bishop Lan Yu's forehead jumped sharply when he saw it, and his surprised gaze fell on the black blade in Su Ziyu's hand.

"Where are your people?"

At this time, Su Ziyu's thumb and forefinger were pinching a snow-white worm, and the latter kept struggling, emitting a miserable scream similar to a baby's cry.

"Kill me... Kill me... I won't say it... Woo hoo... I was wrong, I said! I say! Before

the words were finished, Su Ziyu's fingertips were on the top of the worm's head, and the original breath permeated.

After so many adjustments, Su Ziyu also understood that whether it was a monster or a taboo item, in fact, what scared them the most was the primordial aura that the Primordial Demon God released all the time.

This breath, when he was at the immortal level, Su Ziyu could not use it without limit, because at that time, his fusion with the original was not deep enough.

After being promoted to the Sage level, as the relationship between the two deepened, the Primordial Breath, a thing carried by the Primordial Demon God, was also willing to lend to Su Ziyu.

See, that's the progress of the relationship.

What's yours is mine.

"Say it well, don't lie."

Su Ziyu's fingertips burst out a spear condensed from the original breath, and with a roar, he stabbed the snow-white worm into the earth, and a smile unconsciously pulled out on his face, waiting for an answer.

"North... All the way north... Lord Xian is there..." I

have to say that the IQ of this snow-white worm is still okay, at least he has figured out that Su Ziyu is the person that the Sage Priest is looking for.


Su Ziyu nodded in satisfaction, slowly stood up, withdrew the black blade that had been eaten almost enough, said hello to Bishop Lan Hao, and rushed straight to the north.

Not long after Su Ziyu and the two left, the snow-white worm suddenly shouted, pulled away an ugly smile, and roared madly:

"Boom... Hey, hey, hey... Ever since you set foot here, Lord Sage's trap has been waiting for you!

Ignorant human beings do not yet know what kind of hell awaits you ahead! "

Hahaha... Aaaah!


The energy spear that crossed the worm's body suddenly exploded, and for a while blood and flesh flew everywhere, and the green liquid splashed everywhere, especially in the desolate and uninhabited wilderness, it finally became quiet again, and there was no need to hear that disgusting sound of chirping again.



In the face of absolute strength, any fancy traps are futile.

Far north, what awaits them is not the imagined army or an ancient fortress that is strictly defended.

At the end of the desolate land, a figure was standing, and the blood-red moonlight fell and fell on him, like a blood-red long cloak, flying in the wind.


The dull sound of footsteps appeared unusually heavy and clear in the uninhabited wilderness, like a beat of a drum declaring war.

The figure standing at the end of the dark earth, also because of this footsteps, slowly raised its head, revealing that slightly hideous face, several knife marks were carved on the face, which was chilling.

However, when he saw clearly the two figures that appeared at the end of his sight, he unconsciously pulled a smile on his face, that smile, some crazy, but also some expectation, and then he raised his hand to touch the knife marks on his face, and a strong killing intent erupted in his powerful eyes.

"It's finally here... Su Ziyu... I've waited so hard for you... The scars on my face hurt every day because of you, and your slash was really hard... The cut is really cruel..." staring

at the two figures that were gradually approaching, an old friend-like smile appeared on the face of the blue-robed figure, and Senran spoke:

"Today, isn't it time for me to leave a deep memory for you..."

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